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Long after the war between the witches and warlocks had come to an end, there had been a deal made between the remaining witches and the humans that now overran the world once known for magic and fantasy.

The deal had been that neither side would meddle in the other's business and if needed, sacrifices in the form of men of marriageable age, would be given to keep the witch population afloat. In exchange for that, the witches were to live far away from the humans, the witches becoming nothing more than myth in the lives of the humans. A fairy tale used to scare young children in the human realm.

Witches, to put it simply, were often reborn and reincarnated with each generation, their numbers dwindling with each year. Meanwhile, new humans were born and soon grew to overrun the planet, the witches' reincarnations benign the only thing keeping their race strong. Through trade with the humans and the use of human money, they kept their little secret village afloat. Still, their customs and way of life were far outdated in comparison to those of humans. New souls, which were those witches born without having a previous life, were now rare commodities, and unlike the humans, who were born and died to never be reborn, witches had the choice to be reborn and did so. 

Few, if any, new witch souls would be born every 4-5 years. The witches, hoping to keep their population thriving without the need to get into any trouble with the humans, choose to keep tabs on all the witches in existence by only allowing a limited number of new souls to be created. Males with magic would be decapitated to keep them from turning against witches like the warlocks had once done centuries ago. Powerless males were kept to keep the witch population going.

There was never intermingling between humans or witches to any extent other than that of trade. 

Or so that is how it was supposed to be at first.

Witches lived among humans at the beginning, seen as either "shamans" or midwives. Many of them would often help humans, on rare occasions becoming even friends with them.

But if there was something that they were forbidden to do over with the humans, something that could have people killed if not followed, was the mixing of classes. 

More often than not, lower-classed witches were allowed to marry humans, and if not marry, at least bear children with human males. However, any humans found "enchanting" a higher-ranked witch could be put to death along with the witch, who keep in mind, could be reincarnated. Usually after being killed for falling in love with a human, these higher-ranked witches would reincarnate and never be informed of that part of their previous life to keep them from doing it again.
Although not a common problem, it alarmed the Elder Witch Merla greatly, the one who had led the revolution against the warlocks and kept a single one alive to use for childbearing.

Humans could not possibly be at the status of a high-ranking witch. They weren't strong enough or good enough for them.


The history of Witches was full of magic, blood, death, and disaster. The moment Elder Witch Merla began the revolution was the moment that true freedom for both witches and warlocks would end. It was a world Ina was ignorant to, one her father knew too well.

"Ina, tell me, what was it that you often asked mom as a child?" her father asked.

He was older than Ina remembered, or was it just now that she had taken her time to study his features more precisely? His eyes were full of sorrow, his eyebrows furrowed with every glance she gave him.

Looking back down at the floor, Ina scanned each book album until one caught her attention.

"Oh! If she would let me see the brown book. You and Mom often took out the albums to show us our baby pictures but never the brown book. Mom always pretended it didn't exist or ignored-"

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