Hanging with Jeremy

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A/N: Hellooo! So Steph dyed her hair Blue a little while back so that is a picture of the hair color.

*Jeremy's p.o.v.*

I was still trying to catch my breath, Steph's exposed body was laying next to me. I rolled over facing her, propped up on my elbow.

"Was it better than the drummer so far?" I asked and she nodded, her chest heaving up and down.

"Maybe I should be your distraction more often..."

She looked at me and nodded. "Definitely..."

I chuckled, "Want to lay here or go watch the rest of Peter Pan?"

Steph's eyes shrugged "Whatever you want to do I guess"

"Round two of this?" I said motioning to my body with a playful smile on my face.

I watched her as she laughed, she looked beautiful when she laughed. The way her eyes screwed shut made her look even prettier.

"Not today, I jogged 12 miles today... I'm just tired" She said

"I know" I answered

She glanced at me "How did you know I jogged this morning?"

I chuckled "Remember how I said I don't get much sleep?"

She nodded slowly and I continued "Well I was looking out my window and saw you running in your cute black spandex" as I rubbed my hand up her side which made her giggle. "And that is what turned me on this morning, like I told you earlier." And I chuckled.

"Are you just horny 24/7 now?" She asked smiling at me.

I smiled at her "Only when I'm with you babe" and I gave her a lingering kiss on her soft pink lips. I pulled her so she was straddling me and it smiled up at her.

"So you do want round two?" I said with a playful smirk.

She blushed and I flipped us over so I was on top.

"Ready?" I asked as she nodded.

~1 hour later~

I slid my sweat pants back on as Steph struggled to put her jeans on.

I stifled a laugh as she glared at me.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked chuckling.

"My damn legs are so fucking sore I can't even walk or put my damn jeans on!" She looked defeated and sat on my bed with a pout on her face.

"Awe, stand up... let me help you" I said as she managed to stand up. I helped her tug her jeans up and I left 3 kisses on her stomach. She squirmed and I chuckled, I turned away to look for my shirt when I heard Steph gasp.

I faced her "What?" I questioned.

"Did I do that to your back?" She asked.

I turned my back to the mirror to see many red scratches from her nails. I turned to look at her "I guess you did" and I smiled.

I found my muscle shirt and I slipped it over my head. I watch her look for her shirt which I handed back to her. I had to carry her downstairs since she could barely walk, it made me laugh. I set her down in the couch and sat down next to her and I resumed Peter Pan. I didn't spend much time watching the movie but watching Steph. Near the middle of the movie she yawned and laid her head in my lap. Her eyes drifted off to sleep and soon I felt my eyes closing. Soon I fell asleep too, with Peter Pan playing in the background.

*Ashton's p.o.v.*

I fucked up, I shouldn't have agreed to go on a date with Heather. She said she just wanted to talk but she started flirting. Maybe she didn't know I had a girlfriend, well I don't anymore... I'm just going to wait for Steph to come around. I was currently sitting at home on my bed listening to some depressing songs. I had got in a fight with Calum earlier, and none of the guys wanted to talk to me. I still couldn't get her look when she walked passed me. When I tried to reach out and grab her Jeremy smacked my hand away. I was ready to start a fight with him, but Steph grabbed his hand. I looked at her shocked but she didn't look at me. She looked defeated until Heather called her a bitch. I was surprised that Steph attacked her, it took three of the guys to pull her off Heather. I held Heather back until they left. I watched Jeremy take Steph's hand and walk down the street. I immediately left Heather standing there as I headed to Michael's house. That's when I told them the whole story and Calum shoved me against a wall, he soon left saying he was going out. Michael and Luke didn't want to talk to me so I headed home. I kept texting Steph and finally she replied saying we needed a break to be a single for a bit. I threw my phone down on my bed and grabbed my hair tugging at it, groaning in frustration. Why did I always fuck this relationship up? She deserves better than me but I love her... Heather just wanted to talk or that is what it seemed to me.

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