Sound Check and First Gig

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The interview was finally over. Us girls got into our SUV and we were immediately driven to sound check. The arena was currently empty since our concert was tonight and it was only 11:25am. We all piled out of the car and headed to the current sound of boy's laughing and guitar sounds. We walked backstage and came out to the front stage seeing Jeremy only in his boxers, Angus just sitting behind his drum kit with a fedora on his head, Robert had a hideous blonde wig with pigtails on, George was laying on the stage shirtless laughing.

Sam was recording and said "What the hell?"

They turned and saw us which resulting in them laughing even harder. We all started laughing, and after our laughter died down we asked "What happened?"

"Well Jeremy and I made a bet that if Angus said I looked good in a wig, Jeremy had to take off all his clothes. Then some how Angus found a fedora, which looks really stupid by the way, and Jeremy started doing this funny dance and I swear it was fucking hilarious. George almost died because he slipped on some spit so... that is basically what happened." Robert answered chuckling.

Our manager came back from behind stage looking at his clip board writing some stuff down "Okay everyone, how is the..." He looked up seeing the scene we walked in on and said "What the hell?"

They all started laughing again, and our manager looked even more confused.

"Jeremy, please put your clothes back on.. Angus please get rid of that fedora it looks terrible on you"

Angus frowned and playfully rolled his eyes, Jeremy shook his head "I think I might actually play the first night in my boxers. Give the fans a show"

"Jesus Christ... I don't even know.." our manager mumbled and walked away.

Angus motioned me over and said "Here, have this fedora. Apparently I look bad in it" while he laughed.

I put on his fedora and I sat on the drum throne and just started a random beat while everyone talked among themselves.

The boys went backstage to rest up since they were playing first, so we got our sound check started. We ironed out a few kinks and actually sounded pretty good. I saw that fans were starting to enter the arena, we waved at the few and got off stage. We stood at the barrier's and started to chat.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so glad we got here early enough to meet you guys!" One girl exclaimed, while the others nodded.

"Glad we stayed on stage to meet you guys!" Clara said with a small laugh.

"So are any of you guys dating anybody?" asked a short brunette girl.

"Nope, single as single gets." Sam said smirking.

"I thought Steph was dating Jeremy?" she asked cocking her head to the side with a confused expression on her face.

I looked at her "Oh no, we aren't dating. Just close friends"

"Are you sure? You guys seem really cuddly with each other" asked a blonde.

"Positive" I said smiling.

Our manager came up behind us "Girls, show starts in 25 minutes. Need to get backstage!"

"Okay okay, don't be so pushy" said Sally as all of us laughed when he glared at us.

We waved goodbye to the 15 girls and jogged backstage. The boys were lazily sitting on the couch, and Jeremy was still in his red plaid boxers.

"You seriously aren't going to put on any clothes?" asked Sam.

"Nope" answered Jeremy with a smug look on his face.

"Why not?" Sam questioned

"Cause I don't wanna" Jeremy replied staring at her.

"Nobody wants to see that" Sam answered glaring at him.

"I bet you 99% of the girls out there want to see this" as he motioned to his body.

Sam huffed out a sigh and went and sat down next to Angus.

Our manager walked in "Boys, you are on right now."

The guys stood up and walked towards stage. We watched them from the side when they ran out there. When Jeremy walked out with only his boxers and his guitar the screams increased by two times.

Jeremy laughed into the microphone " I didn't feel like putting my clothes back on, so is this okay?"

Some people whistled and screamed, which Jeremy nodded while looking down.

"Awesome, I actually was going to come out fully naked but they wouldn't let me." Jeremy laughed while Angus chimed in "He's not joking.." with a chuckle.

"Jeremy isn't shy" said Robert with a cheeky laugh.

"So ignore half naked Jeremy and lets rock your world for at least an hour!" George said with a strum of his guitar.

It was fun to watch the guys play, they did a lot of punk jumps. Angus was totally killing it at the drums, and before we knew it an hour and a half was over. That means it was our turn to rock out, and sure enough I was nervous.

Jeremy said "Okay everyone, our time is done but the girls that are coming on next are totally going to kill it tonight!"

The crowd screamed and we all ran out from behind stage. I had my drum sticks sticking out of my pocket, the guys left stage and I ran to the drum kit. I got my sticks and sat down, and said into the microphone " Are you guys all sweaty and ready for the actual highlight of this tour?"

Everyone screamed as we started into our first song called CrushCrushCrush.

After a long hour and a half it was nearly midnight.

"Damn, you guys rule! Best crowd like ever, not even joking. We are going to stop here more often! Goodnight everyone!" Sam shouted as we left stage.

We reached backstage and the boys all gave us high fives.

"Awesome job!" yelled our manager excited.

I looked at my phone expecting to see a text from Ashton but then I realized... I sighed and put on a fake smile. While everyone was cheering, I went and sat on the couch. I missed Ashton, his laugh, his smile, and his accent. I missed all the boys actually, all the great times we spent together.

Sam came and said we were heading back to the hotel. I stood up and followed everyone out.

*Ashton's p.o.v*

I laid on my bed, thinking about everything I had done. The same phrase was rolling across my mind over and over

You broke up with her and you lost her forever...

I sighed in frustration, how could I be so stupid? I got worried but I was scared that on tour she would find some one better than me, now she definitely will.


"Yes mum?" I asked seeing her peek in my room.

"Can you come to the grocery store with me? I just need to pick up a few things. Getting outside will do you good."

I sighed but agreed, I slipped on some shoes.

She grabbed her car keys and we drove to the grocery store. I stared out the window most of the time. The grocery store was about 10 minutes away but it felt like an hour. We finally arrived and we got out of her car. Walking inside, I decided to stop and look at the magazines. I saw a few teen magazines with 5sos on them. I moved over a bit seeing the latest issue of drum world. My mouth almost dropped on who was on the cover.

It was a picture of Steph playing the drums, her curly hair was covering her face but her hands were a blur since she was drumming so fast. I glanced at The Rolling Stone magazine seeing Steph's band on it with them looking serious. Another magazine had Jeremy's band and Steph's band on it, saying how amazing their first gig was.

I stopped looking and went to find my mom so we could leave...

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