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Yoongi was full of questions, but as each came to the tip of his tongue, his mind would go blank.

The sky above them was bright, and with it, Yoongi took the opportunity to glance at the crow -he had just learned- held his father within him. He studied his face, a face that still had the likeness of his deceased friend Jimin.

He hated having to look at it, his face making Yoongi feel sick, but he had no other choice. He was his father, and even though they shared the same face, they were two different people. 

"How could you?" Yoongi asked angrily.

"How could I what?"

"How could you not tell me? All this time. Do I mean so little to you? Was...how..." Yoongi groaned out, averting his gaze from the crow.

Lucious went silent while continuing to walk, Yoongi following close behind him, awaiting any sort of response, yet nothing. Lucious had made his way to the beach adjacent to the cottage, Yoongi's legs sinking into the sand with each step. He hoped Lucious would say something, anything was better than the silence shared between them.

Were all their interactions up till then, lies?

Deep down, Yoongi had grown to care for the crow, to see him as someone who had filled the father figure role in his life. The many times Yoongi ran to him when he cried himself to sleep the night before because of how different he was and how many secrets he had to keep from his family felt like nothing. He had shared all those grueling nights with him. He had hugged him on each one of his birthdays, he had walked roads and flown through mountains with him by his side. Had all that meant nothing to him?

"The master and I once came to this beach," Lucious mumbled while sitting himself down on a large tree log.

"It was a long time ago, before the war. He was a good man. A very good man," Lucious added, his words so quiet Yoongi could barely make them out.

"Never thought I'd be here with his kid."

Yoongi's eyes softened.

The crow's expression was as pathetic as his own had been at some point. His form began morphing to one he had never seen before, one that was more mature, and far more serious looking. This shape was one he was sure was Lucious' original form, his true identity. He had sharp eyes, a well-defined jawline, and jet-black hair. This was the face that suited Lucious's voice the most.

 This was the face that suited Lucious's voice the most

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"Nice to meet you, my name is Lucious. I am your late father's familiar, and the rain demon belonging to the Shino clan. We have been looking over you for a while, but I, as the main host of the body, decided not to say anything because I didn't want to put you or your family in danger. Also, yes, this is my original form,"

Yoongi stayed silent.

It wasn't enough. He didn't know what words would fill the empty spot that had been torn open with the news of who he was, but those were not the words he hoped to hear.

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