Old Friends

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*Ashton's p.o.v.*
I got the text from Steph when I woke up in the morning, and it made me happy. I quickly texted her back, hoping I wasn't waking her up or anything.
~Miss you too babe, glad you landed safe can't wait to see you next week! Can't wait for the beach ;) ~

---a week and a half later---
We just landed in England, of course we were swarmed with fans. We all took pictures but all I wanted was to see Steph. I heard someone yell my name, and the way it was yelled I could tell it wasn't a adoring fan. It was MY adoring fan, I turned around quickly looking for the voice frantically. When I turned to my left, I saw Steph running towards me. I dropped my bag and suitcase and opened my arms to her. She jumped, wrapped her legs around my waist and gave me a huge hug which I gladly returned. I placed my lips on to hers, not caring if we made a scene in the airport of PDA. It felt like forever that I stood there holding her bum with my hands so she wouldn't fall as we continued to kiss.
Finally, I let her slide down planting her feet on the floor. She looked up at me with her blue greenish with specks of yellow eyes and my honey colored eyes stared into her's. She leaned up kissed me again before I took my hand in her's as we walked to the car waiting for the guys to take us to the hotel. We all got in, Luke and Michael sitting not in the front seats but the back seats as Calum, Steph, and I sat in the very back.
"So, how has it been in England Steph?" asked Luke turning around to face her.
Her face brightens and says "It's awesome and different. It's weird not hearing all the American accents but the British accents are really cool. Something I'm not used to but it's a different I kind of like."
Luke nodded and smiled before turning back around to face the right way.
"How are the girls doing?" asked Calum looking out the window before turning his attention to her.
"Great, we have played 2 concerts since we have been here. Sam tripped on stage the other night, it was pretty funny."
She giggled along with the other guys. I watched as she laughed how her eyes crinkle at the corners, and how bright her smile is when she does laugh. It makes me smile, letting out a giggle too which made her giggle again.
"Why do you have such a cute giggle? It's just so contagious" Steph said looking at me smiling. I shrugged with a small smile on my face, I noticed Calum was making a Instagram video.
"Guys! and uhh.. Steph wave to the camera!" He said laughing realizing Steph was here again.
She waved and smiled politely, and Michael says "So now you are going to be quiet Steph?"
"I don't know what to say!" she saud letting out a small squel and covered her face with her sweater paws. I chuckled, mentally awwing and pulled her hands away befoe giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Save it for the hotel Ashton!" answered Michael laughing. I groaned and said "I haven't seen her in a week in half! I have to catch up on my daily kisses!" as I giggled.
About a 15 minute car ride later, we got escorted into our hotel up to our room. I checked my phone and it was 9:00pm already, the plane ride took forever. All the guys got their own rooms that were connected to a big kitchen and living room with a balcony.
When I got into my room, I set my bags down and literally flopped on the bed. I took a deep breath and Steph came and laid down next to me snuggling against my chest. I smiled a warm smile since I was reunited with my girlfriend after a hard week and a half.
"So how was it trying to survive without me?" I teased.
"Terrible, it always got so cold in my room and I forced Sam to sleep in my bed to keep me warm." She let out a giggle and spoke again "I'm just glad you are here now"
I sighed happily "Me too" and I looked up at the plain white ceiling.
"I want you to meet the guys we on tour with tomorrow, you available?" I asked.
"Yeah, who are they?"
"One Direction" I said simply.
"I've heard of them, not really my taste but they have some good songs." She answered looking up at me.
"They won't stop talking about how they want to meet you in person, I think they have crushes on you or something." I said shaking my head.
"If they try to make a move, you just yell my name. Ok?" I said leaning up to look at her.
She nodded "They are probably thrilled you are dating someone" and she let out a small laugh.
"Think it's funny to tease me" I said chuckling and started to tickle her sides.
She started laughing trying to pull away from me but I got on top of her. I laughed as she begged for me to stop while she was laughing.
"Stop Ashton!" she yelled loudly before laughing taking a big gasp for air.
I stopped and looked at her "Tell me you love me and I will stop" and I giggled.
"I love you"
"What was that? I didn't hear you" I said teasing her.
"I love you Ashton Irwin!" She yelled before looking up at me. I smiled and connected my lips to hers and after a ten minute make out session I looked her in the eyes and said "I love you too Steph"
She smiled and gave me a short kiss on the lips. "I'm gonna go get changed in my hotel room downstairs, and we can sleep in your room."
I nodded "I'll walk you down"
She smiled, and I grabbed her hand walking to the elevator. My floor was on the 15th and her's was on the 10th. After listening to the elevator music for 5 minutes, the doors opened and we walked out still hand in hand. Her fingers were intertwined with mine and it felt different but I liked it. She opened her door, and I saw Sam as usual sitting on the couch watching 'The Cleveland Show'. She looked up and saw me, "Ashton!"
I chuckled as she got up and gave me a hug. The other girls gave me a hug too as we all sat on the couch while Steph went to go get changed.
*Steph's p.o.v.*
I changed into a old pair of volleyball shorts, and a teenage mutant ninja turtle shirt I bought a while back. I put my hair in a messy bun and decided this is as decent as I was going to get. I walked back out seeing Ashton talking with Clara, Sally, and Sam. He was giggling, which made me smile since it was just so contagious.
He looked up and his smile got bigger, he stood up after saying goodbye to the girls. I waved goodbye and he took my hand, we walked in the elevator.
"We should have stayed the night in your hotel room" he said before letting out a chuckle.
I raised my eyebrows "Why is that?"
"Well those shorts show off your ass great, and waking up to a bunch of horney 18 year old boys wearing those shorts will probably drop their pants right then and there"
I tried to contain my laughter but couldn't hold and I started giggling before laughing louder. Finally I calmed down before looking at Ashton "You know those guys are like my weird brothers, you are like the teenage mutant ninja turtles and I'm like April O'Niel"
He gave me a smile and started chuckling, he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in to my ear "But you're hotter than April O'Neil"
His warm breath tickled my ear and the elevator dinged opening the doors. He released the hug and we walked down the hallway going into the boy's big hotel room. It was pretty much like my hotel room with the girls but instead of 3 girls in their underwear it was 3 boys in their underwear.
"Steph!" They all shrieked, stumbling to get off the couch and they all gave me a hug before Ashton told them time was up.
"Guys please go put some clothes on..." Ashton said sighing and they all groaned. I said "Ashton, I deal with 3 girls in their underwear all the time I don't mind if they wanna hang out in their boxers."
Ashton looked at me and the guys cheered before running back to the couch. I chuckled and looked at Ashton who didn't look amused, I brushed my shoulder up against his "Ashton don't act like you don't wanna get in your boxers too"
Before I knew it, Ashton ran to his room and came back in nothing but his boxers. I giggled and we all took a seat on the couch.
"I hope you like pizza cause Michael ordered some" said Calum.
"What makes you think I don't like pizza?" I asked. I loved pizza more than well I'm not sure but I loved it a lot.
"You are just such in great shape, we didn't know if you ate anything unheathly like pizza" said Luke giving me a cheeky smile.
I smiled "Oh, well I love pizza by the way"
They cheered and no later there was knock on the door with a pizza dude standing there. Ashton paid the dude and we all gathered in the kitchen grabbing a slice myself.
"You brought a bathing suit right Steph?" asked Ashton looking at me.
I nodded not really seeing where he was going with this conversation.
"Cause tomorrow we are meeting the other guys there at the beach, and I was just wandering if you had brought one" Ashton replied.
"Oh, yeah I brought 2 pairs" I said taking another bite out of my pizza.
Ashton wouldn't tell who these friends were but he told me they were big fans of We are all at Stake. I shrugged to myself, after two slices of pizza I felt full. The guys and I went and sat on the couch deciding to watch tv. By 10:00pm it was just me and Ashton watching Family Guy together, "So do I need to invite the other girls too? Or is it just me coming?"
"You can invite the other girls too" Ashton said looking at me. He yawned making me yawn "Ready to go to bed?"
I nodded and he turned the tv off and led me to his bedroom. I climbed in to bed and Ashton turned the lights off before climbing in to bed himself. I snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He let out a satisfied hum before cuddling his face into my neck leaving small kisses there. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep next to Ashton.
---------The next day-------
I woke up and saw Ashton wasn't still sleeping. I slid out of bed and walked into the kitchen seeing Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael standing in the kicthen "Hey! She's awake!"
I rubbed my eyes gently and smiled "Morning"
"We made you cereal" said Luke handing me a cereal bowl full of fruit loops.
"I feel very special, thanks guys" I said giving them a smile.
They bowed and we all laughed.
"We are going to meet the guys at 11:00 and it's currently 10:00 so after you finish your cereal I can walk you back to your room so you can change" said Ashton.
I nodded seeing they all had swimming trunks on with some ripped band shirts. I finished my cereal, and Ashton and I headed back to my hotel room.
When we walked in the girls were in the kitchen and I said "Hey, wanna go to the beach today? Meeting some of Ashton's and the guy's friends"
They all nodded before darting off to their rooms to get changed. I walked in to my room followed by Ashton who sat on my bed. I looked in my suit case and found my simple black bikini, I went in the bathroom to change. After I changed I walked out of the room, Ashton eye's got big.
"Like what you see Irwin?" I said smirking before looking for some shorts and a shirt as a cover up.
"Yes" he said sounding like he was out of breath. He stood up and started kissing down my neck to my back. I shivered but managed to gently push him away before shaking my finger at him "Not now bud"
He chuckled "I'm sure I'm going to regret doing this meet up at a beach"
"Why is that?" I asked curious before throwing a Fall Out Boy shirt over my head.
"Cause you are going to look all hot and sexy in your bikini and I'm going to get all turned on and then they are going to get all turned on"
I laughed "I doubt they will be turned on by me" and I rolled my eyes.
We were on our way to the beach in three taxi's since their was eight of us. We arrived at the beach and we all piled out before a group of five guys waved at us. I looked at them and realized it was the one direction boys! Ashton waved them over and they jogged up to us, Harry saw me "Steph, how you doing!" and he pulled me in a hug. I had already met Harry a while back when he asked for a picture. After he released the hug, Ashton was looking at us "You know each other?"
Harry nodded "Met her and her band members a while back at a coffee place, Niall texted me to get a picture with her since he said she was some type of goddess of drumming"
As he looked at who I guess was Niall, he was like 5'8 with dyed blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. He looked down a obvious blush playing on his cheeks. I smiled and looked at the other guys as Ashton introduced me. They were all extremely nice and funny too. They were all in swimming trunks and everyone of them had tattoo's except for Niall.
I nudged Ashton and said "The girls and I are going to go ahead and get in the water"
He nodded and I walked over to the other girls as we started stripping down to our bathing suits. Ashton and all the guys were standing about 10 yards away from us talking to each other. We all walked to the clear water together before walking in slowly. We started swimming and laughing, I looked back up at the beach seeing the Luke, Calum, Harry, Niall, Ashton, Louis, Harry, and Liam still standing up looking out at us.
Michael and Zayn were sitting under a beach umbrella, I giggled since Michael was basically a vampire.
I decided I wanted Ashton to come get in the water too, so I started to walk out of the water.
*Ashton's p.o.v.*
"Damn Ashton, how did you manage to get her?" asked Louis as all the guys watched her strip down slowly to her bathing suit and walk to the water.
I shrugged "Just happened to find a good catch"
"Damn right you did" Louis muttered.
Michael and Zayn went and got under a umbrella, but the others stood around and we watched Steph swim in the water. When she walked out of the water, she looked like a freaking super model out of a magazine or movie. Her hair was wet, water was dripping off her skin and the sun made her body glisten. It didn't help when she bit her lip or ran her fingers through her hair, practically had to tell the guys to put their tongues back in their mouths.
"Ashton, you need to come in the water! It's fantastic!" she exclaimed smiling that bright smile at all the guys.
"I will be there in a sec, you go ahead and go back in." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek and she nodded before walking back to the waters edge.
"Does she know her hips swing like that?" asked Liam.
"I don't think she realizes how beautiful she really is." I said and they all looked at me wide eyed.
"She doesn't think she is beautiful?" exclaimed Niall
"She thinks she is just a plain ordinary girl" I said with a sigh.
"She is hands down the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen" answered Harry.
I nodded and I said "Talented too, she has to be a music prodigy or something."
"Well you better go get in the water, don't want your girl to get mad at you" said Louis and we all chuckled as I headed toward the water. I got in the water and soon all the guys got in too so we had a huge water fight. After about a hour we decided to head back to the beach and get something to eat. A couple of fans immediately saw Steph and asked for pictures, I was going to turn them down politely but she agreed.
"Nice girl, isn't she?" asked Harry and I smiled nodding.
They asked for hugs but Steph laughed "I don't want to get you guys wet since I just got out of the water" but they didn't care so she gave the 5 girls each a hug before waving goodbye.
"So, Steph is it true you have been running track since you were 3?' asked Harry.
She looked up from her food and nodded "Yeah, why?"
"Niall has been itching to race you" exclaimed Louis.
"His bucket list is to beat Steph at a race" said Zayn glancing at Niall.
Sam let out a loud laugh "Oh good luck bud"
We turned our attention to Sam and Niall said "What do you mean?"
"I've been to everyone of Steph's track meets, she ran hurdles, sprinter, long distance, can come out of the blocks, practically she can do it all. She got first in the state, you seen how muscular her legs are?"
I have noticed that, when Steph walked around in her underwear her legs were skinny but they had muscle definetion. It pretty much all made sense on how she kicked that door down in that one music video, she told me it wasn't stunted and at the end of the video it showed her before she kicked down and when she did kick it down. Pretty bad ass, I had a bad ass for a girlfriend you could say.
Steph stood up and we all looked at her "What are you doing?" asked Harry.
She said "Well if Niall wants to race me, then let's race."
It seemed like everyone's eyes went back and forth between Steph and Niall. He stood up too and he said "Challenge accepted" and he smirked.
Sam stood up and distinguished the starting line and the finish line. "Alright, so this is pretty much the 200m dash so that should be easy."
Niall and Steph nodded and stood behind the line Sam had drawn. We all waited at the finish line and I watched as Niall tried talking to Steph but she kept her eyes at the finish line like it was the only thing in the world that mattered.
"Go!" yelled Harry loud enough for them to hear.
Since Steph was in a better starting position she got a jump start on Niall. Louis had a timer for Steph and Clara had a timer for Niall. I felt a cool wind blast past me making my skin go into goosebumps realizing it was Steph who just ran past the finish line.
"26.3 seconds!" yelled Louis in shock.
"31.2 seconds!" said Clara turning to all of us.
Niall was breathing hard but Steph looked like her normal self, she smiled and said "Not my best time, haven't ran in a while"
"Good lord..." I heard Niall mumble and I chuckled. He stood up straight and said to Steph "Never ever will I estimate a girl"
"Good" said Steph and said "Want to get back in the water for a bit then head home?"
We all nodded and ran toward the water, and we all got in and talked while we hung out in the water.
About after an hour we all got out, Steph wrapped a towel around her delicate body. After she dried off she put her shorts and loose shirt back on.
The One Direction guys all gave her a hug and said goodbye as they got into two taxi's.
Steph came over and gave me a kiss on the lips which I gladly returned which I felt her smile in the kiss.
"Thanks for letting me come, they were really fun to hang out with" she said smiling.
I nodded and I said "Let's get back to the hotel" and I gave a small kiss on her forehead.

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