chapter 16

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Sorry for taking so long to update. ❤


Daddy washed the dishes and nanny fixed my sheep while I packed my stuff. I made sure to grab my sheep comfort blankie on the way up the stairs. Before you know it i was ready to be dropped off at work.

"Cally baby are you ready" daddy calls from down stairs. "Yes daddy" i said coming down stairs to daddy in the kitchen. "Kitten i hope to see you soon again" nanna says giving me a hug and telling me to be a good girl. Nanna left before we did. 

I was big now even if I didn't want to be. "Little one i saved my number as your emergency contact on your home screen incase of emergency" daddy says placing the phone in my hand. Placing a small kiss on my forehead.

"Little one i have a few meetings to go this week out of town it completely slipped my mind"  daddy says picking up my bags and taking them towards the car. "But daddyyyy when will you be back" i moaned to daddy helping him put the stuff in the car. "Little one don't moan and I'll be back on friday" daddy says putting all the stuff in the trunk.

"Okay daddy... what's that" i ask pointing to the bentobox by my bag. "Its your lunch for today and I expect you to eat all of it missy. I also have asked someone to make healthy dinners for you every night.  And we will eat over Skype so I can make sure my little one will be healthy."

"Daddy how healthy is healthy " i asked hoping to not hear what I was expecting to hear. "There will be vegetables cally and you will be eating them" daddy states clipping me into my passenger seat.  "But Daddy" i wined kicking my feet in front of me. "Naughty butts are what daddy's spank" daddy reply soon which quickly shuts me up.

Daddy climbs in and drives me to work letting me sing along to disney songs till my hearts content i kiss daddy goodbye and head off to go and check in by Mrs May. "Goodmorning child"

Mrs may says pushing her glasses forward to glance at me. "Goodmorning where am I working this week?" I asked hoping she would say the children's section.

"In the kiddies corner a child decided to rearrange the books so they need to be repacked." She says knowing that I hate this job. Ohhhh and by rearrange the books I mean throw half the books around and mixed in some of the adult books to.

"The library is closed for maintenance and Andrew is off so unfortunately this week the sorting is on you." She says handing me a clipboard with an inch thick stack of papers listing every single book in the library.

"This is going to take long. Will you be helping me" i asked feeling lost and annoyed because of the amount of the work I had to do. "Unfortunately not cally I'm old and my back can't handle it. I'll pay you extra." She says, I groan and mumble a yes and start to work. After almost passing out when i saw the stack of books everywhere i heard a ping.


D-hi little one my meetings are starting soon and I'll be checking in when i can. I love you princess enjoy work

C-daddy it's hard work today😢

D-im sure you will do well. I have to go princess be good

C-bye daddy wuv you

D-bye princess i love you to

I put my phone down and start to sort books. 200 books later and what feels like torture i have finished two shelves. I got to have a tea break and was sad to see no new texts from daddy.

C- daddy i miss you pweeez save me

No surprise there but there was no reply i carried on working and by the time my lunch break came i was exhausted. I checked my phone and noticed that  daddy replied to my text.

D-little one I'll rescue you any day in an emergency however I do not think that this qualifies as one. I'll give you a call later little one.

I didn't feel like replying because I was kind of mad that he wouldn't save me so I just sent him  k as a response.

D-little girls that's not how we speak to daddy that's your first warning you'll have lines to write missy. If you get to your second warning.

I quickly apologise and decide to tuck into my lunch with was a ham sandwich and apple slices with yoghurt and granola. It was a really yummy lunch. Soon i was back to sorting books and i was supposed to be  working till 4.

I couldn't wait to go home. I'm feeling tired and rather grumpy. I look at the clock and see that  I have two  hours  left i managed to sort out  the whole children's section and snuck in a few texts to daddy along the way.

4 a clock finally came and I  was grumpy. I said my goodbyes to Mrs may and she informed me that a new lady was to join tomorrow in Andrews place temporarily. That was a relief because it would make the workload less.

I walked headfirst into a woman in heels and a dress suit she  looked very serious. She kind of scared me. "I'm sorry" i mumbled to  her and she nodded her head and kept walking. By the time I reached my door i  wanted to throw a tantrum and have a nap falling into my little space missing my daddy terribly.

Ring ring

I checked the caller ID and it was daddy i answered and fell onto my couch in a huff.

D-" Hi princess daddy's sorry he was so busy today how was work?" Daddy asked in a sweet tone making me miss him even more.

C-"daddy it was okay just a lot of work"

D-baby you sound cranky are you tired little one do you want to have a nap

C- for some reason this made me angry "NO" i growled into the phone

D-  baby calm down. I  have an idea how about I sing you a song and we'll see if you fall asleep princess and I'll wake you up in an hour.

C-otay daddy i say wrapping myself up in my blanket and snuggling mr snuggles and my little sheep blanket close to me.

D- rock a bye baby ......... daddy sang untill i fell asleep.


I'm sorry about the late updates everyone.

Will cally be grumpy when she wakes up? Who is the new lady at work?

You'll have to wait  and see...

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