Day of the Concert

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*Ashton's p.o.v.*
I barely got any sleep and the conversation between me and Steph kept replaying over and over in my head. I felt like such a jerk, of course I talked to the guys about it. Michael had texted her and asked if she was upset with she answered with a maybe. I just wanted to be locked up forever from what I said to her. I felt my phone buzz and saw it was a tweet from We are all at Stake band account saying there new music video is up. I saw the guys phones go off too, so we gathered around Luke laptop and googled it. When we saw it, I thought it was bad ass and the guys were practically drooling.
The setting was in a prison and it showed Sam, Clara and Sally in orange jumpsuits leaning on the bars. All a sudden you heard a loud buzz seeing a new prisoner come in and it was Steph. Her hair was straightened and she had black eyeliner making her eyes brighter. She was handcuffed and the other girls stared at her and she winked at them. The guard then took off her handcuffs but was to slow to push her in her cell and she kicked him in the balls. She then hit a big red button and released all the prisoners, and they all took off. She took off her orange shirt and tied it around her waist, revealing just a white wife-beater shirt. Her combat boots peaked out from the orange pants as she walked down the aisle currently singing. I swear I heard Michael moan and Luke said "Shut up Michael..."
"I can't help it, she is hot"
They headed into like the cafertia at the prison where all the prisoners where rocking out to the music. They had a drum set on a huge stand and Steph climbed up the steps turning around every now and then singing, then secretly seducting you with her eyes. She then preceded to be the shit out of the drums looking beautiful as ever, and I heard another moan.
"Michael stop moaning!"
"It wasn't me that was Luke!"
"Luke shut up... I can't hear her singing!" shouted Calum.
Here was four grown boys laying on the floor replaying this music video of We are all at Stake. Steph's eyes gave you chills when she looked at you, and I knew today was the concert the boys had bought tickets to. It started at 7:00pm and it was currently noon, I wanted to go but still wanted to stay home at the hotel. I decided to be a man and face her if I ran into her at the show, I hoped not to see that Angus guy there. I heard tonight was a Green Day salute night, meaning all they were going to play was Green Day. So a bunch of Green Day fans had bought tickets and they were sold out in under 10 minutes. Their music video was already at 1 million views and still counting.
*Steph's p.o.v.*
After Angus had carried me downstairs and drove me back to the hotel, he walked me to the door. I walked in seeing Sally laying on the floor on her phone, Clara was watching tv with Sam. When I closed the door they all looked at me "So... How did it go?"
I just sighed in frustration "Let's just say I don't wanna hang around him for a bit"
They all nodded and I went to take a shower before climbing in to bed.
So now it was 12:30 and I had on a plain black shirt with black jeans and my usual vans. The girls were packing up their guitars and getting ready for the concert. I went in the bathroom and applied black eyeliner and mascara to give my eyes a extra boost. I was excited for the concert today since we were doing a Green Day salute concert. We all decided to go ahead and go get some lunch, we headed down the hotel and of course were some fans with the media. Of course I got the usual 'Are you and Ashton dating?' and my answer was the same every time.
"No we are not, I'm not dating anyone"
We continued walking down to a small cafe about a block down, and we just so happened to run into someone else.
Harry Styles
He saw us and looked like he was thinking before saying "You are that really cool band, We are all at Stake right?"
Sally nodded "That's us"
He nodded and looked at me "And you are that female drummer everyone is talking about right?"
I shrugged "I guess..."
He smiled and ran a hand through his curly hair, "Well I will see you guys around, got to get back to the lads"
We all nodded before slipping in to a booth before Harry appeared one more time. "Uhh, Steph can I get a picture? I just texted Niall and he says you are like a living legend."
I nodded and slipped out of the booth and Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and I smiled before he snapped the picture.
"Beautiful, Thank you" he said before slipping me his number.
I shoved it in my back pocket before sliding back in the booth.
Clara said "Steph why do you get all the hot guys?" before she laughed.
"I would so be willing to trade, I don't like all the attention guys give me" I said before playing with my thumbs. Finally our food came and we ate and stayed there before chatting a while, I checked my phone seeing it was already 3:30. I felt a tug on my shirt and looked down seeing a girl maybe about 8? She smiled brightly at me and I saw two drumsticks peaking out of her back pocket. I smiled at her and said "Hi there"
She said "My names Emily and I started drumming about 4 months ago because of you. You inspired me to play, and I just wanted to thank you. And could I get a picture with you and Sally, Clara, and Sam?"
I nodded before we all slid out of the booth and her mother took the picture, and I took my phone out and asked her mom to take one on my phone too. I gave her a hug and searched to see if I had anything on me but only found my bandana hanging out of my back pocket. I gave it to her and she stuck it in her other back pocket. After they left I looked at the girls "I didn't know we had fans that young" and Sam said "She's the youngest so far"
I nodded before going on to twitter posting the picture with the caption Met our youngest fan today and she said I inspired her to start drumming! Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside, xoxo Steph
I checked Ashton's profile seeing a tweet at 2:00 am last night saying Guys I fucked up, and I don't know if I can fix it...
I favored it and slipped my phone back in my pocket. We all payed and headed back to the hotel and it was now 4:00 so we had about 2 more hours before we needed to show up at the stadium. I looked at my phone once more seeing the boys from One Direction followed me so I followed them back. We headed back to our suite and just decided to watch tv, and I clicked on Criminal Minds since I had a thing for Dr. Spencer Reid. I just didn't know if it was how awkward he was or that he was super cute and smart. I took a picture of the tv where Spencer Reid was on talking and tweeted it.
Currently on a marathon date with Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, anybody else got the hots for Dr. Reid?
I continued watching and finally it was time to leave, of course I didn't want to leave since Criminal Minds was still on but I had to. It finally took Clara and Sam to drag me downstairs and into the band van. We drove to the big stadium and got settled backstage, we watched from backstage as the crowd starting filling in. Some where wearing our band shirts and other wearing Green Day shirts, or just a plain shirt. I noticed a bottle of Jack Daniels sitting the fridge and took about 3 sips before placing it back there. I didn't get drunk easily and plus it just calmed my nerves a bit, I knew 5 Seconds of Summer were out in the crowd somewhere because they all tweeted about it, even Ashton.
Finally it was time and we walked out on stage and the whole crowd roared with cheers. I noticed a mosh pit starting to form and I chuckled. I went and got settled behind the kit before speaking into my microphone "Who's ready for some Green Day salutes?"
The whole crowd cheered once more and we started off with American Idiot. When I looked out on the crowd thousands of phones were held up and I looked in the VIP section were four boys. Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton. I noticed Michael holding up a sign and tried to read it You fuckin rock Steph! and I laughed and continued drumming. After Jesus Of Suburbia and We are the waiting/St. Jimmy, I was starting to get hot and sweaty. I spoke in the microphone after Clara was done talking and said "You know guys, drumming makes me freaking hot. With all the pounding and the lights and plus I'm wearing black too. So if you guys don't mind, I'm just going to take my shirt off. Don't worry, I am wearing a sports bra so no boobs tonight fella's" and I chuckled and slipped my shirt off. The crowd went wild and ran a hand through my straight hair that was starting to get sweaty.
Sam then said "I think Steph is the only girl I know with like a 4 pack, like seriously have you guys seen them? They are fucking amazing! Steph get your ass over here and show the patient people!"
I stood up sticking my drums in my back pocket before walking up to where Sam, Clara, and Sally were standing. They handed me a microphone so I could talk into it, I said "I don't seriously think they are that great personally..."
And Sally said "I wish I had a body like yours, I mean look at it!" and she pointed to my muscular shoulders and my 4 pack abs. "And like have you seen her legs? Like sometimes she walks around in her underwear around the hotel and like show them Steph. Take your pants off" and she laughed.
I laughed "No, I'm not taking my pants off. Now I'm going back to my drum kit cause it's darker up there and I'm sweating and having sweat run down between your boobs is weird feeling" and laughed once more before heading back up to my drum kit. We played Basket Case, Holiday, When I come around, Wake me up when September ends, East Jesus Nowhere, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, 21 guns and ended with She's a rebel. I wiped some of my sweat off before waving goodbye to the fans and saying "Thanks for coming, now on the count of 3 I want you to yell Green Day!"
"1! 2! 3!"
The crowd let out a big yell saying "Green Day!" I smiled before giving a salute and walking off stage. I went backstage and sat on the couch and was glad it was cool back there because I was sweating.
*Ashton's p.o.v.*
Damn, I needed this girl. Everything about her was perfect and she was out standing drummer too. We had backstage passes so we made our way there, and the security guard opened the door for us. As we walked in Green Day was playing on the radio, Steph had put on her Green Day shirt that I saw her wearing the first time. She looked up at us and smiled faintly, Michael rushed over and sat next to her. He immediately started like worshipping her and she smiled and thanked him. I stared over at Michael and crossed my arms in front of my chest. Soon a couple of other fans that bought backstage passes showed up there was 5 males and 4 females. Of course the males all looked upon Steph and she looked up a them and smirked. One of the guys shivered and she stood up and she took a picture with all of them. Then the females asked for their picture, and before they left the guy that shivered came back up to Steph. He had jet black hair and wore all black but his eyes were a vibrant green.
He rubbed his neck and said "Could I like umm... have your shirt? You know like for a memory?"
She looked at him "I'm going to say yes since you are so fucking nervous and adorable right now, but listen to me this is my favorite Green Day shirt and promise me you will guard it with your life?" and she held out her pinky for a pinky promise. He smiled and wrapped his pinky around hers and she slipped off her shirt revealing her black sports bra. She handed him the Green Day shirt and he held it close to his chest then gave her a hug. She smiled and returned the hug and he waved before exciting backstage.
"Wow Steph you gave him your Green Day shirt?" asked Sam.
She shrugged "Yeah, he was nice" and she gave me a mean look when she said nice making me kind of cower in the corner. I saw her look around for another shirt and she found a Sex Pistols shirt.
"So who is ready to head to the club down the street!" asked Calum. I expected the girls to say no since they just did a exhausting preformance especially Steph.
Steph said "I need a drink anyways, so why not?"
Sam nodded along with Clara and Sally.
We all headed out but I walked behind all of them watching Steph's hips sway perfectly. I was getting sexually frustrated with this woman but I didn't think she knew it. We all got in their band van and I tried to get in the back but Steph called it along with Sam. Sam was sitting by the window and Steph was laying down with her head in Sam's lap and her feet propped up on the window. They currently had Blink 192's Enema of the State album playing, and I asked "Can you turn it up a bit?"
Clara nodded before turning it up louder, hoping it would drown out my thoughts but all I could think about was Steph.

Amnesia (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now