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"Alright cass, today you will be remaining in your Human forms to fight your enemies. Those that had been prey for the past two days will begin as prey today but the moment everyone has been taken out you will be switching, meaning that all of you prey will become predators and vice versa. As I had said before each of you will remain in your Human forms and you will be given a bracelet that you are to keep wearing from now on. As I had told you all before these bracelets have been made to tell me when you shift back and forth from one form to another. Along with shifting these bracelets will be able to show me just how much effort you use when using your magic, meaning they will show me how quickly using magic will drain you and how well you can use it which will tell me where it is that I will need to begin when we begin our magic lessons on the last week before the trip. Last but not least these bracelets have a tracking device on them to lead me to where you are in case any of you get lost or seriously injured, and with it they will show me how your hearts react in certain situations." Mr. Williams removes the small brown box from under his arm and begins to pass each of the small black bracelets out making sure that everyone gets one before he moves back to Jamies side and hands him one of the two large tablets that he had sat on top of his bag when we had first gotten here but I ignore it as I snap the bracelet onto my wrist before pulling my jacket sleeve over it making Cyril frown only to take my hand in his own with a gentle squeeze. "Now this may be difficult for you so I will not be apposed to any of you forming groups with one to three people of your choice, but there are rules for if you do decide on doing so. The first rule is that if one of you go down the both of you go down. It does not matter if you are a mile away from your partner, the moment they are pinned to the ground you are both considered pinned. The second rule is that you will lose points or be considered pinned if you leave your partner behind to save your own hide, that I will leave up to Jamie to decide. The third rule is that if your partner gets harmed you are to take care of them with the use of magic or not I do not care, they are under your charge and if they are not taken care of then you will be docked half the grade for today. There is a goal to this that I wish for each of you to learn, but of course I will not be telling you what that goal is. You are to learn this goal on your own or with your partner and tell me what it is when you think you know it. Now, if you wish to partner up all of you should do so now." As soon as the words leave his lips everyone, other than Cyril and I, begins to move to do as he says.

It does not take long before I feel a large hand gently slide into my left one as if asking for permission before Issac slowly and gently pulls me away from Cyrils side making his hold tighten on my right hand before his hand falls away to smack against his side making him glare at the man beside me just as my body grows stiff from his touch. "It is about time we got some one on one time together Lily, so what do you say? Will you be my partner?" I feel his hope flow through him as I turn my head to take him in making his deep green eyes brighten as I do so as if my answer means a lot to him. I do nothing to answer him as my eyes slide away from his to look over his shoulder only to meet with Jamies golden yellow eyes that already stare into my own. His eyes hold the same hope that rests within Issacs eyes as he stares at me and before I can stop myself I give him a slow nod.

"Of course Issac." The second the words leave me both men seem to let out sighs of relief and I feel Issac give my hand the same soft squeeze that Cyril usually gives it.

"Thank you Lily." I give him nothing more than a nod as my answer before I turn away from him only to take in our teacher as he looks over each of us as if debating on if we had all chosen well enough or not. Even if he finds a flaw in our choices he says nothing about it as he leans his head back as if to smell the air.

"Alright. Now that you are all partnered with someone here is what will happen. Like yesterday each of you predators are considered enemies to the prey so they will be expected to run away from you and you will all be expected to catch them. For the past two days I have realized that not many of you prey had fought against a predator once they had found you and that is alright, but I hope you know this is not only about running out of the predators reach but to also fight back to help get them off of your trail. You do not have to give a large fight with fists and thrown legs but a good blast of magic or a bite to one of their legs while in animal form is enough to make them stumble. Any opening you can get is precious, so take it whenever you are able to do so it could save your life." He lifts his brows as he speaks, his ocean blue and mossy green eyes take in each of us as if to show us just how serious he is. Just as they always do, his eyes pause when they meet my own and I watch his dark brows pull close together before he looks away to smile at the rest of the class. "Now begin, I cannot wait to see what is about to happen."

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