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The night had been a cold one, the sounds of the forest menacingly biting at Ina's body. The wind continued to pick up, Ina shivering when the gust brushed against her cheeks.

When had it happened, she wondered? Her body went from freezing to warm in an instant, a low apology was the only thing she heard before going into a deep slumber.

She was tired. Tired of all the information she had to suck in, tired of hearing a small voice in her head telling her to run away. Ina just wanted some peace and quiet, the same one that sleeping provided. Regardless of how much sleep she got, it would always be insufficient, not enough to keep her mind from becoming clouded in judgment. She wanted to escape, to believe she wasn't a monster, that she wasn't the demon the kids in her elementary school had described.

She woke up with her face buried under Yoongi's chin, both of their bodies leaning against a large log, her arms concealed between the two of them, holding his shirt tightly to the point it had become wrinkled into the shape of her grasp.

"What in the-"

Ina fumbled backward, slowly crawling away from the sleeping man next to her. Yoongi was blissfully unaware, his sleeping figure getting hit with a warm ray of sunshine. He looked peaceful while asleep, the worry of his mother washed away by the comfort of the morning sun. He too wanted nothing but to stay asleep, to hope that the events that had unfolded in the past few days were only but a nightmare.

Ina slowly approached him, her hands going directly to his hair. She was both baffled as to how she had gotten into that position and curious as to why he had kept her warm. He didn't seem like the type to care, and more or less was still a stranger. It was a bit creepy in her opinion but, the way he lay there, his face softened and so youthful-looking, it was cute, a bit endearing to her. He looked so fragile, like a porcelain doll at the brink of breaking.

"He wouldn't mind if I just, touched a strand of his-"

Ina's hand was stopped in place, Yoongi holding her wrist firmly.

"I'm a light sleeper, don't touch me," he groaned out, his eyes slowly opening to look directly into Ina's soul.

"Tell me, why did you cuddle with me?" Ina asked without even giving him a chance to react.


"Do men in your village go around cuddling with any woman who looks cold?" she asked teasingly.

"This is payback for his teasing of yesterday," Ina thought to herself, watching as the young man began blushing, his cheeks turning the color of tulips.

"No. You just seemed cold, and the fire went out halfway. What was I to do? Both of us could have gotten sick you know?" he argued back, his demeanor bashful, almost frightened by Ina's quick-witted remarks.

"I say, a bit of hypothermia would have sat much better with me than to have to huddle up with a stranger," she huffed out, grabbing her discarded backpack and placing it on her shoulder.

"A stranger? Must I remind you that you practically saw me naked? Or at least the equivalent? Do you know how much trouble I could have been if you had told anyone about-"

"But I didn't. You did. You admitted to what you were without me saying a word. Look Yoongi, I may not look it but I'm not much of a blabbermouth. I will keep secrets if I must, especially since my father told me about how...well how bad it would be for you if I did say something," Ina interrupted.

"True. I-" darting away nervously, Yoongi struggled to get the next words out of his mouth.

"I thank you, I thank you for letting me do it on my own terms," he sighed.

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