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Hyejin guided them towards a corner of the library, a bright red curtain hanging from the top of a small dark room that was sealed off to the others.

The woman snapped her fingers, an assortment of candles lighting up the room like shining stars in a pitch-black night sky. There were books here and there along some wooden shelves, but overall, the room was mostly empty. The floor was of solid stone, the roof hollowed out upwards into the sky like a never-ending cave. It felt like something out of Harry Potter, with sparkles engulfing both Ina and Yoongi. They continued forward, Yoongi's steps reluctant to follow.

In the center of the room lay a marble platform, Hyejin approached it cautiously, two large wooden chests sitting on either side of it.

Moving a hand up, Hyejin expelled a bright light, the chests opened up to reveal glistening green crystals.

"Take one each," she ordered, both of them walking over and grabbing a crystal.

Hyejin smiled, both her hands being raised to the sky, looking like they were pulling something up from the ground, a large, round portal appearing before them.

"When you cross through, let go of the crystal. These will lead you directly to a safe area near Agatha's cottage, otherwise, you might get lost at another location. If all else fails, which it's rather improbable to do so-"

The woman paused, looking over at Ina before grabbing ahold of the moon-shaped pendant around her neck.

A slow stream of green began to surround the pendant, infusing it with a blue hue inside that continuously swirled until turning into a bright cyan color.

"If all else fails, let your pendant guide you in the right direction. I doubt it will be needed, but it's simply a precaution," she smiled, turning away from Ina and Yoongi before walking out of the room, her heels echoing off the walls.

"Do we just...go?" Ina mumbled, looking over at Yoongi, who seemed just as puzzled as her.

Ina sighed, moving towards the platform and slowly extending her hand out.

"Let's go," she said with confidence, grabbing Yoongi's arm and pulling him in.

It took her only seconds to be engulfed in that same familiar air brushing against her cheeks. It had been the same air she had felt before when Casper took them through the barrier's opening. However, this was slightly different. There was a delay in getting to the other side, Ina letting go of the gem in her hands, waiting patiently before closing her eyes as the wind increased in strength. When the wind had finally stopped, Ina felt her breath leave her body most oddly, the sensation of drowning lingering in her lungs.

Her eyes widened, the realization hitting her like cement on glass. The atmosphere was grim, like the woods of a horror story. She had no idea where they were, nor in what direction to go, her eyes scanning every direction in hopes of finding any familiar landmarks. Trees surrounded them, a large patch of dirt underneath their feet as if their presence had killed all signs of grass below them.

"What in the hell-"

Ina's eyes immediately went toward Yoongi's hand, a green glint coming from them.

"You son of a-" 

"How- Why didn't you let go of the damn crystal!" Ina yelled.

His eyes narrowed, annoyed at Ina before looking down at his hand, the glowing crystal turning to dust between his fingers.

"I didn't know when to let go and when was the right time. Does it look like I do this often, woman?" He groaned out, Ina rolling her eyes while shaking her head.

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