chapter 27

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This chapter is dedicated to nightlock18 and Justice_DayDay2009. Thanks for the support❤❤❤


A few minutes later the door bell chimed once again indicating that Lee was here. Nanna opened the door and i gave him a big hug and said hi to uncle Alex. I pulled Lee into the kitchen. He stopped and looked at luke with a look of pure confusion. "Lee this is luke my brother " i said introducing them to each other...........

Cally's POV

Lee looks a bit confused and stared at my brother who had taken a cookie without permission. "Luke I'm said not yet" nanna scolded taking the cookie away. "Sorry" he mumbled. "Hi luke" lee said putting down his bag.

Luke just mumbled a hi and sat at the counter and started to decorate a cupcake. "Well you two these cupcakes aren't going to decorate themselves" nanna said picking me up putting me in my chair with Lee following.

"So Lee how's you doin" Luke asked which shocked me. "I is otay just ouchy i was bad dis  morning." Lee said smiling which made me feel a whole lot better. "What you do" i asked lee.

"I call daddy a mean word" lee whispered, i gasped at his response. We giggled and talked while decorating our cupcakes untill all the cupcakes were done, don't worry nanna did put aprons on us to protect our clothes. Mine is pink, lukes is blue and Lees is greenish.

"Alright little ones off you go and play while I get the 'tea' ready" nanna called out taking our aprons off of us and wiped our hands

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"Alright little ones off you go and play while I get the 'tea' ready" nanna called out taking our aprons off of us and wiped our hands. "Yes nanna" i squeal and grab their hands and pull them into the lounge. "Let's play blocks " i say while dragging a big box of blocks over.

"Okay sussie" Luke said helping me dump the blocks out on floor. "Lee why you no play with" i asked trying to dig all the pink blocks out of the pile. "I come now I need to tinkle " lee nervously stammered walking away. "Otay lee" i said getting back to work on my tower.

"Cally can i ask somethin " Luke says while passing me a block. "Sure lukey" i say while  adding the new block to the wall of my castle. "Is lee suppose to open uncle Damons bird thingy" lee whispered. "NO!" I shout turning just to see lee standing next to a now empty cage.

"Lee why yew do dat?" I say looking around for the terrorist with wings. "I don't know" lee huffed looking annoyed. I see a flash of green and multiple colours flash before my eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" i screamed as the birds beak dug into my cheek and arms. I try batting the bird away from my face. "CALLY'S NANNA LUKE LET ARCHIE OUT AND HE'S ATTACKING CALLY" lee screamed pointing at luke and lukes green blocks scattered around the cage

Nanna came running in faster than a rabbit running away from a dog. "LUKE CORNER NOW!" Nanna shouted while trying to get archie off of me. "But it wasn't me" he  cried. "I said now" nanna scolded grabbing archie and pushing him back into his cage.  Luke was sniffling standing in the corner.

Nannas pov

I told my son to get rid of that over glorified rainbow chicken with a bad attitude.  That thing has attacked me multiple times before. I told him that it will attack cally one day but no mom is never right. (Correction i almost always am). I carry my crying kitten into Damons bathroom and get the first aid kit.

"Cally calm down kitten" i comfort her while getting the antibacterial spray out and a box of plasters. "Nanna it huurt" she cried out in pain. "Shhhhh baby it's alright now nanna will make you feel better okay." I say moving her hands out if her face.  I grab some wipes and wipe her face clean of blood and her arms.  She has 3 cuts.

"Nanna" Cally mumbled and pulled on my shirt. "Yes little one" i said. "Lee done it not lukey" she cried out.  "Alright baby i believe you. After we clean you up we will give uncle Alex a call."  I said as i wipe her cuts clean hearing only a slight hiss. "No pwees i wan have both dem for my tea party. " she plead with a cute pout.

"Okay how about this, you and luke can get the table ready and i will have a talk with Lee and then he can tell uncle Alex himself."  I offered as a compromise. "Otay nanna" Cally hummed while I finished cleaning her up.

"Nanaa can we feed the bird to the lady next doors cat" Cally said making me laugh.  "Kitten . Archie is so mean he might eat the cat.  But don't worry I'm going to phone my friend and tell him to take archie." I said making her laugh. 

"Won't daddy be mad" she asked looking concerned.  "Yes but he knows not to mess with me or else he'd get a smack from me" i say making a pop sound with my hands. "But nanna he's to old" Cally said giggling looking shocked. "He's never to old for a smack from his momma" i said pulling out the selection of plasters.

"Which three do you want?" I asked her and watched her um and ah for a several seconds. She finally decided on the panda, whiney the pooh and one covered in cats.

I stuck all the plasters in place and cleaned up the mess i had made and started to tickle the little girl

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I stuck all the plasters in place and cleaned up the mess i had made and started to tickle the little girl.  "NANNA STOP" Cally squeals and trys to push my hands away. "Okay kitten let's get back to the others, so you  and luke can set up." I said picking her up and heading down stairs.

Cally's POV

Nanny fixed me up and took me down to lee and luke.  "Luke honey you can come out,  i know it was Lee not you.  I'm  sorry buddy" nanna  said putting me down. "Its okay" he said giving nanna a hug.

"Lee come with me, we need to have a talk." Nanna said grabbing him by his ear dragging him to daddy's office. "So Lukey you gon help me set table"  i asked my brother as i took some things to the table.  "Sure sussie" Luke said  grabbing the cookie jar.

We worked together trying to ignore nanna scolding lee. I was a little mad at him for trying to get my brother in trouble.  I heard a door open and close but assumed it was nanna. "Luke lee isn't normally so shitty" i said breaking a cookie in two.

"California TIMEOUT NOW" is all I heard coming from daddy in a booming voice. "Uhho" is  all I said and when i turned around a angry looking daddy was standing with rose and uncle Alex.....

What will happen next.


Hey everyone this chapter is a little on the short side but I've been very busy. ❤
I want to do a Q&A so comment any questions.

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