chapter 8

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"daddaaaa i miss yew" little lee calls out running into his daddy's arms. "how did my baby sleep?" Alex asks bouncing him up and down. noticing a wince Alex stops and asks him "did we learn our lesson buddy?" "yes dadda i is sowy. uncle Damon cawy is still sleeping" Lee replies snuggling into his daddy.

"thanks for telling me. I'll go and wake her up" Damon says patting the sweet boy on the head. I decided that I should have a talk to big Cally before we go down and get ready for some lunch.  I walk into Lee's room and there was Cally fast asleep on the floor sucking onto Mr snuggles ear. 

That's a habit I'm going to have to break I take note. "Cally sweetheart it's me its time to wake up," i say softly rubbing her back so that I don't startle the sweet girl. "nuhu go away" she groans rolling over to face the other way.

 I chuckle and decide to use the tickle monster as a threat. "Cally if you don't wake up the tickle monster will come and get you," i say tickling her sides. "hehehehe stop hehe" she stutters in a fit of the cutest giggles I've ever heard.

once she was awake now sitting n my arms sucking on Mr snuggles ear. "baby that's an icky habit I don't think Mr snuggles likes wet ears." I say gently tugging the sheep's ear out of her mouth. "Cally baby I know you don't want this but can I maybe talk to big cally for a bit?" I ask as gently as I can. 

A few minutes later I hear. "hey Damon whats up" cally chirps in my lap. "well baby I just want to talk about what happened during your spanking. you said you wanted me to be your daddy I want to hear it from big you so that I know that it is really what you want." I ask her watching for any signs of distrust.

"Ummm I'm sorry for what I did. I meant what I said I want you to be my daddy but only if you still want to be" she asks with a almost wobbling lip.

 "hey now why these tears threatening to fall. I would love to be your daddy and take care of you. Cally sweetheart I will protect you with my life. I will punish you if I have to, I will chase every monster away I can promise you that"I say poking her on the nose. she smiled big and pulled me into a hug.

 "Damo...." she starts to say but I interupt "that's daddy to you missy," I say tickling her sides once again. "Dadyy hehe stop." she says pushing my hands away. "Okay baby lets go downstairs and see what everyone is doing and guess what uncle Alex filled the baby pool up." I say carrying her down to the others. 

"Baby go play with Lee and be nice please I'm going to help uncle Alex with the food," i say placing her in the sandpit with lee. "otay daddy" she squeals starting to fill a bucket with sand. 

"so its official big Cally accepted me" I say to Alex while carrying out the meat to the grill "shes a sweet kid but I can give you some tips if you want." Alex ask starting the grill. "sure man id appreciate it"I say passing him his beer.


1. she hates the dentist.

2. she is allergic to nuts

3. her headspace is between 2 and 3

4. she hates certain textures (she has sensory issues) and throws fits about them and wont tell you what's wrong.

5. she hates most vegetables and is good at hiding them

6. she loves fruit

7. she loves chickens.

8. she has a swearing problem

9.she is scared to death of goats

10. she loves drawing

"wow man you have really gotten to know her, "I say very grateful for the tips.

Callys POV

"Lee hehe I gots a daddy" I say building the castle as tall as I can. I love sand it feels so nice but it has to be smooth sand. "Cawy wanna swim now" Lee asks dusting himself off. "otays let go ask your daddy" I say running up to Alex and Damon. "woah Cally be careful near the fire" damon scolds moving me further back. "oh sowy daddy we wana swim pwees"I ask jumping up and down.

"baby how about after lunch the food ready" daddy says. "otay daddy" I says not wanting to make a fuss. "good girl lets go get you all cleaned up" daddy says taking me to wash my hands after he dusts all the sand off of me. 

"baby I want you to be a good girl and eat all your food for me please" daddy says after drying my clean hands off. "otay" I say. 

we are at the table when I see those evil green monsters on my plate looking at me...

will cally throw a fit or be a good girl and eat all of her food. 

AN so im going to be writing my term end exams soon so i wont be able to upload everyday like i have been. please comment and vote. i want to know if people are actually enjoying what i am writing. ill be doing a chapter shout out on every chapter based on the comments.

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