chapter 18

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Damons POV

I was so angry and disappointed when my little one slammed the laptop shut and had an attitude the whole day. I was so angry that I drove two hours to her flat. When i saw her open the door my heart broke and my mood totally changed.

My very own little one was standing there in her stitch onzie suckling on her comfort blanket  looking broken. Her eyes were dark and her skin was pale. I swear the tension was so thick in the room you could cut it with a knife.

I could see the pain burning in her as it seemed to radiate off of her. I was frozen in this moment when all my anger was ripped away and replaced with a deep concern for this small girl in front of me.

I pulled her into my arms and tears sprung to my eyes. "Cally baby what's wrong?" I frantically asked hoping that I wasn't the cause of her being like this. "Daddyyy" she cried out as she sobbed in my arms.

I lifted her up and moved her to the couch. It felt like time was still freezing us in this moment of intense emotions. Her breaths began to be chocked and she began to hyper ventilate. "Cally baby calm down your going to make yourself sick" i say softly planting a kiss on her forehead.

I became really concerned when i could actually feel her heart beat racing. I put her head on my chest right on my heart and put her hand on my chest as well. "Cally  baby  please try follow daddy's breathing it's alright " i coo into her ear.

After showing her for a few minutes  how to follow my breathing she managed to calm down. "Daddy i sowy i was bad" she mumbles and looks down. "Cally baby can you tell daddy what has his princess so down in the dumps" i asked wiping away a few stray tears.

Cally's POV

I want daddy to understand why I'm so heart sore and hate this day. So I start to tell him what happened on this day. The worst day of my life.

This is what i tell him. "Daddy my sister and dad died today and it was all my fault that my bother and I lost our dad. Luke and I are twins daddy not even uncle Alex knows what happened.

Luke ran away and I haven't seen him since he blames me for killing our dad.  3 years ago today my brother told me to my face that he wished it was me that died and not our dad.

I wanted to go to a party so badly but my dad said no. Lee and I both snuck out to go to the party. We drank alot and a boy tried to touch my no no spot. So I called my dad and told him what happened he had my sister with him already and came to fetch me.

It was raining and they got into a car accident and both died on impact.  My mom won't admit it but she never forgave me for what happened. We fight alot. I wish I could see Luke and make things right because daddy loosing my brother broke me."

Throught telling daddy my story he made me take brakes when I began to sob again. He held me tight and rocked me telling it's okay and it wasn't my fault. He rocked me and I soon  fell asleep in my daddy's arms. He makes me feel so much better.

Damons POV

I held my sleeping baby and watched her tear stained cheeks move slowly as she found her little mouth to my shirt and started suckling on it.  I decided I that I should go and put her in her bed and go and get her new paci out of the car i wanted her to try it as an attempt to solve her suckling.

I went to fetch her new paci it has a chicken on it the one from moana. She loves that chicken.  She even asked me if she could have a pet chicken.

Which I obviously refused

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Which I obviously refused. Maybe one day when we move into the age play community not to far from where I work. I have a large investment in the closed gated community. I could make it her chore to collect eggs. I have purchased a plot already.

I didn't want to leave her alone for the night so I decided to just stay and sleep on the couch. I want to make her breakfast and be able to take her to work tomorrow. I love this little girl with my whole heart.

This couch is damn uncomfortable. I'm going to have a sore back tomorrow for sure. I cover myself with a  my little pony blanket and finally fall asleep. I had a dreamless sleep until I felt someone with cold fingers that smelled like orange poke my cheek.

"Daddy i wan nite nite wif you" she lisps around her pacy bobbing up and down in her mouth. She looked adorable. "Okay little one" i say picking her  and climbing in to her bed. I really do love this little girl i thought to myself as we fell asleep and cuddled the night away. I will protect this little one with ever bit of my strength.


Please tell me what you guys think and you are more than welcome to dm me with ideas or even if it's just to say hi.

Hey everyone i am trying to think of a nickname for my readers relating to my user name leeleerooroo. So I decided that everyone should comment their ideas and then I will decide from there.  

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