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"So if you concentrate enough, you can keep a small barrier around you," Lucious explained, showing Ina his palm that was illuminated in dark blues.

The sun was setting by now. All three of them had left after a small blessing from Agatha, and a nice hearty meal.

"I see. I mean, I don't even know how I would...is there like a specific word or words I can use?"

"As you grow accustomed to the words and spells, the less you need to say them. Just thinking about them should create what you want. I think if you both get used to just, thinking it, you can progress when it comes to magic, much faster," Lucious added.

The three of them had been walking for several hours, Lucious sitting down on Yoongi's shoulder like a parrot would on a pirate, only after being asked by both of them to stay in his animal form. They were not hungry yet, but as the sun continued to set, the wind only grew stronger and so did the lingering feeling of wanting another meal.

"Why didn't you try that method of teaching with me?" Yoongi scoffed angrily, the crow chuckling to itself.

"We were in less rush to learn before and I could take my time to make sure your magic was stable. Unstable magic leads to easy mistakes. If the foundation of a spell is strong, there is no way in Igna any counterspell could break it," Lucious excused, Yoongi shaking his head.

"Anyhow, Yoongi, I was going to tell you earlier that I think I have figured out some of the ingredients for the antidote already. However, when we get back I will absolutely need help figuring out the rest," Ina chimed in.

She felt like it was easier to talk to him now, more than before. Knowing more about his past made him vulnerable in her eyes, and with his vulnerability, Ina was able to speak to him like she would her brother.

He was a gentle soul, that boy named Yoongi. His face was full of despair, and every time he gazed at the sky, Ina could tell he longed for something.

"So, what do you know so far?" he asked innocently.

Ina blushed when looking at his face, the way he pouted ever so endearing.


Ina cleared her throat before pulling out a piece of paper from her backpack that she had been writing on prior to leaving for the swamp.

"So we have the pair of toad eyes which we are on the way to get, then there is the matter of the warlock's lock, which could either mean a lock as in something that cannot be open, or a piece of hair, and I'm willing to bet on the hair," Ina murmured.

Yoongi, who had been standing further in front of the dirt path, and took a step back to look at the paper Ina was holding.

"So, my hair?" Yoongi asked, reading Ina's scribbled notes.

"I don't think I am a warlock so I wouldn't count, now would I?"

"Hm, you might be right but we have to try, no?" Ina replied.

"But then there is the question of the water from the Magic Tree," Lucious pointed out.

"My brother had a vial left of the water. We were using it to keep ourselves from the pain that comes with awakening our powers but, since he had volunteered earlier, knowing him, he will insist on letting you have it."

"But what if I reject it?" Yoongi spoke to himself.

"He would force you to take it. Trust me, it's better if you don't argue with him," Ina chuckled.

"That's all I have been able to figure out for now. And I-" 

Ina paused.

Her body had begun to feel pain, her bones aching to the point they made her fall to her knees.

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