The Club Experience

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The girls wanted to change first so we had to go back to their hotel. Us guys sat on the couch while the girls all went to their rooms to take a quick shower and change. Sam came out wearing red skinny jeans with a All Time Low shirt. Clara just wore plain skinny jeans and a plain blue shirt, Sally also wore plain skinny jeans with a Panic at the Disco shirt. Finally, Steph came out wearing black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a different Sex Pistols shirt. I tried not to stare at her but it was hard as her hips swayed when she walked, I guess she felt my eyes gazing at her butt and she turned around. She had applied more black eyeliner and she stared deeply into mine "Didn't you mom ever teach you not to stare? It's not polite" and she bit her lip.
"Don't do that..."
She raised her eyebrow "What?" as she bit her lip again.
"Bit your lip!"
She walked over to me and leaned up and whispered in my ear "Would you prefer me to bite on yours? Hmm?"
She then smiled up at me innocently and walked to their band van before getting in the back with Sam, leaving me standing there.
The whole ride to the club was quiet except for a few whispers between Sam and Steph. No matter how hard I tried to listen they got quieter and quieter each time. We finally arrived at the club and walked in, a couple of guys trying to hit on Steph outside but she kept walking.
When we walked in the guys and the girls headed to the dance floor except for Steph, she headed straight to the bar. I headed to a darker side of the room and just watched her, and several guys approached her. Right when I was about to walk over there to tell the guy to leave, she did it herself. They obeyed and didn't linger around like they usually did, then I decided I just go talk to her. I made my way over there and sat next to her, she looked at me "Aren't you supposed to be letting some one grind on you on the dance floor?"
I gave her a weird look "What?"
"Live a little Ashton, go sleep with someone or something. I obviously bore you so go find some hot red head"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, she thought she bored me? Maybe she just had a little bit to much to drink "Steph, I think you have had to much to drink"
"This is only my first, plus I wrote 5 songs on the album when I was drunk" and she shrugged like it was no big deal.
"I think you're pretty" I mentally faced palmed myself for letting that slip.
"Thanks, I guess?"
"You are beautiful" I said seeing she wasn't convinced.
She put her hand on my thigh and looked me in the eyes "Listen Ashton, people say that all the time about me so I just go along with it. Men sometimes think it's a 'get in my pants free card' and it's not. So try it on another girl." She took her hand away about to slip off her bar stool until I said "I think I'm in love with you..."
*Steph's p.o.v.*
"I think I'm in love with you..."
My mind raced, and I turned and looked at him. He looked like he was scared of my denying him, and I looked at him long and hard.
"Really? Ashton if you are just lying to me because..." and he cut me off by connecting his lips to mine. At first I forgot what to do until my lips started to move in sync with his, their definitely was a spark there. He pulled away and said "Do you wanna head back to the hotel?"
~It gets dirty a bit from here~
I nodded and we walked outside and called a cab, we got inside and I placed my hand on his thigh. I slid my hand up further and he almost moaned but I shushed him so the cab driver wouldn't hear him. After a stressful 10 minutes we arrived at my hotel and it seemed like the elevator took forever to get up to the 15th floor. Finally we got to my door and I teased him by taking forever with the key, he stomped his foot "Don't do this this to me Steph, not here not now..."
I chuckled and opened the door and closed it before locking it back, and right when I turned around Ashton already had me pushed up against the wall. His lips attached to mine, he wasn't going fast but it was a slow loving feeling.
"Jump... please..." he said and I obeyed jumping wrapping my legs around his waist. He squeezed my bum and I made gasp noise, I could feel his jeans get tighter. He started giving me a hickey and then he licked the newly bruised skin making me moan. He then pulled away from the wall and I let go of his waist with my legs and lead him over to the couch. I pushed him down in sitting position, and I straddled him. We started kissing again and I grinded my hips against his crotch, he moaned loudly while we kissed. I was about to take his shirt off when I heard the door unlock, I cursed under my breath and got off of him.
~Kind of ended O.O~
He fixed his hair while I ran into the kitchen acting like I was getting drinks. I quickly fixed my hair and looked at him and saw his bulge in his pants, I pointed to them and he pulled his legs up to his chest and covered with a blanket so it wasn't noticeable. He turned on the tv and I heard Sam giggling along with Clara talking. Sally appeared and saw Ashton, "Oh hey Ash, the guys were wondering were you were at... We guessed you were here"
He nodded and then Sam headed into the bedroom followed by Clara. Sally walked in the kitchen and I was leaning against the counter "So did you use protection or are you on the pill?"
I almost choked on my water and said "Huh?" but kept my voice down since Ashton was in the other room.
"Wait, you mean you didn't tap that?" motioning to the other room where Ashton was sitting.
"No, we were going to watch a movie. And why do you guys want to get involved with my love life anyways?"
"Because, you are Steph. You don't fall for guys easily and Ashton is a great guy. So if you you doing end up tapping that sometime in the future, I will be proud" and she laughed before heading to the living room. I sighed and started popping popcorn, I heard Ashton giggly laugh and I wondered what he was laughing about. After about a minute, Sally walked back in.
"You were going to have sex with him!" and she started like fangirling.
I raised my eyebrows "Huh? What, no I wasn't!"
She looked at me "The poor guy is so sexually attracted to you! He said he legs were getting uncomfortable so I said stretch them out but he shook his head no. I started questioning him and he finally did, the guy has boner that could reach the roof!" She laughed and said "Steph he is crazy about you... He just confessed his feelings to me about you, he has got it bad..."
I said "Well what do I do?"
"Be yourself"
I gave her a look and she just giggled before skipping out and heading into her bedroom. I poured the popcorn in the bowl before feeling two muscular arms wrap around my waist. I smiled and said "Well hello there"
He moved my hair to one side and did small kisses down from my jaw from my neck to my collar bone. I felt like I could stand there forever with him, just being in his arms made me feel secure. I had never felt this feeling with a guy before and it felt nice. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before letting go so we could return to the couch. He sat down and I curled up next to him grabbing the blanket and wrapped it around me and him.
"Did you really write 5 songs on the album when you were drunk?"
I looked at him "Yep, and played the drums when I was drunk too"
"Why are you so cool?"
I shrugged "I'm just being me" and smiled up at him.
He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around me "And that's why I like you"
I felt my cheeks getting warm, and I asked him "Ashton?"
"What are we? Are we still friends or are we together?"
"How about we just stay friends just for a little while?"
I nodded and we continued watching the movie Fired Up, until I fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning still cuddled up with Ashton, I smiled and shook him lightly. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. His morning voice was deeper and raspy "Good morning..." and he yawned.
"Morning" and I almost screamed cause Sam was leaning on the counter watching us smiling like a creep.
"So... How did it go?" as she wiggled her eyebrows.
Ashton laughed causing me to laugh and I said "Fine, we just watched a movie and fell asleep"
She said "We got a interview in about a hour, so Ashton needs to get his fine ass out of here so we can walk around in underwear again."
He looked at me "You guys walk around in your underwear?"
I gave him a smirk "Don't act like you don't do it too, I know Calum walks around naked from time to time"
"How do you know that?" he said looking concerned
I laughed "I know a lot of things, but Luke said it one time when we were having coffee"
"When did you and Luke get coffee?"
"About 4 days ago? I think... then Michael and I went and played laser tag about 6 days ago. Calum and I went go carting about 3 days ago."
Ashton looked confused "They never told me..."
I shrugged "I guess they didn't think it was important" and I stood up.
Ashton stood up "Well I guess I will see you later?"
I nodded and led him over to the door, I gave him a hug and then he left. I closed the door and saw Clara waddling into the living room trying to pull up her jeans, I laughed at her cause she looked so stupid.
I went and got in the shower changing into a black tank top, black cargo shorts, with my white and black checkered vans with skater socks with the vans logo on them. I had washed my hair so I blow dried it and straightened it again. I added my silver studded belt that I wore often and finally decided I was ready. I looked in the mirror noticing the huge hickey Ashton left me, I groaned and covered it up with a bunch of makeup. Plus how my hair was styled it covered it up too, I looked one last time in the mirror. I walked out seeing we had to be there in 15 minutes we ran downstairs getting in the band van.
Avril Lavigne was playing on the radio and we turned it up so loud the seats were vibrating. We sang along getting several stares from people in the next to us, we just laughed it off. We pulled up in the parking lot, seeing a bunch of fans lined up outside they all screamed when we got out. Even though our security guard told us we couldn't go take pictures, I managed to get a couple with fans before the security guard came and threw me over his shoulder carrying me away. I waved to the fans and said "Sorry! I will try and get more when we are done!" as he carried me inside the building. They had already started the interview without me and the camera turned and looked at me when I walked.
The female interviewer said "Nice of you to join us" letting out a small laugh.
I laughed "Sounds like my 7th grade teacher every morning I walked in to class late." as I rolled my eyes thinking about all the detentions I got for being late to class.
She laughed again, and I took a seat next to Sam.
"So I heard you and Ashton aren't dating?"
"Yes, finally someone gets it right. We are just friends"
"Well this morning he was caught kissing some blonde! So we knew you guys weren't dating or he was cheating but he is to much of a sweet guy to cheat"
It rang through my ears and I just nodded slowly "Yeah, to much of a sweet guy" as I emphasized sweet.
"But we have great news with you Steph! Avril Lavigne wants you to come to the studio today and help her write some songs and record the drums!"
I smiled and tried to act happy, I had looked up to Avril when I was younger. "That's great, I actually have a great inspiration right now..."
The interview looked curious "Oh? And what is that?"
"Oh you know, the regular. When a guy makes you feel special but then goes and fuck it up" and I smiled sweetly adding a smirk "This interview is live right?"
I gave my middle finger to the camera "Well excuse me, I have some song writing to do..." and I stood up brushing off my shorts and exciting the room. I decided I could walk to the studio from here, it was only a block away. I pushed open the huge glass doors hearing some fans scream and I walked over there to take some pictures. One girl said "Are you about to go raise some hell?"
I laughed and nodded and she smirked "Go get em"
I gave her thumbs up before jogging toward the studio down the block. I felt hurt and stopped for a moment before looking up Ashton's name on my phone. The picture stared at me, he was kissing some blonde. I growled to myself before putting my phone away and jogging the last couple of minutes to the studio.
I walked in seeing Avril sitting there, she had on some skinny jeans, black heels, and a black and white striped top. Her eyes light up when she saw me "Hi! I have been waiting to meet you! I've watched a couple of your live concerts and saw you drumming, plus I saw 23 out of 24 songs were written by you on your album. And I love all of them!" and she pulled me in a hug.
I smiled and pulled away "Wow thanks, it's a honor to meet you. Do you have anything special you want to write about?"
She looked at me "Your friend Clara contacted me about with you and Ashton, so you feel free to write about those songs. I would like a couple to be upbeat but I want some slow songs too. Is that okay?"
I nodded "Perfect" and I sat down at the desk and got a big notepad and a pen. After about 30 minutes I wrote 3 songs. One called He wasn't, and anther called My Happy Ending, and the last one I just finished called Nobody's Home. I had also already written the guitar and bass parts, I was finishing up the drum parts. The next song I got started on was called Remember When and I finished it pretty quickly actually. I finally finished another one called Keep Holding One, some were about Ashton but some were just all my emotions coming out. I did another called Wish You Were Here.
I saw Avril making a Instagram video and I just kept on writing. I heard her say "I have this legend writing for me, and she has wrote 6 songs in 45 minutes! I have read over them and I can tell they are going to be hits! She's got a lot of inspiration right now... what a fucktard he is such a dumbass for doing this but we should have the songs done by tomorrow and will be preformed at my concert tomorrow night! I will tell you before each song which ones she has written, they concert will be live on tv too! So share with your friends, love you my little black stars!" and she blew a kiss before clicked the end button. I wrote another called Smile.
After 10 minutes I finished the another called Complicated, then the very last one called Don't Tell Me. Avril read over them and gave me a hug "These are awesome! I'm going to get in the studio with the guitarist and bassist right now and start getting them recorded. Could you play the drums live tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I'd love too" smiled and nodded. I was about to leave the studio before Avril said "You have a real talent for song writing you know? I mean you wrote all of these in a hour and they are fantastic"
I nodded "Thanks, inspiration is a wonderful thing sometimes..."
She nodded and said "I'm sorry he did that to you Steph"
I nodded "Yeah, me too"
She smiled and I waved goodbye before heading out to jog to the hotel. I met several fans along the way and took some pictures. I actually ran into the guy that I gave my Green Day shirt to, and I smiled at him. He asked for a picture and I took one with his phone and with mine, "Hey, I will see around...?"
I nodded "See you around Kevin, nice seeing you again" and gave him a pat on the shoulder before jogging the remaining mile to the hotel. When I finally got there I walked inside seeing the girls sitting on the couch watching Icarly.
"So, how did it go with Avril Lavigne?" asked Clara.
"I wrote 9 songs and she has asked me to play the drums tomorrow at her concert" I said after slipping off my shoes and sitting down next to Sam.
"Dude our interview is all over the place and they keep asking about this 'Mystery Man' and shit. Luke called earlier saying Ashton was upset and..."
I cut her off "Good, he deserves it. Freaking liar, there's always that one person you let into your life but they have to mess it up."
Sam nodded "Has he contacted you?"
I shook my head "Nope, I just hope he sees the concert tomorrow. It's supposed to be on tv"
"Let's text Calum to tell him so they can all watch it, or call him"
I nodded and decided I would in a minute, I just wanted to cool off for a moment.
*Ashton's p.o.v.*
Yes, I messed up. I kissed that girl only cause well I didn't know why. I hoped no one caught it but I had a feeling they did. I got a sick feeling when I heard Michael yelled my name from the other side of the hotel. I walked over "Yes?"
He glared at me and Luke and Calum looked disappointed in me shaking there heads. At first they showed me the picture of me kissing the blonde, and I cringed.
"Is that it? You just wanted to show me that?"
"Nope, something worse" and he clicked on another tab seeing it was We are all at Stake interview that was filmed today. I bit my lip as he clicked the play button, at first Steph wasn't there for about 5 minutes then it showed her walking in late and they made a joke about her being late. Then they brought up me and her dating, and of course they brought up me kissing the blonde. I saw her look up at first with hurt in her eyes but it soon turned to rage. I wanted to crawl up in a corner when she said "Yeah, to much of a sweet guy" and I heard the venom sting me when she said sweet. I also cringed when she said "That's great, I actually have a great inspiration right now..." and I gulped when she replied with "Oh you know, the regular. When a guy makes you feel special but then goes and fuck it up" and she smiled sweetly adding a smirk "This interview is live right?" I continued watching even she gave the middle finger to the camera "Well excuse me, I have some song writing to do..." and she stood up brushing off her shorts and exciting the room. The camera watched her as she left holding up her middle finger above her head as she excited the door. I sighed knowing that middle finger was to me and only me. I did deserve this and I looked at the guys who were looking up at me.
"Ashton you messed up so bad this time, glad she didn't reveal your name. I've seen some of their fans and they would probably mess you up"
I nodded and I heard Calum's phone ring, he answered it and put it on speaker. "It's Steph!" he said in a whisper yell. I sat on the floor, listening to what she had to say.
"Hey Steph!" He said happily.
"Hey Calum!" she said sounding happy. "I just was wondering if you guys were watching Avril Lavigne's live concert tomorrow on tv?"
"We weren't planning on it, why?"
"Oh well I wrote 9 songs today and they came from the heart you know? But anyways she is preforming them tomorrow at her concert and she asked me to play the drums for her. And she is going to announce the ones I wrote too... if you don't want to it's fine"
"No we will watch it! All of us! So how have you been?"
I looked at Calum for asking such a stupid question but I guess Steph didn't think it was a dumb question.
"You know Calum, you are probably the first person who has asked me in a long time how I have been. And I thank you for that, but I've been good. Writing those songs actually made me feel better, how have you been? Along with Luke and Michael how are they?"
"I've been good, same with Luke and Michael. You aren't going to ask how Ashton's doing?"
"Nope, cause I don't really care if he feels like shit or if he is the happiest fucker ever..." and I heard her sigh. "Sorry for saying that Calum..."
"Nah it's fine, you still got Luke, Michael and me"
I heard her chuckle and she replied "Thanks Calum, I would give you a hug but I can't... so you are just going to have to take my word I would." and she laughed again.
I missed that laugh and Calum said "We watched the interview today, you seemed pissed..."
"I was Calum, but oh well. The one time I let someone in my live they just mess it up, I just get tired of it."
"Can I ask you a question Calum?"
"You, Luke, and Michael want to go get some coffee like now?"
"Sure, want us to meet you there? It's the little coffee shop down the road right?"
"Yep, see you guys there"
"Alright, bye Steph"
"Bye Calum" and she hung up.
I looked at them "So I don't get to come?"
Calum shrugged "She would have invited you don't you think?"
I crossed my arms before retreating to my room.
*Steph's p.o.v.*
I had always talked easily to Calum, he was just so understanding and thoughtful. I grabbed my black hoodie before saying goodbye to the girls who were still watching tv. I headed down to the lobby and it was chilly outside, and I walked toward the small coffee shop. I saw Luke since he was pratically a giraffe, Michael hair color and I saw Calum's face. They turned and waved before running up to give me a hug. I gave them a big hug in return and Michael put in our orders, and we went in sat in a booth. I sat next to Calum facing Luke and Michael and we soon got our coffee, I was tired and leaned on Calum. He looked at me nodding giving me permission, I sighed deeply.
"Thanks for coming guys"
"Anything for you Steph" said Michael smiling.
"Oh! Guess what Steph!" said Luke squirming in his seat.
I looked at him "What?"
"We actually got VIP tickets to the Avril Lavigne concert! And we know most or all of those songs are about Ashton, so we are bringing him so he can't bail"
I nodded "That's great you got tickets guys, and thanks again for being here"
"We like hanging out with you Steph" said Calum smiling down at me.
"I'm glad, I like hanging with the girls but sometimes I like to be with guy friends you know?"
They all nodded "We understand" answered Luke.
"He really did do a shitty thing" said Michael making a face.
I nodded and Luke said "He really did Steph, I mean any guy would be lucky to have you. You are beautiful, talented, nice and just a overall great person. Now don't let what Ashton did tear you down, you are stronger than that and we all know it."
Michael added "And we all love you and support you. Ashton is our friend but we love you like I said"
Calum then said "Cause we like to treat you right Steph, and you shouldn't be treated like that ever"
I felt a tear slip down my cheek and I smiled "What did I do to deserve you guys?"
"You were just you, and don't cry" said Calum wiping the tear from my cheek.
"They are tears of happiness, and really you guys are to kind to me..."
They all smiled and we payed for the coffee, they gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
"Do you want us to walk you back to your hotel?"
I shook my head "No, I can handle it from here. Thanks for coming"
They all smiled and waved before heading to their hotel. I walked back to mine, feeling better about myself knowing they cared for me. I opened the door and I went straight to bed, since Avril's concert was during the day. I said good night to the girls and changed, then crawled into my comfy bed falling asleep.

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