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He sat silently in the middle of the forest, the fresh air intoxicating his lungs, filling his body completely with the utmost tranquility.



He loved it.

The feeling of a gentle breeze flowing through the trees, the rustling of fallen leaves, and the chirping of...

"Lucious... In what form have you come to me now?" The young man mumbled, his eyes still closed, enjoying the sounds he hardly ever had time to enjoy.

"You're old enough to know now, would you like to attempt to guess?"

"Koel. Jet black no?"

The boy opened his eyes, his head turning to where the small blackbird was perched, its red eyes looking like two small berries.


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"Correct. So, when will you begin? I've been watching for a bit and you have yet to begin casting your magic," the bird asked, flying down to the young man's side.

The man dismissed the bird's words, placing his hands in the center of his lap and inhaling the scent of pine and wet dirt.

He took a deep breath, raising his hands like he was praying, his eyes continued to stay closed as he began to mumble incoherent words.

A spark of light began to flow out of his hands, the hues going from green to purple, the same bird that had been next to him soon soaring into the air.

"Come on Yoongi, expand

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"Come on Yoongi, expand. Think of filling up this forest like a bubble," the bird urged.

Yoongi concentrated, the small spark soon engulfing him and the ground around him, nearly reaching the trees Lucious was standing on before stopping and turning to dust, Yoongi falling back against the leaf-covered ground he was sitting on. 

Yoongi gave a heavy sigh, his hands closing once again at a second attempt, his legs propping him back upright. He felt the surge come from deep within his chest, a burning sensation making him squeeze his eyes tight.

"Concentration is key Yoongi, keep your mind on the space you will be engulfing with the barrier."

Yoongi gave a large exhale, filling his body and part of the ground before the magic disappeared in a large explosion which caused him to be repulsed against a tree with enough force to knock some branches down.

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