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Cyrils POV

One week and three days have passed since school began, yet it feels as if it has been longer. The classes go by smoothly, the teacher is a pain in the ass but he is different than any other teacher that we have had. He is wild in a way one would not expect from their teacher and he is fun. He treats us all equally as if we are his own children instead of students, and of course with a school comes the whispered rumors and the same stares that we have all gotten since first grade. But none of that is what makes it feel as if everyday takes a lifetime just to end.

Oh no, that would be the new girl.

Like us she is constantly stared at and each of the people that see her begin to whisper about her as if they wish for nothing more than to annoy her or ruin her life with their foul words, yet none of their tactics work. Unlike most women I know she does not seem to care about what others say or even think of her. Instead she seems to be able to completely ignore them as if she cannot even hear them to begin with. She has not said a single word since school began, not even to answer a question the teacher asks when he calls on her, she just silently stares at him then looks out of the window as if what she sees outside is the most interesting thing she has ever seen. Even her beast of a companion remains silent. After the first few days we had all caught on that he does not accept it when people he does not know get close to her. He even tried to attack the teacher when he moved to set a paper on her desk, but each time she will lay one of her small gloved hands on his large back and he will go silent, staring at the person that had dared to come to close to his master as if daring them to get even closer. It makes me wonder how sharing a room with her would work. That is if she would ever use it.

After school had ended the first day I went back to our dorm to try and speak to her. To ask her what she thought of the school or if she would show me how to do the problems for our math homework even though it was as simple as two plus two. I wanted to hear her voice, to see if she could speak or if she had a reason not to, and I wanted to find out if she felt a pull towards me just as I do for her, but she was not there. I had waited up for her all night but she never showed, she was there for class the next day turning in each of the signed papers that the teacher had asked us to take to our parents, and all day long she would be there, but the second the last bell rings she is gone without a way of finding where she went, not even a scent to follow her by. Even when she is sitting in the seat just beside me and I try to speak to her I am unable to do so. I am either threatened by that overly grown animal of hers or completely ignored as if I had never said anything to begin with. I had talked to the teacher about it but all he said was to give her time to adjust so I am. If she wishes to speak, if she can speak that is, then I will wait until she feels like doing so.

"Thinking about that roommate of yours again?" My thoughts leave me as the deep voice fills the room making me sigh as I fall back onto my bed only for Issac to chuckle as if my misery pleases him.

"I seriously do not understand it. Why put all of your things into the room if you have no use for it? Why come here at all if it is as problematic as it seems to be for her?" Both of my hands move as I speak, my left hand moves in the air as if to show my annoyance while my right moves behind my head as if to take place of my pillow as I stare at the ceiling above me.

"Better question is, why are her sheets in a shredded mess? Is she that wild in bed?" A dark growl builds in my chest at the mere thought of someone touching her in such a way, but I force it back as I look to my right to see Jacob standing over her bed with his fingers tracing the holes in her black sheets as they rest limply on her bed.

"Stop touching her things, if her beast of an animal smells you on them he will eat you alive." His green eyes meet mine with an almost childish gleam to them and I frown at him making him pout as he moves to my side of the room and plops on the bed beside me.

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