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Agatha had walked down the cliff to the side of the forest by her hut, the beach on the opposite side of them. 

Ina slowly followed behind her until they reached a large willow tree. There was a sound of running water coming from somewhere, but Ina's body was in so much pain she couldn't figure out where she heard the sound from.

The willow tree was huge, the leaves covering the whole front of the tree down the floor, making it impossible to see anything behind it. The tree seemed to be leaning against a large wall of rock that led up to a cliff, the ground around it full of smaller rocks and a tiny stream flowing through them, probably why some rocks had a bit of moss on top of them.

Agatha walked up to the curtain of leaves from the willow tree, motioning for Ina to come with her. 

She did her best to follow the woman, but her body still felt pain filling every one of her limbs. 

Letting Ina pass through, Agatha followed behind her into the large area inside that the tree covered. The tree was embedded into the cliff, a small trickle of water falling into a deep pool at the bottom, one that trickled water out and created the stream she had seen outside. On some of the ledges of the tree stood burned down candles, Agatha raising her hand, which promptly made the candles become brand new, all of them lit up and allowing Ina to see properly.

"Take that bucket and get some water out. I'll do the same with mine," the woman said. 

Ina nodded slowly before dropping the bucket in her hands into the well-like area under the tree. 

"What is this place?" Ina asked with the little energy she had.

"Water from the tree of magic. There is a tree in Igna...do you know what Igna is?" the woman asked.

Ina shook her head, the woman pushing her hair back before pulling both the buckets in the Well area out.

"Hm...where should I start..." the woman mumbled, squatting down and making two more buckets appear out of nowhere. 

"How about I start from the beginning? My name is Agatha. I used to be known as the original Elder Witch, and in our small Witch Kingdom, the Queen of Witches," she said.

Ina let her body rest against a rock, Agatha grabbing the next buckets and putting two more in their place.

Ina felt more pain rise up inside of her, but wanted to hear Agatha. She needed to know more, and her desire for knowledge was greater than a little ache here and there. Or so she thought. What was she getting herself into was the main question. 

"I won't go into too much detail about my life, but let us say I was married to the Last Warlock King. He was a good man but had some bad habits. I had two sons with him and all was happy until the dark magic he used finally took over his body. Some warlocks, when using evil magic, get taken over by madness if not taken care of when being taken over. He never told me something was wrong so he ended up becoming someone so unknown to me and his son's. I hid his sons and at some point, Merla came along. Merla was my personal servant and helped my husband overcome the pain he was going through while at the last stage of the evil taking over. My husband...Sung-jun became a shell of his former self. He had been so kind but he suddenly started creating a slave hierarchy and I had no say in the matter. At some point, even his own son's tried to rebel against him but failed. After Sung-jun finally had all the witches enslaved that he possibly could have, Merla asked me to do something, but I just couldn't. That was my husband after all," Agatha said, her voice a lot shyer and softer than it had been before.

She grabbed the last two buckets and placed them on the floor next to her. She slowly made a vile appear out of thin air, the color of it being purple, undoing the lid before pouring it into the well. Ina huffed, the pain in her body becoming greater than before. 

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