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"So he was teaching you?" Yoongi asked confused, his eyes glaring at Lucious who was walking in front of them.

Ina nodded, the group stopping at the foot of where the swamp met the cottage. The water was murky, Ina's eyes barely able to see the mucky bottom of the swamp, her feet sinking faster than she could pull them up. The mud was cold, and Yoongi kept a close eye in case she needed help walking. He was still worried about her, her face very pale, the pain she had felt the day before lingering in her bones.

"He was just trying to help. I am next to useless without him you know. It's not like I know what I'm doing," Ina whispered to him.

"But he...he looked like-"

"It doesn't make me happy either Yoongi but what else could I do? I can't be of help if I'm so defenseless."

They had set off a bit after eating, both Yoongi and Ina eyeing each other the whole way out. They both felt the same way about seeing him, the same lingering foul taste in their mouth every time they looked at his face. 

"From what I remember, the toads are about twice the height of Yoongi and pretty fat. They are super slimy and will eat people in a single bite if given a chance. Your father and I used to fight them whenever we went fishing for the castle. It was fun but we would always end up covered in mud," Lucious chuckled, Ina and Yoongi taking note of his words. He had interrupted the silence that had blanketed the atmosphere, hoping to change the mood from grim to alert.

Yoongi's face turned sour at the mention of his father. He wasn't exactly ready to bring up that subject yet and preferred it if the other two kept their mouth shut about it, but he wasn't able to escape his mentioning every other sentence. Ever since he was forced to face who he truly was a descendant of, it was as if the mentioning of his father had to be cited more on purpose.

It wasn't that Yoongi hated his father, more like he had always lacked one and now the existence of one had changed his perception of life entirely. He didn't want answers like he once thought he did, he just wanted his mother to return to him safely.

Many boys wished they had met their fathers in the village, the orphaned boys always wanting some sort of male figure to look up to and admire, but Yoongi preferred not to. Opening that can of worms now wouldn't solve anything, on the contrary, it created more problems than it solved.

For him, his father was dead.

His mother had always told him that. She had always spoken of her father like he was some sort of nightmare, a world she kept separate from the one they currently lived in.

"He was a genius, yes, but an idiot just as much," he remembered her saying once when he had asked about him. She was always very vague about his appearance, and now that Yoongi knew what his father looked like, he understood why his mother disliked it when Yoongi hung out with his childhood friend Jimin.

They looked like the same person, and if it pained him to see his late friend's face on his father's, he could only imagine what she felt like whenever she looked at the village boy named Jimin. More so now that he knew that Jimin was his cousin. He wanted to know more about what happened to Jimin and his mother, and from what everyone was saying, the only reason Yoongi had survived this long was because, unlike Jimin, he and his brother bowed their heads to danger.

"I'm sure the height will be the least of our worries seeing as how Ina is yet to fully control her magic," Lucious muttered, Ina rolling her eyes at his comment.

"We aren't asking about how they look Lucious; we want to know how to kill one," Yoongi finally chimed in.

Their steps seeped into the water quickly, the murky mud reaching up to their knees with every movement deeper into the swamp. Lucious smiled at him before waving for them to follow behind him, Ina taking ahold of Yoongi's shirt in hopes of keeping up with them.

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