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"A witch?" Ina asked, confused as to why he'd bring up such a weird topic in the conversation.


The word sounded scary. It was as if he was accusing her of something bad or evil. I mean there had been witch trials at some point in ancient history, but that was then. This was now, and from what Ina knew of, magic, witches, and other sorts of things didn't exist. It was fantasy nonsense, a world created by folktales and myths.

"How could I be a witch? Witches don't exist," she mumbled, her eyes roaming the floor doubtfully.

Sighing heavily, Yoongi pointed at the pan Ina had seen earlier before whispering something. The words were so muffled that Ina didn't even realize when the pot had been filled with water or when the ashes she had seen prior to them sitting down, had become large planks of wood.

"W-what are you doing??" she asked, her voice shaky.

It was obvious he had caught her off guard, the fear in her voice amusing Yoongi. He was troubled by the idea that a witch had most likely been the one to witness his magic, however, the fact she looked so confounded appeased his wandering mind.

"Witches, magic, it's all real, whether you believe me or not is solely up to you. So, let me ask again, are you a witch?" he questioned.

Ina shook her head vigorously, her eyes fixated on the man in front of her. He stood up, walking near her before crouching down to her eye level.

"Tell me, Ina, as a kid, did you ever feel a burning heat that scared people away? Or, as a kid, did you ever wish to defend someone with such force that something unexpected happened? Maybe you wished harm upon someone with such passion that suddenly when you came to, what you wish had come true?" Yoongi asked, his body inching forward towards Ina who seemed to lean further back against the wall the old cot was against.

Ina swallowed hard.

She remembered it like it had only been yesterday.

It was the incident that had forced her to become the same girl who'd protected Chanyeol years later. The same incident that would lead her to meet Jimin later in life.

Ina was 7 years old when it happened, the school had roughly 10 students per class and at the most 4 classes per grade level. Elementary had always been normal for her and she wasn't one to shy away from friends, in fact, she had many as a child and those same friends would, later on, defend her and her brother. However, that didn't stop her from becoming the target of some of the most vicious bullies in school.

They were 10 at the time, picking on any kids, especially her brother Jungha.

Jungha was in his first year of kindergarten and spent his recess at the side of his sister. Although at first, Ina didn't mind the company, as time went on, she began to resent Jungha for not letting her spend time with her friends. Eventually, she simply told him off and Jungha stopped spending time with her at school. To her, this was her biggest regret. While he was younger, he was simply a child looking for the love and affection of her, his older sister. Instead of being there for him, like she should have, she had isolated him from her life.

This isolation, nonetheless, made him the prime target of all of the 10-year-old bullies' rage.

Ina stood alone at the entrance of the school one day, usually walking home with Jungha but didn't see him at the front gates of the school that afternoon. 

It was odd. Jungha was more punctual than her, and more often than not, he'd be the one having to wait for her. It was strange to be received by emptiness rather than the face of a small 4-year-old scolding her for her tardiness.

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