chapter 22

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"Its okay i am to. Cally i think you owe rose an apology " i said sitting her upright which ignites the fires on her bottom once again. "I is sowy rose" she cries out trying to shuffle away from the burning sensation on her bottom."your forgiven sweetheart. When luke wakes up your daddy says you'll have a letter for him" rose says and cally nods.

"Speaking about that letter there's a hard wood chair with your name on it at the table" i said which just results in groans and begging for a pillow from cally. "No butts baby your sore butt will sit in that chair" i said placing her down in front of the paper and pens. "Yyes daddy" she cries and grabs a pen and starts to write. 

Damons POV

I sit next to cally and empty her bag of pens out onto the table for her to use. I chuckle as I watch her shifting in her seat with a pout on her lips. She really does look adorable when she does that.

She looks at the pens and I can see the look of concentration on her face one could swear she had the terrible task of selecting the correct color wire to defuse a bomb that was about to explode. "Daddy um can i have water" is all I hear breaking the silence in the room.

"Sure, baby do you want your Elmo sippy or moana sippy" i asked and then I waited and waited for an answer. I swear she was having an internal war with her self over the choices i held out in front of her.

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"Umm can i have both" she asked sweetly

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"Umm can i have both" she asked sweetly. "Why both cally " i ask out of interest already knowing the answer. "Well cause I no decide Caws they both special daddy. You could put half water in each den it will be a whole cup pwetty pwees daddy" she asked with her super cute puppy eyes.

I decide to not even try say no because she is truly adorable. "Sure baby you can have both" i say kissing the top of her head. I filled up both her cups and watched her finally pick up a blue glitter pen to write her letter to her brother.

I watched her the whole time while she wrote her letter. I watched her smile then frown even shed a tear every now and then. She took sips of water alternating between the two cups.

I couldn't help but wonder what she was writing in her letter but I decided that it should be kept between her and her brother.

An hour later she was finally done writing her letter. "Cally sweetheart luke is still sleeping and has to stay in the spare room till dinner as punishment do you want to slip your letter under the door" rose asked cally. "Yes ma'am" Cally replied.

"Your so polite sweetheart but you can call me rose rather if you'd like" rose said brushing callys hair out of the way. She stopped and held her hand on her head. "Damon she has a fever" she says.

I walked to cally and saw her frowning and look down. "Cally baby look at daddy. Have you been feeling icky the whole day" i asked and she just nodded.

"Ohhhh no baby you should have told daddy, come here baby let's go take your temperature" i picked her up with ease and carried her to my bathroom and placed her on the counter

"Sit still baby daddy doesn't want you to fall" i say as I scratch through my cabinets in search of the thermometer. I can't believe it didn't notice she was sick. I'm such a bad daddy i wish she told me.

Callys POV

Daddy trys to put the stick thing shaped like a ducky in my mouth  but all i  can think of is my brother.  I wonder if he's read my letter yet. Oh no wait it in my hand still.

"Daddy lukeys let..." daddy interrupted me by popping the thermometer into my mouth.  I decided to just sit and let it finish mainly because I'm not feeling the best.

"Cally do you want me to give luke your letter while your daddy sorts you out" rose says putting her hand out. I nod my head putting it in her hand.

"Damon thank you for everything we won't stay I'll take luke home I'll put my number on the fridge pad for you" rose says poking my nose causing me to giggle when the duck in my mouth quaks  signaling that it's done.

 "Damon thank you for everything we won't stay I'll take luke home I'll put my number on the fridge pad for you" rose says poking my nose causing me to giggle when the duck in my mouth quaks  signaling that it's done

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"Thank you rose and I think it's a good idea we wouldn't want luke to get sick to " daddy says. Daddy carries me on his hip to the kitchen. I'm really tired i see Luke holding my letter and giving me a death glare. 

All of a sudden my stomach decided to empty it's contents all over daddy. "Oh no little one let's get you all cleaned up" daddy said after he said good bye to rose.

Lukes POV

I saw my sister throw up and something inside of me kind of felt bad for her. I shrug it off while momma carried me out to the car. I'm kind of mad at her for spanking me in their house.

I clutched the letter in my hand apart of me wanted to throw it away but another part of me wanted one read it. I went to war in my thoughts between these two sides.

"Lukey just read it love" momma says watching me through the mirror. Right then I decided to just end the war in my head and read the letter.

Dear luke

I missed you. I know you hate me. I sorry for everything. I just want to hide sometimes because I feel so bad. I miss you my twin brother. Your my family I've been looking for a way to say sorry to you but word's aren't enough. Bubbuh i am sorry for getting you in trouble. I didn't kill them it was a accident. I should have listened to you. I hope you can forgive me one day. I blame myself alot and it hurts knowing my tummy buddy hates me. I think my daddy likes your mommy. Can we end our fight so that they can be happy. I happy you found a mommy. Please forgive me daddy wouldn't have wanted his twins to hate each other for ever. I love you.

From cally xoxo

I wouldn't help but cry. She's right out dad wouldn't have been happy. It dawned on me that my sister was sick and alone. She's bound to be really grumpy and sad.  I want to be there.  All my anger and hate left me and all I wanted to do was to protect her.

"Luke I'm just going to run in and get some eggs" mommy says as she stopped at the shop. I waited for her to go in and i opened the door and made a run for it.

I had to get to my sister.


We made it to 10k i can't believe it. It's all thanks to you guys. Thank you everyone.

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