12 - Augmentation

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I could hear something, humming. Singing maybe? No, definitely humming, I think.

"That is a spark song." I heard suddenly. I turned around to see my father standing behind me. He gave me a smile and stepped a little closer. "Hello again."

"Hi," I said weakly.

"No need to be anxious. Relax." He said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Have you ever heard of a spark or soul song before?"

"No, what is it?" I asked.

"It's when someone's spark or soul calls out to their mate's. It sings to them, trying to bring them closer to it. That is your mate's spark, calling out for your soul unconsciously. He doesn't know it's happening but both of you can feel it. Very few people actually get to hear the song, but it is beautiful." Father said with a smile.

"Why is it calling for my soul?" I asked.

"You are unconscious, he's worried about you, even though you aren't injured." He explained.

"What happened after I fell? I don't remember hitting the ground." I wondered.

"Remember how I told you about the side effects of the energon transfusion? One of them was triggered by your sudden fall and it protected you. When it surfaced though, it drained you of energy because you had hardly eaten anything." He scolded me.

"Sorry." I apologized, hanging my head a bit.

"Your health has to be a number one priority right now, you still aren't well. You're still healing, mentally." He said, grabbing both of my shoulders. "I don't have much time left so all I will say is that I love you and don't freak out when you wake up, it's normal."

He suddenly disappeared and my vision flared with a bright light. Suddenly I was in the medbay.

"There you are. Welcome back little one." Dad said. I smiled at him and he returned it.

"Hi, Dad." I rasped. His smile widened and he motioned to something behind me. I turned to my left and saw a slumped over Optimus, he was passed out. I laughed and went to tap him on the shoulder, but I stopped in my tracks. There was something silver wrapped around my arm. I recognized it as the drawings I drew before I fell, but they looked different, metallic.

"Dad, what happened?" I rasped.

"When you fell, your body enveloped itself in metal and protected you. After you were safe, it retracted and the only remnant of it is in your arms." Dad explained.

"Weird. I saw my father again. He said that one of the side effects from the energon transfusion had been triggered." I told him.

"Interesting." Dad hummed. I carefully reached my hand out and poked Optimus' shoulder, stirring him from his sleep.

"Y/n?" He asked groggily. I felt my face heat up a little at the sound of his voice and I just smiled.

"Hi." I rasped and he sat up straight. His eyes flicked to Dad for a moment and I heard him leave the medbay. All of a sudden I was engulfed in a tangle of arms and I made a noise of surprise. I then smiled and hugged him back. He brought me to his chest and cuddled me like a toddler.

"Are you ok?" I rasped and he let go a bit to look at me.

"I am now." He hummed and cuddled me again. Severely confused, I just went with it and cuddled back. "When you fell...I experienced so many emotions and fear was the prominent one. I thought I was going to watch you die and I had only known you for less than a month."

Optimus set his head on top of mine and took in my warmth.

"Sorry I scared you." I apologized.

"Don't apologize, but if you had passed, my spark would shatter." He said.

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