chapter 33

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Excuse any typos I'm typing on my phone


D-California Ray Denver what possessed you to behave how you did little girl?

C- daddy I sowy. I dont know

D-little girl you are grounded until I get back you hear me. no tv, no candy, early bed time, no sweet cereals all you will do is write lines on what you did wrong am I understood

C- yes daddy

the conversation went on for about an hour full of I'm sorrys and a lecture from daddy. he told me he loved me lots and he missed me it made me feel a bit better. I wonder if hed punish me when he gets back I hope not

Damon POV

3 days of Pointless or boring meetings have gone by. I could not wait to go home to my little girl. Each day seems to Drone on forever I could not wait to phone every night before bed.

All I want to do is wrap in my arms and tell her that I love her and I mean really love her. Rose and I have been talking about both agree that we've made the right decision.

We wouldn't separate them of course I mean her best friend might be my ex's little but I wouldn't separate them it's too cool to do that to her. Rose and I decided that we should just keep being friends that we're both our Littles still be friends

well technically they are more than friends they brother and sister. Callie was so lonely with out her brother for so long it wouldn't be right to not let them see each other.

I wish I wasn't so blind and had seen this coming sooner it would have saved a lot of heartache and anger. This heartache and anger is not just for me my little girl has been hurt so much by this experience. My heart beats so fast my chest that I can't imagine not being close to my little girl much longer.

Part of me just wants to pull her into my arms and never let go tell her how much I love her over and over and over again. I have one more meeting today and for her to get to see her." Good morning Damon. I have prepared our portfolios for today. This meeting shouldn't take too long " said my annoying assistant.

She constantly tries to flirt with me I would fire her but she's just so good at doing her job. At the moment I'm building a nursery after work for all the other members of my staff have Littles. I miss Cali so much I would love to have her there during the day

" is this meeting even important?" God i what I go home already this day just feels like it's carrying on and on and it's barely even started. This question wasn't really directed towards anyone however my annoying assistant manager that it was a very important meeting.

This meeting was related to the Future of my company with regards to bringing in more products for Littles branded by me. I plan to bring some of these products home for Cali to try out.

We all filed into a stuck-up little board room I sat and watched the clock goes tick tick tick by to slowly for my liking. I honestly blocked it all out. All I can think about is how soft and pink her lips look.

Imagine myself running my finger along her lips down to her chin and holding her chin tight slowly bringing her lips closer to mine pecking her lips slowly teasing her gently nibbling on her bottom lip.

" Damon Earth to Damon" pulled me out of my Daydream buy my one and only annoying assistant. Without interruption we continued the meeting until I could not take it anymore.

How my heart aches just to hold her right now and play with her blonde hair till she sleeps. There are other things I thought I could do to her which would have left me with an uncomfortable situation in this meeting.

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