I'm sorry Steph

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Today was the day of the concert, I got a text from Avril asking if I wanted to sing and play guitar instead. I happily agreed since sometimes I missed doing punk jumps on stage, and it was hard trying to sing and beat on the drums. I got up ran a brush through my still straight hair, I put on some Syren Black Latex Leggings, American Apparel Stretch Velvet Long Sleeve Crop Top, and my pair of UNIF black trench boots. I applied some eyeliner to give my eyes the extra edge, I got a text from all the guys except Ashton each saying Good Morning Steph! ;) Can't wait for the show! I smiled and texted them back.
~Can't wait to see you guys there!~
I gave one last look in the mirror and headed out to the living room, where Sam was asleep on the couch. Clara was sitting on the counter drinking some water and eating cereal, while Sally was watching tv again.
I walked into my room and found my guitar case with my favorite electric guitar in it. I decided I would play it during the concert and I walked back out to the living room.
"Hey get Sam up, we need to head out in about a hour"
Sally nodded before climbing on Sam and shouting "Wake up!" several times.
Finally Sam got up and took a shower, and put her makeup and clothes on. It took an hour so we headed down to the band van driving to the big arena where Avril's concert was taking place.
I looked out from backstage seeing fans start coming in, I looked in the VIP section seeing Luke, Ashton, Calum, Michael, Sally, Clara, and Sam. I looked at Ashton and he was wearing black skinny jeans and a We are all at Stake shirt. He was currently looking down at his feet and he looked up meeting his eyes with mine. I looked at him and he waved shyly, I wanted to smile but I was still to mad at him. I just looked away and looked back at the fans pouring into the arena, I walked over to my guitar and pulled it out of its case.
It was black with black and white checkerboard middle, I had a skull on it along with the rock and roll horns. I greeted Avril and she showed me the play list and I nodded, soon the lights were dimmed in the covered arena. Avril Lavigne's name played on the big screen and she walked out followed by me and her backing band. The crowd cheered and she tapped the microphone, before speaking in to it.
"Hello my little Black Stars! I just want to introduce you to this drumming, guitar playing and any other instrument playing legend over here! Her name is Steph and she wrote 9 songs yesterday in just a hour!" The crowd cheered and Avril continued talking "She had a bunch of inspiration at the time, so we are going to play a few of my songs and then I will you which ones she has written. Be prepared to be blown away!"
The first song we played was Rock N Roll, and it was a catchy song and I liked it a lot. I sang a couple of verses along by playing the guitar, the crowd cheered and raised their glow sticks. We played Skater Boy, Hot, and then Here's to Never Growing Up.
Avril said in the microphone "Okay, so now we are going to play all nine of Steph's songs. The first one I absolutely love and it's called 'He Wasn't' and Steph start it!"
I nodded before starting with the open riff, I glanced down at Ashton whose eyes were watching me and I could tell I had his undivided attention. Avril sang first
There's not much going on today.
I'm really bored, it's getting late.
What happened to my Saturday?
Monday's coming, the day I hate.
Sit on the bed alone, staring at the phone.
And I sang the next part making sure to look over at Ashton's direction.
He wasn't what I wanted, what I thought, no.
He wouldn't even open up the door.
He never made me feel like I was special.
He isn't really what I'm looking for.
Avril then sang the rest letting me jump around on stage running from side to side making the crowd get louder. I would hold my hand up to my ear as if I couldn't hear them and they quickly caught on to the lyrics singing along.
This is when I start to bite my nails.
And clean my room when all else fails.
I think it's time for me to bail.
This point of view is getting stale.
I'll sit on my bed alone, staring at the phone.
He wasn't what I wanted, what I thought, no.
He wouldn't even open up the door.
He never made me feel like I was special.
He isn't really what I'm looking for.
Na na na na na, we've all got choices.
Na na na na, we've all got voices.
Na na na na na, stand up make some noise.
Na na na na, stand up make some noise.
I'll sit on my bed alone, staring at the phone.
He wasn't what I wanted, what I thought, no.
He wouldn't even open up the door.
He never made me feel like I was special.
He isn't really what I'm looking for.
He wasn't what I wanted, what I thought, no.
He wouldn't even open up the door.
He never made me feel like I was special.
Like I was special, cuz I was special.
Na na na na na.
I smiled as the crowd erupted in claps and I said in the microphone "Thanks, it was the first one I wrote. The next one is called 'My Happy Ending' and I hope you guys like it"
I started playing as Avril belted out the lyrics. I decided not to look at Ashton and just kept playing, after we finished that one we played 'Nobody's Home' and the crowd really liked that one.
We played 'Remember When' then 'Keep Holding On'. Avril really sounded beautiful when she sang the lyrics, like she felt the lyrics too. I was glad I wrote some songs she enjoyed and sounded good singing them. Next was 'Wish You Were Here' and after that I looked at Ashton, and saw his cheeks glimmer and I knew he had been crying. Luke, Michael, and Calum looked at me and nodded, I tapped my microphone.
"If you guys really know me, I'm a really forgiving person."
I took the microphone off the stand and walked to the middle of the stage "but when you think I will just forgive and forget, that doesn't happen. Now most of these songs I have poured my heart out when I wrote them. All the emotions, like anger, happy, sad, and depression. They came out when I wrote these songs, now you know who you are out there. You probably did the stupidest thing ever, and if you think that I see you crying that I'm going to stop playing the songs? Well you are wrong" and the crowd cheered again and I said through gritted teeth "You fucked up, now maybe if you say you are sorry and actually mean it, I might forgive you. But I wrote these songs and by hell I'm going to play them! And sing them! Now grow some chest hair and listen to the lyrics, you understand?"
He looked at me and nodded before wiping his tears away.
I nodded and walked back to my spot on stage and put my microphone back on its stand.
Avril then said into her microphone "Now if that isn't a strong woman, I don't know what is" and she smiled at me.
"This next song is called 'Don't Tell Me' and if you catch on to the lyrics sing along"
We played it and I didn't move that much during that song since it wasn't upbeat and happy. After that we played 'Complicated' and I moved around just a little bit.
After we finished that I spoke in the microphone.
"Alright this last one is my favorite, and I let my inner happy come out. It's called 'Smile' and it's the last song we are playing tonight!"
I started playing, I ran around on stage totally full of energy. Being on stage just gives you a rush of adrenaline and I loved it. Even one of her guitarist let me do a roll flip over his back, which the crowd went wild for. After we finished it, a bunch of confetti shot out over the crowd and on stage. I laughed and smiled a real smile. I hugged Avril and thanked her for letting me come play for her. She walked to her microphone "Before any of you Black Stars leave, who thought Steph was a legend on the guitar?"
The crowd roared and Avril smiled "Well, you guys need to see her play the drums! She is a god on the drums! So Steph get that pretty butt of yours up to the drum set, and we will play one last song. And lets play Girlfriend! Since it has a awesome drum beat!"
I smiled and put my guitar on the stand before jogging up to the drum kit that was on a higher stage. The drummer got up before handing me his drum sticks, I sat down hitting the bass drum giving her the signal I was ready. I started playing as Avril sang, I loved playing the drums. It was such a free feeling and you had the power to create something so beautiful too.
When we finished I stood up and jogged down the stairs that went down to the lower stage where Avril was standing.
"See? This girl rocks hard! Love all of you and goodnight!"
I smiled and walked backstage before sitting down drinking out of my water bottle. I ran a hand through my hair and told Avril I had to go. She nodded and gave me one last hug, I headed outside looking for the band van. I was about to text Sam to tell her I was waiting for them, until I heard someone say my name. I turned around and it was Ashton, I looked at him before he rushed over to me and wrapped his strong muscular arms around me. He buried his face into my hair and between his sobs he said "I'm so sorry Steph"
I hesitated and hugged him back "And what if I don't forgive you?"
He pulled away "Well then I would probably be forever alone"
I saw he was serious and I wiped his tears away from his cheeks. I climbed on the hood of the band van, and patted the spot next to me. He climbed up and layed down next to me, and I pointed to the stars.
"You know stars are very pretty"
"Not as pretty as you"
I chuckled and he sat up just a little "I'm being honest"
I nodded "I guess since so many people say it, I just get tired of the word pretty, I just want something that suites me. My own word, you know?"
"How about my punk princess?"
I looked at him "Perfect, it fits my heavy rock and roll lifestyle"
Ashton giggled and he leaned over me "May I?"
I nodded and his lips connected with mine, after it started getting a little heated I pulled back.
He pouted "Why did you stop?"
I laughed "Ashton Irwin, I am not making love to you on the band van!"
He started laughing and was holding his stomach "Just watch one day we might! I will just rub it in your face that we did"
I smiled before laying back down again "Well that night is not tonight, plus there is people around"
"Fine..." he said acting disappointed.
"Can I ask you a question Steph?"
"Shoot" I said, hearing him take a deep breath.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
I turned over so I was facing him and his eyes were full of hope.
I rolled back over on my back looking back at the stars. I took a deep breath and said "You willing to put up with my shit?"
"Willing to love me even if I'm having a bad day?"
"And even if I wear no makeup?"
"Steph I already love you when you don't wear makeup"
"And even if I am mad at you?"
"Than I will be your girlfriend"
He sat up and leaned over me and kissed me again. "I really like you Steph"
"I really like you too Ashton"
He kissed me and smiled during the kiss. I smiled back and heard my phone buzz, Ashton pulled back and I checked it seeing it was Sam.
~Where the hell are you?~
I bit my lip and texted back ~I'm by the band van, if the guys are looking for Ashton he is here with me~
~Did you two make up already?~
~Yes, and he asked me to be his girlfriend~
~Congrats, now tell him if he messes up we will shave his head while he sleeps~
I put my phone back in my pocket, and Ashton looked at me "Who was that?"
"Sam, she was wondering where I was at"
"Oh, okay" he said before kissing me once more.
"Those songs were great, even if some were about me being a idiot"
I laughed "Thanks, now I hope some girl can use them too"
He nodded and I said "You know you look pretty hot in We are all at Stake band shirt..."
He chuckled "Now when do I get to see you wearing a 5SOS band shirt?"
I was about to reply until I heard someone slam their hands on the hood. Ashton and I both sat up seeing it was Sam. Followed close behind by the guys and the girls, and Sam smirked "Jumpy are we?"
"Oh fuck off Sam" I said kicking my boot at her and she just laughed "Come on, let's go back to the hotel... I'm tired and sweaty and hungry and tired"
"You already mentioned tired Sam..." I said groaning playfully as I slide off the hood along with Ashton.
"Did I mention I was hungry?"
"Ye, yes you did"
"Oh, well... I'm sweaty"
I just rolled my eyes before climbing in the back, Ashton tried to follow me but Sam said "I think your spot is next to Luke, the back is Steph and Sam's territory"
Ashton looked at me and I shrugged "Sorry, Sam is the man" and I gave him a quick kiss. He nodded before sitting next to Luke. Sam sat by the window and I leaned my head on her shoulder and quickly fell asleep to Billie Joe Armstrong's voice playing on the radio.
My eyes cracked open and I was moving down a hallway but I wasn't walking. Someone was carrying me bridal style to our room. I closed my eyes again cause I was so tired from that concert, I heard the door unlock and I felt whoever was carrying me set me down on the bed. They took off my boots and covered me up with the blanket. I felt a kiss on my forehead seeing it was Ashton, he started walking away toward my door.
I saw him stop and look me "I didn't mean to wake you, you just fell asleep in the van and they were going to wake you up but I told them I could carry you..."
"Where are you going?"
"I was going to head back to the hotel..."
"Can you stay with me?"
"You want me to?"he asked before moving a little bit closer to my bed.
"Do you want me to sleep on the floor or?"
I patted the bed "Get in bed, your back will hurt if you sleep on the floor"
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, I don't mind sleeping on the floor seriously"
"Stop asking questions and get in this bed... please" I felt like adding the please would convince him I really wanted to lay in the bed with me and not the hard wood floor. "Plus I get cold at night..."
He nodded and slid out of his skinny jeans and took his shirt off. I slipped my leggings off under the covers and took my crop top off so I was just in my underwear and bra.
"Well no wonder you get cold, you sleep almost naked!" He said before chuckling and he handed me his torn up shirt with Ac/Dc on the front. I slipped it over my head and it smelt nice, it smelt like well... smelt like Ashton. He climbed in bed next to me and I closed my eyes before his arm wrapped around me and pulled me to his chest. "Is this okay?" he asked whispering in my ear.
"It's perfect" I said before closing my eyes once more and falling into a deep sleep next to Ashton.

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