chapter 15

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I want to thank you all for the support I'd like to give a shoutout to beaparis98 thanks for all the comments and support I really appreciate it❤.

Damons POV

After putting cally to sleep my mom and I sat drinking coffee and just talking about our lives for a few hours. "I really like her Damon you better take good care of her" my mom says drinking some coffee. "Of course I will mom you know I will" i snap not believing that my mom was judging my ability.

"Boy dont you dare talk to me that way. Your never to old to have your butt roasted by your mother" my mom says sternly pointing at me. I gulp and quickly apologise. "Have you considered getting a girlfriend" mom asks carefully.

"Really mom and no i don't want to hurt cally i don't know how she will react to something like that" i honestly reply. "Any ways I'm glad you came mom i missed you"i say trying to change the subject . We carry on chatting for a few more minutes.

"Well mom it was really good to see you. It's midnight i think it's a good time to go to bed." I say putting our mugs in the sink. "Goodnight son" mom says giving me a hug."goodnight mom" i replied and we went to our rooms on the way i stopped at cally's room just to check on her,

When i walked in she was fast asleep suckling on Mr snuggles ear. It looked like it was falling off when i pulled it out her mouth but I wasn't sure so I just left it. I kissed her forehead and left her room and headed to mine. I had a quick shower and went to bed.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

My alarm going off signaling that it's time to get ready for work. I get up and stretch. It's Monday i need to get cally to work. I'm going to miss her this week. I decided to make breakfast before I woke her up. I walk out my room to a heavenly smell. My moms French toast.

I walk down to see my mom cooking. "Goodmorning mom." I say trying the steal a piece from the plate next to my mom. But of course as I'm about to do it my mom says "Damon don't you even think about it". She's got eyes on the back of her head i tell you.

I laugh and say sorry. "I'll go get cally. This is going to be tough I have to get her out of her headspace". I groan. "Just be gentle with her and she'll be okay " my mom says as reassurance.

I walk up the cally's room and it's time to wake her up.

Cally's POV

Mr snuggles and I are exploring the ginger bread house we found. It's so pretty with its fruit roll up curtains and reaces peanut butter cup chairs. I wish I could live in here I'd never need to buy snacks again. The house begins to fade when i feel someone rubbing my back.

I roll over to see daddy smiling at me. "Morning daddy" i yawn snuggling mr snuggles closer to me. Daddy's face changes to a disappointed look. Which causes me to look down that's when i saw what he was looking at mr snuggles has lost his ear. I start crying uncontrollably and panicked looking for his ear.

Daddy had picked it up on the floor. "Cally honey you could have choked in your sleep." He says showing me the ear he found beside my bed. I grab out out his hand and push him back and in a flash i run past him down the stairs almost tripping to nanna.

"Nanna nanna nanna please fix him please" I'm crying at this point. "Calm down kitten nanna will fix him after breakfast" nanna says holding me tight taking him from my hands. "Where's daddy" she asks and I don't even want to answer so I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Cally ray" i hear daddy says behind me in his daddy voice. I jump and try to hide behind nannas legs. "Come here" daddy scolds pointing to the spot in front of him. "Kitten i suggest you listen" nanny says pulling me out from behind her. I slowly walk to daddy knowing I'm in trouble.

"Cally can you tell daddy what you did wrong" daddy asks. I hate that question. I just shrug even though I knew the answer he was looking for. "That's an extra minute want to try again" daddy says in his daddy voice i gulp and say. "I suckle mr snuggles ear an i did push you an i did run downstairs " i mumbled feeling really guilty.

Daddy takes my hand and leads me to a corner in the lounge that had a wooden sighn that said naughty corner.

Daddy takes my hand and leads me to a corner in the lounge that had a wooden sighn that said naughty corner

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"Cally what you did was naughty. You don't grab things out of daddy's hand" *smack* "you don't push daddy" *smack* "you don't run from daddy"*smack*. Daddies smacks weren't really hard but they sure made me feel guilty.

"I sowy daddy" i cry trying to hug him but he won't let me. "You'll get your hug after your timeout little one" he says putting me in the corner with my nose in it. I don't reply i just stand there and cry for what felt like hours which in reality was only like 6 minutes.

"You can come out little one" daddy says and I ran into his arms and just sobbed. "Shhhhh little one daddy loves you" he whispers into my ear over and over again rubbing my back untill i was calm again. "I sowy daddy " i mumble and daddy tells me he loves and forgives me.

"Foods getting cold guys" nanna says looking at how she could reattach my sheep's ear. "Were coming mom" daddy says carrying me and putting me in my chair. "Thanks for breakfast nanna" i say starting to come out of my headspace."it's a pleasure my kitten" nanna says putting a plate of food in front of me.

We chow down talking about our week to come. Nanna is going to make a blanket. Daddy is going to try import biltong which I don't know what that is but it comes all the way from South Africa where the lions live. I'm going to just unpack books and work hard.

Daddy washed the dishes and nanny fixed my sheep while I packed my stuff. I made sure to grab my sheep comfort blankie on the way up the stairs. Before you know it i was ready to be dropped off at work.


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