chapter 7

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Damons POV

Its been about 20 minutes and its time to punish cally. "Cally  come here" i say calling the pink eyes girl to me. I hope she doesn't hate me after this.....

"Cally baby come here please" i call out to Cally who is very hesitantly looking at me.. "Cally don't make me come fetch you young lady" i say using my daddy voice. Cally comes forward within arms reach and I pulled her into between my legs. Her lip is trembling with tears about to fall.

"Cally can you tell me what you did wrong?" I ask her holding her hands in mine looking into her eyes. "I ddid a naughty thing." She mumbles. "And what was it" i ask probing for the answers I'm looking for. "I tried to get cookie's an i runed away from punishment " she is now fully sobbing. "D-damon i sowy no spankee" she begs. "Sweetheart what you did was very bad and you need to be taught a lesson alright" i say pulling her over my knee locking her legs in place under my leg.

"Little girls need to be punished if they are bad" i say adjusting her. "I sowwwy noo" she cries out. It hurts me to do this  but it's my daddy duty.

I bring my hand down onto her bottom and start spanking her. I start with mild smacks because I want this to really be remembered.

*smack* you *smack* will *smack* not *smack* climb *smack* on *smack* "iii sowwwy aaah" she cries. Counters *smack* you *smack* will *smack* not *smack* run *smack*away*smack* from *smack*punishments*smack*.

"Cally I'm going to pull down your shorts honey" i say rubbing her back.

Cally's POV

"Noooooooo pweeeez" i  cry out as soon as Damon is pulling down my shorts. His hand is made of wood i tell you. My butt is so sore.  "Cally these smacks are going to really hurt do you understand me" he says pulling me out of my world. I choose not to respond.

*SMACK**SMACK**SMACK**SMACK**SMACK* "ahhhh dadddy stop" i scream out not realising what I called him.*SMACK**SMACK**SMACK**SMACK**SMACK* "daddy i sowwy" i cry out. I feel him stop spanking me and pulling me into his arms. "Little girl we are not done here but I want to know if you want me to be your daddy" he says wiping my tears out of my face. "Y-y-yesss i do" i barely am able to say.

"Sweetheart you know that now I'm your daddy I'm going to spank you like the naughty little girl you have been" he says and I realise how bad it was. I start crying even harder. "Baby i want you to ask daddy to punish your little bottom" he asks making my heart skip a beat. "But ddaddy " i try to beg. "No buts" he sternly replies swatting my thigh. "Daddy pweeez give me spankeez"  i ask just wanting to get this over with.

"These will baby on your bare bottom" he says baring my bottom and starting the spanking before I can protest. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK**SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK*  he stops and places something else onto my butt.

This hurts waaay more and it's cold what is he spanking me with i wonder.  *SMACK*  *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* "ahhhh daddy no morre"i cry out from the intense fire ignited on my butt.

"Only ten more baby" he says starting again  *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK**SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK*

Damons POV

After landing that last smack down i pull my little one into my arms throwing the brush to the side. "Shhhhh my angel I've got you. Your all done baby" i say rocking her back and fourth trying to calm her down. About ten minutes later i look down to see her fast asleep suckling her sleeve in my arms. Being as gentle as I can be i carry her to liams room where he is fast asleep.  I put her down and give her mr snuggles and she instantly starts to snuggle him.

"Hey man you okay" i hear Alex ask when i close liams door. "She's called me daddy and says she wants me to be her daddy " i say feeling a bit guilty.  "I'm happy for you man, you have your hands full there." Alex says patting me on the back. "Well,  I don't think going to the park is a good idea how about we just have a lunch here, we can grill something and maybe we can let the little ones swim in Lees splash pool" i offer not really wanting to go to the park anymore. "That's sounds like a good idea" he says.

We decided to get everything ready until the little ones wake up. We have some steak and chicken for the grill. Some celery and cucumber slices for the veg. After an hour we could here commotion on the baby monitor signaling that our baby's are awake.


Will cally go home with Damon after what happened?

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