chapter 28

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Cally's pov

I stood frozen in place as if the worlds clock has stopped running. I knew I was in trouble, I was a little mad at myself for my poor choice of words. "move it little girl" is all I heard coming from daddy as he pointed towards a corner. It dawned on me suddenly that if I don't listen a time out could be the least of my worries. "yes daddy" I bravely say heading off to the corner he had pointed out to me.

"Good girl Cally" daddy praised from behind me setting the kitchen timer to a whole 10 minutes, those ten minutes would soon feel like hours as I placed my nose into the corner and hooked my hands together behind my back. I quickly zoned out trying to obey the rules of time out.

Damon's POV

I watched as my little girl listened and went to time out. I lead Alex to the kitchen. "Luke buddy come here, I want you to meet someone" I called out from the kitchen and soon a bright eyes Luke stood beside me.

"hi uncle Damon" he said looking rather sad. "are you alright buddy" I asked pulling him between my legs as a gesture of comfort. "yes and no. Lee tried to get me into trouble" he said shrugging his shoulders. "what did Lee do" Alex butted in when he heard that his little was responsible.

"umm" Luke stammered looking started at Alex behind him. I don't think that he actually registered that Alex was behind him. "Luke this is Alex he is Lee's daddy, Alex this is Cally's twin brother" I say taking the opportunity to introduce them to each other.

"um uncle Alex please don't take Lee home Cally really want him to have the tea party with us" Luke blurted out turning and giving Alex a unexpected hug. "I will let him stay, only because you asked so nicely" Alex said bopping Luke on the nose causing him to erupt into a fit of giggles.

"young man I do believe that your dad is here." Is all I hear coming from the next roof which I could only assume could be my mother. "Damon, I have a bone to pick with you" he yells walking in carrying a sulking Cally and dragging a very scared looking Lee.

"okay wait everyone slow down let's start one by one. Mom since you're the oldest let's start with you" I quickly say trying to hold the peace. My mother looked like she was ready to skin someone alive. All of a sudden, I notice all the plasters and scratches covering Cally.

"oh my gosh baby what happened?" I say jumping up and grabbing her out of my mother's arms. "that feathered monster is what happened Damon. It attacked her. I told you to get rid of that thing. But no, you're always right and so smart but this time I am doing it for you, I gave Archie away to a friend" my mother scolds while standing in front of me making me feel rather small all of a sudden.

"mom you don't have a say in this" I blurt out rudely, instantly regretting my actions when my mother grabs me and gives me a solid whack with a wooden spoon. I am truly mortified that my mother has done this in front of the kids and my best friend.

I stand their completely gobsmacked when I hear Cally giggling and saying this "you go nanna". "see kitten I told you I am your daddy's boss" she said patting my baby on the head. Even Alex was trying hard to hide a chuckle that was threatening to escape.

"I'm sorry mom, your right about Archie. How did he get out?" I ask my seething mother. "Lee will tell us now wont he" she said nudging him forward. He looked like he was on the verge of sobbing his heart out.

Cally's POV

Lee came forward and tried to speak but no words were coming out. "Lee, I suggest that you start speaking" uncle Alex says bringing him onto his lap. "I let him out" Lee softly says looking to the ground. "why baby" uncle Alex says while rubbing his back.

"I um wanted to get Luke in trouble because I was mad that he was mean to Cally a long time ago. So, I opened his cage and threw Luke's blocks around so it would look like it was him." Lee said while seeming to find a mark on the floor very interesting. "you are in a lot of trouble mister" Alex booms standing up giving him a smack.

"you are very lucky that I don't take you home right now don't let you skip the tea party, Luke asked me very nicely to let you stay." "I'm sorry daddy" Lee stutters out crying. "Damon may I use your office for a few minutes" uncle Alex asked daddy who just simply nodded.

We watched silently as uncle Alex took Lee away. "Cally baby come here" daddy calls out making me feel like I've done something wrong again. "daddy is very sorry; can the princess forgive me" he said bowing down making me giggle. "yes daddy" I said giving him the biggest hug I could possibly muster.

"daddy why are you home so early" I asked daddy out of pure interest. "well uncle Alex and I decided to taking some time off and have a really fun tea party with our baby's today." Daddy said giving me a kiss.

"daddy we made a lot of cupcakes and cookies. Nanna said maybe we can sell some at your work and nanna said that she would sell some to her friends." I said hopping he would say yes. "that's a good idea and that money can go towards the pocket money I want to start giving you." daddy announces.

"I get pocket money?" I asked being very confused. "yes, baby I will give you 10$ a week, but we can talk about that later let's get this tea party going." Daddy said changing the topic putting me on my feet. "come Luke lets go get some cookies" I say grabbing his hand dragging him to the table.

"how about we have some healthy snack first little ones" nanna says standing in our way. "we should wait we are missing a guest" daddy says pointing out that Lee and Alex aren't back yet. You can actually hear a smack now and then.

Luke and I head off to go and colour and before we knew it Lee and Alex came down to us. "someone has something to say" uncle Alex says nudging a red eyed tear stained Lee forward. "I'm sorry Luke and Cally" he chokes out. "its okay" Luke and I chirp at the same time making everyone including Lee giggle.

We all headed out to the table where daddy and uncle Alex put of some plates with carrots and grapes and celery. "lee I'll go get you a pillow" I announce jumping up finding a super soft pillow for him to sit on. "thank you Cally" he said while nibbling on some food.

Lee and Luke found out that they both really loved soccer and they ended up talking about that four-a while. We had so much fun together, it felt as if the drama never happened. "hello" a voice says interrupting us as we eat cupcakes. "mommy" Luke squeals jumping up and running to his mommy. "hi baby you look like you have been having fun." She says giving him a hug.

"hi rose come take a seat and pig out with us" daddy says adding an extra chair next to him for her. I think he likes her which kind of makes me jealous. I ignore my feelings and get back to the fun we are having


hey everyone the question today is: have you ever been to a tea party?
Feel free to private message me even if it's just to have a random chat.

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