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"Ina, Ina let's go," a voice whispered, her brother's gentle shaking waking her up. His hand was on her shoulder, comfort coming from still having him close. The moonlight reflecting on his pale skin made Ina first think he was a ghost, but his gentle whisper and optimistic attitude could radiate even in complete darkness.

Ina glanced around, her room still unlit, the light of the moon scarcely entering through the locked window, one she had made sure was completely sealed and impossible to open after the whole incident with that man.

She had fallen asleep a little after dinner, her body exhausted from crying and basically finding out she had not an ounce of blood-related to her mother. She sighed, using her hand to brush her hair back. Jungha sat at the edge of her bed, waiting for a response from her. He hesitated to say anything, knowing well that she was probably still trying to wrap her head around the shakiness of their sibling relationship.

Sliding off her bed, Ina's eyes adjusted to the darkness before slipping into her shoes, a dirty pair of Nikes she was proud of wearing. They were the first purchase she had made with her own money, so why shouldn't she be proud of them. However, these shoes felt heavier than usual. She had planned to leave for college wearing those dirty Nikes, but now it did not feel right. Jungha rushed around left and right, placing things into a backpack and handing it to her. He didn't say anything, simply patting her head gently.

"Where to?" Ina asked, her brother grabbing her hand to lead her out of her room without a reply. 

He placed a finger on his lips, shushing her before both of them slowly walked out through the front door, their home left behind them, Jungha leading the way, his hands warm and soothing to Ina. The air was crisp, chilly at best. Ina felt regret at not bringing a sweater, her loosely fitted shirt letting the breeze hit her uncovered arms. She felt her hair hit her cheeks gently. It tickled her, the fresh feeling of the night sending shivers down her spine.

Making her way to the side of the house with her brother, Casper sat waiting for them by some steps at the side of their neighbor's place. The bright silver of the moon's light hit his coat perfectly, the dog shining like a spec of snow on the ground would.

Wagging his tail, he walked down to meet them before transforming in front of them, his face different from what it was before. Jungha and Ina still felt surprised, even if it was their second time seeing his transformation. Instead of losing that wow factor like magical girls from a cartoon do after the one-hundredth episode of them transforming, Casper surprised them every time with a new outfit or even a new cheeky entrance, and now a completely different face. This face was unrecognizable, Chanyeol's features nowhere to be seen.

His eyes were narrower, his grin a bit cheekier, and his stature a lot shorter than his last transformation. Yet the confidence oozing from his posture made them feel like kids at an aquarium. 

"Why the new look?" Jungha asked, his voice genuinely curious.

"You guys didn't seem to like my last face. What can I say? This face suits me a bit better, no?"

His hair suddenly began to fade from white to black, and both Jungha and Ina took a step back to admire the man in front of them. 

"Why the change?" Ina mumbled.

"Would be a bit weird if someone with white hair went walking around, no? Darker is easier to go unnoticed," he mumbled, readjusting the suit coat he was wearing.

Both Ina and Jungha shook their heads, Casper walking past them while motioning for them to follow, the scent of cologne he wore making Ina sneeze, Casper chuckling. It was surreal, the thought that magic could even exist in the world. There were no wands, no smoke, and no magic mirrors.  It was something so naturally executed very unnaturally. 

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