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Ina scanned the area, the forest getting darker as they walked.

The wind.

The wind was still just as persistent, even though rows upon rows of trees appeared to block the majority of the sun's light.

Ina's legs became entangled by some of the roots that were spread out on the forest floor, Casper and Jungha pulling at them simultaneously to get them off her.

She felt odd, a sensation that bubbled up from the pit of her stomach. She felt like someone was staring at her, her hand holding the back of her brother's hood to guide her through the darkness.

"Is this actually the right way?" she whispered, Casper nodding in response.

They walked and continued to follow him, Ina being unsure if she was just being let on by her crazy ass dog. He simply smiled, Ina and Jungha looking towards a large glowing light at the end of the forest.

It was as if the light at the end of a tunnel, the one many wished to see when they were in bad situations. It was a warm light, one that made Ina curious as to what could be on the other side of it.

"Is that the portal?" she questioned, her hands holding onto Jungha's sweater tighter.

"I think so," Casper whispered, Ina's eyes going wide.

"'Think'? Shouldn't you be positive that it is?"

Casper shrugged.

The closer they got to the light, the warmer the sensation in the pit of Ina's stomach became.

Just as they got a foot from it, Casper's smile morphed into a sinister grin, Casper grabbing both of their arms.

With no warning, Casper jumped into the portal, pulling Ina and Jungha with him.

Ina closed her eyes, her free hand going to press the crow she had in her hood closer against her chest.

She could feel herself falling, Ina opening one eye slowly, the wind hitting her face making it difficult to do so.

There were clouds around them, both Ina and Jungha began to scream as if their life depended on it while an unbothered Casper appeared to be enjoying the way down.

"CASPER ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?" Ina yelled out, her eyes frantically scanning the area below them in hopes that they would land somewhere safe.

"NO I'M NOT CRAZY," he yelled back calmly. All Ina could see were clouds, the air frigidly biting at her cheek.

"SO WAS THIS PLANNED?" Jungha interrupted, his eyes pleading with each word.

Casper shrugged, "I THINK I PULLED US IN TOO EARLY."

"WHAT?!" "WHAT!!" Ina and Jungha roared out simultaneously.

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!" Jungha screeched, all of them still continuing to fall.

Casper flung out his arms, a darkened white sparkle appearing to leak through his fingers.

"VEDAGRAI" Casper yelled.

The fluffy white clouds that surrounded them dispersed, clearing the view for them, Ina noticed a large cliff appearing before them.

"HOLD ONTO ME!" Casper hollered, both Ina and Jungha, who had let go of him when they had jumped, did their best to pull themselves close enough to get a hold of a part of Casper's body.

The shining of his hands increased, his eyes becoming as dark as the forest they had gone from, a wild smirk appearing on his face.

"Portelom" he whispered out, the feeling of falling becoming non-existent, Ina and Jungha's bodies disintegrating in the blink of an eye.

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