A change?

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I woke up that morning feeling Ashton's strong arm wrapped around me. I smiled and turned over so I was facing him, and he was already smiling at me. His curly hair was messy and he said "Good morning"
I smiled and loved how his morning voice sounded. "How long have you been up?"
"About 30 minutes"
I raised an eyebrow "And you stayed next to me?"
"Were you expecting me to leave?"
I shrugged " I don't know, I'm usually the last to wake up and nobody waits for me so I guess you would have gotten up or something"
"Well I just just layed here, next to you and held you close to me cause it does get cold in here" and he laughed which made me smile again.
"See? I told you! Now you owe me something"
"I didn't know we placed a bet on this"
"We just did and I won" I said crossing my arms in front of my chest and laying on my back, giving him a fake pout.
"Well you want your prize?"
He crawled on top of me and leaned down kissing my nose. I looked at him "You better kiss me for real Irwin" and he giggled before connecting our lips. His tongue begged for entrance and finally I let him and I ran my fingers through his hair pulling gently at the ends making him moan. I laughed "Is it that easy to turn you on?" and he replied with "Only when I'm with you"
I smiled and we started making out again, until I heard something drop from the kitchen. I jumped from the sound and gently pushed Ashton off me before heading to the door. Ashton said "I'm the guy, I should go in front of you to protect you. You know?"
I stifled a laugh before waving him off and opening the door seeing Sam on ground laughing. I looked at her "What happened?"
She looked up at me "What's up with your rig?" and I looked down seeing I was still wearing Ashton's shirt that came down to my top half of my thigh. "Don't change the subject, what happened?"
Sam raised an eyebrow but said "I thought it would have been cool to slide on the wood floors in my socks and I slipped and fell!" and she started laughing again. I just shook my head but started to laugh along with her until Ashton came in the kitchen/living room only in his boxers.
"What are you guys laughing about?" he asked ignoring Sam's stares at him and me since we were both not really clothed.
"Steph please tell me you tapped that last night" she said still laying on the floor.
I shook my head "No, I didn't 'tap' that" and pointed at Ashton.
"Tap what? Me?"
Sam crossed her arms "I'm not believing you, you guys did it and aren't telling me" and looked at me wiggling her eyebrows.
"Sam, you would be the first person I would tell, if i uhh.. 'tapped' that" I said with a small laugh.
Ashton said "What's so bad about tapping me? Tap, what do you mean by tap?"
Sam shook her head "Okay, I believe you since the dude is to innocent" and laughed at Ashton.
I looked at him and laughed and he pouted "What does tap even mean?"
Sam and I busted out laughing and Ashton just stood there "Don't laugh! What does it mean?"
I finally got in control over my laughing and said "It means to have sex with them"
Sam then pointed at Ashton adding her spin on it "It means having fucking good sex, that is rough and just awesome"
Ashton looked at me "Yeah, why haven't you tapped me yet?" and he smirked.
I decided to tease him just a little bit and walked over to him and faced him before running my foot up his leg before wrapping it around his waist and whispered in his ear.
"There will be a time you won't be so innocent Ashton... and it will be because of me..." and I slowly trailed my leg back down his leg and he immediately shifted his weight and I saw his boxers get tighter. He looked at me "Fuck... see what you do to me?"
I bit my lip and he groaned before heading to my bedroom. I looked at Sam who was still laying on the floor, she had her mouth hanging open.
"I under estimate your dirty skills" she said looking at me.
I shrugged "I learned from the best" and I playfully rolled my eyes.
Sam laughed and said "Yeah you did, a shame I told you a lot of these moves but never have seen that one you just did"
I laughed and Sam finally got up from the floor. All a sudden my cellphone rang and I picked it up "Hey, you've got the drummer from We are all at Stake" and I heard it was a male voice.
"Hello this is Stephanie Green right?"
"Just call me Steph, and yes this is she" I asked hesitant.
"Well, I'm John Williams the manager of Miranda Lambert."
I raised my eyebrow "Miranda Lambert as in the country singer?"
"Yes, we have seen you drum and she is preforming at the Country Music awards tonight. She has a new song that she is playing with Carrie Underwood but we can't find a good drum beat. She then asked if you could play and make up your own beat while her and Carrie sang the song live?"
"I'm not really a country music person sir..."
"I know, you play in that punk rock band. It is just for tonight please"
I sighed "Fine, I guess. It starts a 7:00 right?"
"Yes, see you then" and he hung up.
Sam sat on the couch "Who was that?"
"Miranda Lambert's manager, he wants me to drum for her tonight at the country music awards"
Sam nodded "Hey, dress as punk as you can. We need to get punk rock back out there"
"Who is going to see me?" I asked since I would be behind a drum kit, plus they focused on the singers anyways.
"You know you have to walk the carpet?" and she didn't bother looking up like it was no big deal.
"What? Ugh..." I said before walking to my room and walking in seeing Ashton laying on my bed still in his boxers.
"Relieve yourself?" I asked before adding a wink.
He looked up at me and smirked. I looked at him "I need to get a shower, I will be back in like 10 minutes"
He nodded and I grabbed my clothes, I closed the bathroom door. I turned on the shower and got in listening to Green Day. I got out and dried myself off, I slipped on my black jeans with the hole in the knee. I forgot to grab a shirt but at least I had grabbed a bra. I put my bra on before heading out to my room, I saw Ashton look up at me and gulp.
I walked over to my closet before picking out a ac/dc cutoff shirt that was baggy, and showed off my black sports bra. I walked back into the bathroom and started applying my black eyeliner until I felt those strong arms wrap around my waist and then I felt his member touching my ass. I laughed "You excited?" and he started kissing right behind my ear since my hair was up in a bun so it wouldn't get in my face. I moaned quietly and I turned to face him, he picked me up sitting me on the counter. I wrapped my legs loosely around his waist, and his buldge was pushing up my crotch. I ran my hands up his bare chest and then took one hand useing it to palm him through his boxers. I heard his breath hitch and he let out a moan. I bit my lip before pulling his mouth back to mine, he would moan every now then and finally I pulled away. "I need to get ready Ash..." and I slid of the counter.
"Why?" he said pouting "I thought today was your day off..."
"I was..." I said sighing "I have to drum for Miranda Lambert at the country music awards tonight"
"But, she is counrty?" he asked.
"Yeah, she has this new song and apparently they can't find a drummer who gives the drum beat so I have to play a beat while they sing live."
"Wow, that is a lot of pressure..." He said furrowing his eyebrows and looking down at his feet.
I nodded "Yeah, but I think I can handle it if... I get a good luck kiss from you"
He looked up and smiled, then connected his lips to mine. We finally broke away and I put on my combat boots which has a small heal on them. We walked back to my room and Ashton put his clothes back on. Then we walked back into the kitchen area "So did you do a quick tap in the bathroom?"
I looked at Sam unamused and Ashton said "Nah, you would have heard her yelling my name"
I turned and slapped him on the arm giving him a glare and he just smiled cheekily at me.
Sam started laughing "Ashton, you are seriously the kind of man we need hanging around here"
Ashton beamed since it was like Sam giving him her blessing. I got a text from Miranda's manager that they were outside of the hotel waiting to pick me up.
Ashton walked me out before giving me a hug and a kiss. I walked into Miranda's tourbus, she came out and had a nice southern accent. "Nice to finally meet you!" And she pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back. We sat down on her couch and I said "ok, so I have heard the song without the drums and I have a idea for the drum sound. Do you want to hear it when we get there or surprise you?"
"Surprise me! I know you are a outstanding drummer, and I know you have something good."
I nodded "Alright, I can do that" and smiled at her which she smiled back.
Soon enough we arrived at the CMA's and we got off of her tour bus and headed backstage. They insisted on me changing in to something else but I stood my ground and said no. I met Carrie Underwood since her and Miranda were doing a duet.
*Ashton's p.o.v.*
We waited for a couple of hours all gathered around the tv eating popcorn and drinking soda's. The girls showed up about a hour ago and we sat around and bonded. Sam insisted the best way to bond was playing strip poker but we just laughed and said no. Finally the CMA's started, and we weren't used to watching them. It just seemed so different from the rock concerts we watched on tv or live. After several singers passed they announced Miranda would be performing next! We all were laying on our stomachs eating popcorn and looked like a bunch of teenage girls a a slumber party.
*Steph's p.o.v.*
We were on next and before I knew it they called us on stage. I walked out and was about to head to the drum kit but Miranda motioned for me to come center stage next to her and Carrie. I looked out over the crowd seeing some women wearing gowns and men wearing jeans and a cowboy hat. I looked down at my attire seeing black skinny jeans and combat boots.
I heard several whistles when I stepped into the spot light. I was holding my drumsticks, I stood next to Miranda and to my luck I was taller than her by 2 inches.
Miranda spoke into her microphone "Hello CMA's! You are probably wondering who this little doll is?" And she gestured toward me. "She looks a lot out of place doesn't she? Well she is a excellent drummer from a punk rock band called We are all at Stake. I asked her to play the drums for my new song Something Bad, now take in mind no one has been able to get a good drum beat to this song. She hasn't even heard the song either! She is going to make up her own beat while she is playing live! Now y'all just sit back and watch this cute thing do her work"
I nodded and jogged back to the drum kit, and sat down positioning myself. I hit the bass drum once to signal I was ready. I started playing and Miranda started singing, then Carrie harmonized in with her. Finally hitting the chorus my hair was singing back and forth and apparently the crowd loved the beat cause they were cheering.
I stopped when the song ended and the crowd cheered again. I smiled triumphantly and stood up walking to center stage receiving a hug from Miranda and Carrie.
"Now that is what I call a drum beat!" Answered Carrie
I smiled and ran a hand through my hair, I saw several camera's flashing.
We excited the stage and I grabbed a water bottle. I talked to several other artists asking if I could play the drums for them too sometime. I just shrugged saying "I'm only one person! I will try and get around to everyone, but I'm married to my band!" They all started laughing and I smiled. They finally said I could head back to my hotel, I nodded and grabbed my drumsticks. I texted Sam to see if she could come pick me up with that she replied ~Bitch do you think I would make you walk?~
I but my lip holding back a laugh ~well bitch get yo ass over here and pick me up!~
~yes ma'am~
About 45 minutes later I heard the band van pull up an the doors slid open. Luke was the first to jump out and gave me a rib breaking hug, then next was Michael, Calum stumbled out almost tripping. Sam ran around the front "You were awesome! Like they zoomed in on you most of the time and that beat was sick!" I smiled and then felt a familiar pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I smiled as I leaned back taking in his cologne, Ashton rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt his mouth open to say something before Sam cut him off "Alright! Show is over! Get in the fucking van, I'm tired everyone's tired. So let's get back to the hotel!"
I nodded and Ashton let go of me, surprising Sam let Ashton and me have the back even though she claimed it was just cause she was driving. Ashton let me climb in first and to my surprise he laid his head down in my lap. His eyes met with mine and I smiled, I started running my fingers through his curls. I would run them through and when I got to the end of his hair I would gently tug which he would moan softly. Blink 182 was playing on the radio and I was glad so no one could hear Ashton's small moans. Even though I could barely hear them, I could feel his back vibrate when he did. I guess Ashton liked it when I played with his hair, and I enjoyed it cause I liked twirling his curls around my fingers.
We pulled up to the boys hotel and Luke,Michael, and Calum all got out but I gave them all a kiss on the cheek saying goodbye. I heard Ashton whine and I looked at him "What?"
"You are only supposed to kiss me" then he smirked.
I sighed playfully before playfully slapping him on his arm. I continued running my fingers through his hair earning small moans every now and then.
We arrived back at our hotel and we went up in the elevator to our suite. Sam went and jumped on the couch like the twelve year old she was, Clara went to take a shower, and Sally went to bed. Ashton sat in the comfy chair and pulled my belt loops so I was forced to sit on his lap. I smiled and I heard a groan, Sam was sitting up "So why haven't you guys had sex yet?"
I shrugged and said "Guess the time hasn't come yet"
"Bullshit..." I heard Sam mumble under her breath.
"Does Ashton even know what turns you on?"
I glared at her "Sam!" And I shifted unaware I was still on Ashton's lap.
I heard Ashton moan and say under his breath "Dammit Steph..."
I stopped moving and looked at Sam "Sam, why?"
Sam laughed "Dude! He needs to know how to turn you on. Come on poor guy... he is already sexually frustrated right now" and pointed at Ashton.
"Ashton, what turns Steph on is when you lightly scratch her back!" Sam yelled out before I could stop her.
Before I knew it, I felt Ashton's hand slip under my shirt and start scratching my back. I felt my knees go weak and goosebumps came up from skin. I moaned softly and shifted on his lap again making him moan.
~I decided to skip the dirty scene, soooo..... this is after it~
He was breathing hard and so was I, finally our breathing calmed down. We laid there in silence till he looked at me "You're beautiful, you know that right?"
I smiled "and you are very handsome"
He smiled letting out a content sigh, "wanna take a shower... with me?"
I chuckled at the thought, and turned so I was looking at him.
"I can wash your hair... I've always wanted to. Not to sound creepy but I love your hair Steph"
I smiled "Yeah, you can wash it. Just be gentle"
He nodded and sat up and I followed him in the bathroom turning it on. I checked to see if it was warm enough, which it was and I got in. He got in and I let my hair get wet, he grabbed the shampoo but first looking at my boobs. I looked at him lifting his chin "My eyes are up here Irwin"
He did his adorable Australian giggle and lathered my hair with shampoo, he then washed it out. He put in some conditioner and rubbed it in, he then ran his fingers through it. He then washed it out and I looked at him "Get your hair wet"
He looked at me "Why?"
"Cause I'm going to wash your hair"
He clapped his hands together like a school child and I playfully rolled my eyes. I gather my shampoo before lathering up his curls. I gently used my nails to scrape his scalp and then massaged his scalp which he moaned quietly.i bit my lip and said "Does people touching your hair like turn you on?"
"Only when you do it" he replied and I smiled.
"Guess I will just have to fuck you in the shower" I said jokingly with a small chuckle.
"Kinky" he said and we both laughed, I washed the shampoo out if his hair and put in my conditioner running my fingers through it. I washed it out and we both took turns using the soap to clean ourselves. I got out and handed him a towel which he dried off and I dried myself. I slipped on my Metallica loose shirt and just a pair of underwear. He put his boxers back on and decided that what good enough. I decided to let my hair dry naturally and he laid down on my bed which I laid down next to him. I closed my eyes, not falling asleep but just relaxing. I heard Ashton's breathing go even so I knew he was asleep, I got out of bed and headed into the kitchen area. I saw Sam still watching tv "So, was he any good?"
I mentally faced palmed myself cause I should have expected this question from the famous Sam.
"None of your business" I smirked and getting a glass of water sitting next to Sam. I sat down facing her and putting my legs over her's and I sighed happily. I turned my head to watch tv but heard a door creak, I looked around and saw sleepy Ashton standing there. His hair was still wet and messed up from sleeping, he looked at me and yawned. He walked over to the couch, Sam and I were watching him closely. He picked me up bridal style and I asked him "Ashton what are you doing?"
He yawned once again "I'm cold and you are sleeping with me and no hanging out with Sam... only me"
I smiled and he carried me with ease to my room before setting me down on my bed. I quickly crawled under my blankets followed by Ashton and he pulled my hips to his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled his face into my neck and breathed contently.
I heard his breathing go even, I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep myself next to Ashton.

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