3 - Tendencies

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"Sweet," I said monotonously.

"Y/n, why aren't you more worried about this?" Ratchet asked.

"Because I don't really care anymore. Plus, I've been through worse." I replied off to the side.

"Worse than this? How?" He asked with a surprised look on his face.

"I'd rather not talk about it if that's ok," I told him with shame laced in my voice.

"I respect you Y/n, but you can tell me. Since you'll apparently be staying here with us, I will be your primary physician. Therefore, no one will ever have to know what you say to me if you so choose. I'm not forcing you to talk, I'm just saying I'm here." Ratchet said quietly as he began to disinfect my head wound again.

"Thank you, Ratchet," I said and he hummed.

"Since this is down to your scalp I'm going to use staples ok? I'll numb the area so it won't hurt but I need you to hold still." Ratchet announced and I nodded in understanding.

"Go ahead Doc," I said quietly and it seemed like he was going to say something back but gave up with a sigh instead.

"Just...hold still. It'll only take a minute." He said and I felt a pinch before the area went numb and I relaxed a little. I sat there on the cold metal slab as Ratchet put my wound back together. Optimus hadn't left as he was standing at the door watching silently as Ratchet did his work. His eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. I instead took a sudden interest in the cuff of my sleeve again and played with it nervously. Suddenly, I felt the urge to sneeze and quickly lifted my arm to my nose.

"R-Rachet I'm gonna sne- achoo!" I sneezed and Ratchet jumped a little in surprise.

"You're lucky I finished stapling before you did that." He said before walking in front of me and putting the back of his hand against my forehead. He hummed and went over to the workstation besides the gurney we were on and grabbed a thermometer. When he returned he held it near my forehead and sighed when it beeped furiously.

"You're definitely sick, you've got a fever of 104.6." He said and I cringed a little, that's definitely not healthy. I heard footsteps come closer and I looked up to see Optimus hovering over me.

"Here take this and get some rest. Tomorrow you need to come back so I check your fever, got it?" Ratchet asked and I nodded.

"Thank you," I said with a shiver. He gave me the smallest of smiles and disappeared. Ratchet's real form transformed and he stood to his full height before turning to Optimus.

"Can you help her find a place to sleep?" He asked and Optimus nodded before offering a hand to me. I stood up and carefully sat on his hand before holding onto one of his fingers and bracing myself on it.

"Do you have a preference as to where you would like to sleep?" He asked while walking out to the main area.

"I-Uh, I can just sleep on the couch." I stuttered and he looked down at me.

"Mm, it gets too cold out here for humans at night, especially with your sickness. I will grab a cot for you and you can sleep in my room." He said and I stared up at him.

"You sure you want me in your room Optimus?" I asked quietly. He nodded and walked off down a hall before stopping at a small, human-sized door.

"Here, stay here a moment." He said and set me down on the ground before transforming. His driver's side door opened and a blonde haired, bright blue-eyed man stepped out of his cab. I watched him walk over to the door and open it gracefully before stepping inside. I don't want to sound like one of those crazy fan girls but damn if he didn't have defined muscles. I heard a couple thumps before Optimus' holoform walked out of the room with a folded up cot in his arms. He set it against the wall and disappeared as Ratchet did a little bit ago. Optimus transformed again and offered his hand to me. I climbed on again and braced myself before sitting criss-cross applesauce. Optimus grabbed the cot with his other hand and continued down the hallway to a larger door that opened with his presence. He walked into the dim room and set both me and the cot down before turning on the lights. I looked around and noticed that we were back in the room from before I went to see Ratchet. My eyes wandered to Optimus and he met my gaze.

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