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Ina and Yoongi both stood quietly watching as the man named Sung-Jun pulled a weapon from his chest, the weapon slowly floating to his hand and twirling into a deep blue. The weapon was a long battle hammer, the jewel at the head of the hammer glimmering in light blues and pinks. The top of the weapon resembled the one Yoongi was holding, but the bottom held the head of a battle-ax, the man smirking as he caught them staring. Ina could see the man's eyes glowing a dark hue again. The man's face was unlike the Jimin they both knew. He was cocky, the way he stood full of an insulting ego that hit your body like an anchor. It was like he was showing off, a ritual dance of intimidation coming from his every move. For some reason, it made Ina uncomfortable, the way his eyes buried themselves through Ina's body as if he knew her secret and was using it to toy with her mentally. 

"Try attacking me boy," the man said, his voice becoming even deeper than before, something Ina didn't think was even humanly possible.

It felt like daggers, the way the man's smile played with their emotions. Yoongi took one deep breath, looking at the ax he held and grabbing it with his second hand. It was heavy, the warm metal making Yoongi nervous. Although he had spent his childhood collecting wood and fishing, battling was something that was never taught to men in the village. It was uncomfortable, the weight of the weapon dragging him down. He did not feel like the owner of the weapon, but more like an unwanted passenger riding the whole interaction.

"So be it," Yoongi replied, and with that, he pushed himself forward, pulling the ax back above his head before attempting to slam it down at the man.

The swing missed, the hammer hitting the water with enough force to pick up some mud into Yoongi's face. The splash was refreshing but dirty, an embarrassing blow to Yoongi's pride. The man, after dodging, slammed his elbow into Yoongi's back, Yoongi stumbling forward while the man rushed in the direction of Ina.

"Let us play a little game. Been so long since I've had this much fun stretching my limbs. Now you. Cuesdo eh stobans, say it, little lady," the man commanded, Yoongi still catching his balance behind him.

As Ina said it, a long brown staff appeared in her left hand along with a shield on the other.


Before Ina could figure out what to do with the objects, Sung-Jun came straight at her, Ina instinctively brought the shield up, the silver metal slowly morphing into a deep red, the same red pushing the man back. Ina could feel the force the man had used creeping up her arm and down to her body. He was stronger than he appeared, his eyes smiling at her reaction.

"To be expected," he chuckled before twirling the weapon in his hand and turning to face Yoongi who was now running at him at full speed, swinging his weapon like a bat, the weight making it hard to balance.

"You're going to have to try a lot harder than that little one, as for you little lady, I'll let you in on a little secret. Not all spells require words. If you're really that witch's daughter, all you need is to wish a spell to happen and it will. Thank me later for that. Now sound-wise, why don't I create a small barrier so we don't startle those toads," the man said, holding his weapon with a single hand while using the other to cast a spell, the sky around them turning darker, a dome of sorts falling around them.

"Now, back to you. How do I get you really angry? Tell me son, that witch you call mother, does she still sleep around?"

Ina gasped at the man's words. He couldn't possibly be directing those harsh words at Yoongi. Looking over at him, Ina could tell there was a small twitch in Yoongi's eyes. His anger was immeasurable as he ran towards Sung-Jun again, Ina quietly thinking back at what he had said before insulting Yoongi's mother.

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