chapter 30

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finally heres a logner uopdate.

"Cally Cally come one wake up" lee says bouncing on me. "morning lee where lukey" I say pointing to where my brother was the night before. "his momma came an got him wanna play super racers with me" lee asks holding a pink hot wheel out to me. "sure" I say grabbing the pink car making vroom sounds as we run around the house trying to catch each other.

He's in the lead and I'm trying to catch up to him. "woah. No running guys" uncle Alex says as lee and I nearly plough him to the ground. "sorry" lee and I chime getting up and running around again. I came to a stop when I realised something.

 "uncle Alex where my daddy." I say tugging on his shirt. "your daddy is at work baby" uncle Alex says. "I am going to drop you off at daddy's work in half an hour. Do you need help getting changed?" uncle Alex asks patting me on the head.

"VROOOOOM" lee yells running past uncle Alex making him drop the glass he had in his hand. "Liam stop! You know the rules about running in the house." Uncle Alex scolds scratching his head in announce. I take this as my cue and say "it okay I can do it myself uncle Alex." 

I take my bag and go and get changed into my pretty pink dress and put on my flats. "Cally are you ready" uncle Alex says knocking on the door I was changing behind. "yes, uncle Alex" I say coming out and giving him a hug.

Damons pov

I just ended a call with rose. I asked her to come and get some lunch with Cally and I this afternoon. Alex called me to tell me that Cally hasn't eaten yet this morning. I sat at my desk ordering some cue things online for Cally as a surprise. I heard a knock at my door and I closed the browser I was on.

"come in" I say and soon my arms are filled with a happy bouncing Cally. "hi baby did you have fun." I asked waving my hand to show my assistant that she can go. "yes daddy, I hungry." She says jumping on me. "I knew you would be so I had some hot cakes from mc Donald's delivered for you baby."

I say setting her down and placing the paper plate with the cut-up hotcakes in front of her. "baby eat your food. Daddy has some emails I have to send out okay" I said sitting back down and getting to work. Twenty minutes later I stopped to tackle my sticky princesses face with a damp cloth.

Callys pov

After daddy cleaned up my face, he put me on his lap and showed me all the cute clothes he had ordered me. I saw a princess house I just had to have and after a lot of begging I finally convinced daddy to order it for me. Daddy put me on the floor and handed me a bin full of toys, paper, crayons and all the activity books you could imagine. I started off doing a mosaic by numbers.

You know those ones you stick the foam blocks to. Anyway, I tried my best to stick the blocks onto the right place but by the end of the activity my bird looked more like a flying blob. 

I showed it to daddy and he even let me peg it to his really cool blue peg board. I wonder if he would let me get one for the house to stick all my drawings onto.

I am actually having fun and listening to daddy's rules of the office and playing with the objects in the toy bin till my heart's content. "baby I can see you yawning why don't you have a nap" daddy says coming and putting me on a super soft couch in the corner of the room. He handed me my stuffy and a blanket and kissed my head. Before you know it I am deep into my dream land.

DAmons pov

I was worried that Cally would misbehave at work, but I was wrong. She has been so good and she played quietly by herself giving me no problems. I had a surprise for her. I had my mother bring over all the left-over cupcakes and told my staff that they will be for sale. I had a table set up for her with a pink piggy bank.

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