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Since it is so early in the afternoon the club is empty of drunken fools and the music that we usually have blasting through the speakers has been replaced by music that Azriel had clearly picked, but it does nothing to bother me as I walk deeper into the first room just to open the second door and walk into the back room. Unlike most clubs, this one was made and ran by Supernatural beings. Of course that does not mean that Humans are not able to step foot inside, but it does mean that we run things differently than most.

Instead of having only one room where we all cram together to dance and preform while guests drink. We have multiple rooms and each is made with a different genre and theme making it more exotic. The first main room that everyone walks through to get to another room, is called Boss. It is where we sell most of our alcohol and where a few of our women dance for the men on the stage, on the poles, sometimes they even dance on the bar for more excitement. The walls are a deep brown nearly red, the floors are not a brown but a deep redwood, the bar is the largest we have in any of the rooms with a long row of black and red barstools to match. All around the large stage and each of the smaller stages that connect to it there are leather chairs and tables for those that wish to dine and watch the girls.

The second room is nearly the complete opposite of the first. Where it had a slightly comforting feeling to it, the second room is built for more upbeat dancing, hence why it had been named Grind. Instead of brown and red, the room had been painted to look like a brick wall off the side of the building with each of the workers names on the walls graffitied with different colors of paint. The floors are black with gold glitter embedded into it, there are stages put up for the dancers with golden poles in place of the normal silver. The long black and golden bar is our second largest with most of the harder drinks, black barstools with golden cushions, and an extra smaller bar built towards the back of the room. It is one of our more popular rooms out of them all.

Our third room is called Jazz, and from the name anyone should be able to guess that it is full of jazz dancers and music. The bar is large but not overly so, the barstools a deep gray with orange cushions, the walls are all made up of soft orange with many soft yellow and blue waves on it, and unlike the other rooms there are not any stages or poles where only the workers dance. Everyone dances with each other instead of just watching.

Our forth room is called Scream and it was made for anyone that prefers alternative to all of the other things we play. The room is large, but because of how large each of the speakers are there is not as much room as there could be. There is a stage for dancers to preform, and a few scattered throughout the room for those that wish to make their own money. The bar is large, but because of the people that come in we usually only sell soda and food unless they can show us an ID that states their real age.

Our fifth room is not one that many clubs have unless they are on the expensive side of town and full of honest business men. It is called The Mermaid because we never dance on poles, grind on each other, or bang our heads. No in this room we use aerial fabric dancing to grab the attention of our customers. Out of all of the rooms it has to be a favorite for everyone, even the alternative adrenaline infested teenagers stop to watch when they pass by. Instead of the room being colored it is white, there is nothing in the room that holds color other than the dancers hair, the black leather chairs resting around the room, the tall black tables, sometimes the silk that is used to dance on, and whatever clothes the dancer at the time chooses to wear.

The last room in the club is the one Azriel had made into a changing room for each of his workers. The room had been so large that he was able to split it up equally, giving half to the men and the other half to the women. A few rooms are shared between them all but it is only done if they are comfortable with it. As for me, I had been given a room all to myself upstairs, it is not because I am what some may call 'his favorite' but because I was the one that had helped him build this place, and for a while I had lived in it with him. There are two whole floors above the club that we use to shelter any and all of our employees if they need or want to live here instead of across the city in an apartment or small house hidden hours away in the woods. There is even an infirmary ran by one of the very many people Az had saved that had became a doctor. The only reasons I am able to prepare myself for the night upstairs, is because it was my old room, and because Azriel does not wish for the others to see just how badly I have been hurt over the years.

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