Chapter 2

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This mysterious man sitting in the passenger seat next to Alex is intimidating and makes my heart jump at 100 miles an hour.

"Cally Cally Cally hello earth to Cally"  Lee screams into my ear when I realize that I had totally zoned out.

"I'm sorry Lee I zoned out" I mumble as I hide my now rosy pink cheeks. "No Shit Sherlock Cally" replied Lee laughing.

"Hey! Liam, how many times have I told you to watch that mouth of yours, mister? Do we need to have a special chat later?" Alex scolds Lee with a stern look on his face. "Daddy I sowy"  Lee mumbles in return.

"This is your last warning buddy, anyway Damon this is Cally she's Lees best friend and Cally this is Damon he's an old time friend of mine," Alex said as he began to start the car and drove away towards the costume party.

"Lee we gonna have so much fun ok don't be sad, we can eat food and play and dance and maybe even explore, "I say trying to get Lee to smile after being in trouble.

"You two are going to stay in our sights tonight and no cake for you Liam after what just happened" Alex stated while focusing on the road. "Don't worry Lee I'll share mine with you," I whisper into his ear noticing that Damon is watching me in the side mirror.

"You'll always be my best friend Cally" Lee squeals and hugs me. Time flys fast and before you know it we are outside a building covered in balloons and decorated like a castle. "AHHH this is freaking awesome " I scream when we get out of the car.

"Cally language! you know I'm not afraid to have a special chat with you too missy" Alex scolds pointing at me. I can't believe that just happened and even Damon has a stern look coming my way. "I-im sorry Alex," I mumbled feeling very embarrassed by the situation. 

"So Cally are you excited?" Damon clears his throat and asks. "Are you kidding me of course I am I'm like a human google I know everything about the princesses and and and and...." I hurriedly say out of breath

"Woah Woah calm down Cally," Damon says as he puts a hand on my shoulder and comes down to my level. Man, this man is tall and those eyes are so sparkly. Suddenly I'm pulled out of my world and am being pulled into the building by Lee who is now extremely excited and clearly in his little 4-year-old mindset. I wish I could slip to but I'm not confident enough to especially not in front of strangers.

We step into the dance area and I think I'm in heaven I'm surrounded by so many princesses and cool looking people and food let's not forget about the huge food table covered in different things.  "Cally let's go ova der, " Lee says pointing to the table with all the cold drinks. "Okay, I want grape soda" I squeal as we run towards the table.

Well, let's just say 5 grape sodas later I am bouncing off the walls and I want another one as I try to grab one someone smacks my hand away. "Come on you idiot I frea. ..."I start to say until I see a rather agitated Alex looking at me.

"I don't think you want to finish that sentence " he scolds while pulling me over to where everyone is sitting. "No more sugar for either of you got that? " Alex scolds pointing to Lee and I. "Yes Alex "I mumble but Lee, on the other hand, looks like he is about to throw a fit.

"Nuhhu I want cake NOW!" Lee groans and hits the table. "Damon will you stay here with Cally while Liam and I go have a chat in the bathroom" Alex basically growls while grabbing Lees hand and pulling him up. "Sure no problem," Damon says not taking his eyes off of me.

When we were alone I sat and played with my hands.

"So Cally do you want to share some cake with me?" Damon asks softly. "But Alex said no sugar he'll be mad won't he?" I hesitantly respond. Damon chuckles and comes to sit next to me and says "don't worry I think I  can handle him, Cally ".

I think for a few seconds before I say yes and grab a fork and start eating. "Umm, so Damon what do you do like for work?" I ask while thoroughly enjoying the sweet treat. "Well I have  an exporting company and I also work with imports, and how about you?"  Damon replies while taking the plate away from me "slow down it's not going anywhere" he chuckles.

"Sorry I love cake and I work at a library I love books" I shyly replied. "Really can I stop by I'm looking for a book for my nephew he loves reading too," Damon says giving me back the plate. Damon and I talk back and forth and by the time Alex and a now Sulking red-eyed Lee came back, we knew each other's favorite colors and animals and much more.

"Cally I said no more sugar missy" Alex points out raising his eyebrows at me. Before I respond Damon speaks up and covers for me "hey it was my idea I only let her have a small bite don't worry".

" if you say so I think we should get going Lee needs to go to bed,"  Alex replies. "Cally I'll drop you off I would have let you stay over but Lee is on punishment I'm sorry. " " it's okay Alex I have work tomorrow anyway thank you for tonight I really had a lot of fun," I say hugging Alex.

As we head to the car Damon stops me and says "it was really nice meeting you, I hope we can talk soon again" and he starts to walk towards some other people he knew. By the time we get to my flat, it's midnight way past my bedtime. "Bye Lee bye Alex I say hopping out the car" Alex stops me to say "Cally you can come to have a sleepover tomorrow night I'll pick you up after work " "thank you I can't wait," I say closing the door and waving them off.

Man am I tired. I climb in the shower after I basically walk out of my dress and yes I do have a wash basket and no I don't use it. After getting all clean I change into my warmest onezie and drift off into my dreamland with Mr snuggles my stuffed sheep.

Cally's little life Where stories live. Discover now