chapter 14

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Damon POV

After puttng my little one down for a nap i decided  to make some grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. I remembered the sheep that needs to be repaired. I can give my  mom a call she's been very excited to meet cally.

I'm just scared that cally will be uncomfortable with the idea of meeting my mom to soon. My mom is a dominant in the age play community so she is completely fine with my choices. I start heating up the soup and grab my phone to give her a call.


L-lisa (his mom)

I dialed her number and after the third ring she answered.

L-hello peanut i was actually about to call you how odd are those chances. Is everything okay?

D-hi mom and yes everything is okay. Well i do need some help archie ripped a hole in the cally's stuffy and you know how useless i am with a needle. I was hoping you could come over and work your magic and also join us for some lunch.

L- of course darling i can't wait to finally meet my grand baby. I'm so glad that it's  non sexual relationship.

D- MOM! Stop it please you know I don't feel comfortable with talking about these things. I say rubbing my head and hearing my mom chuckle on the other side.

L- I bought her a 'little' gift I'll bring it with and some chocolate chip cookies i made this morning.

D- mom you didn't have to do that.

L- boy i wanted to. I'll be at your house in about 15 minutes. See you soon. Goodbye

D- bye mom

What I imagine his mom to look like

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What I imagine his mom to look like

I put my phone down and groan. My mom always knows how to make things awkward.  I look at the clock and see that cally still had about 45 minutes left of her nap. I get to work and prepare everything and even start to make some lemonade when I'm interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Coming" i call out wiping my hands on a towel. I open the door to my mom and almost had a heart attack when i saw the 'little' gift that was almost as tall as me.

 I open the door to my mom and almost had a heart attack when i saw the 'little' gift that was almost as tall as me

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