Who lives, who dies, who tells your story. (Chapter 29.)

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Is it not fitting this didn't even reach 30, no even number? Also, the first few lines are a bit hard to fit into a story as Washington (and by that, Token) was pretty fucking dead at that point. Also, this song is more over the story of Elizabeth... who, to me, should have been a founder.

"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory.... You have no control:  Who lives Who dies Who tells your story?"

"President Nelson," Craig says, looking at the woman.

"I'll give her this: her financial system is a work of genius. I couldn't undo it, if I tried.... And I tried," Nelson says.

Neither of these people really liked her. Other than occasionally. For Nelson that occasion was being told she would make a better president out of the two and for Tucker.... many moments. There were many moments where they were considered friendly but some more noticeable were at the Winter's ball and Testaburger's wedding.

"Who lives Who dies Who tells your story?"

"President Malkison," Craig says, a few years later.

"She took our country from bankruptcy to prosperity... I hate to admit it.... But she doesn't get enough credit for all the credit she gave us," Malkison says.

We already discussed Tucker, time for the complicated relationship between Malkison and Testaburger. Malkison could be seen as a politician from many sides, he helped write the 'Federalist papers' to defend the U.S constitution but was also a democratic-Republican quite often, especially when it came to being about Nelson. And that's fine, after all, he did what he saw most suited even if it was disagreeing with the other Democratic-Republicans.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?"

"Every other founding person's story gets told!" Kyle says.

He sits down with a long sigh. Although you have to admit, Tweek Tweak is hugely unrecognised as well.

"Every other founding person gets to grow old," Kyle says.

True that, each one of the seven key founding people dies at an age above 80.... other than Wendy and Token.

"But when you're gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame?"

And so we get to the complicated relationship between Kyle and Wendy. However, as that is very front row, you probably know. You know of the fact it was most certainly the closest someone gets to cheating without ones touching each other in such way. And so you know.... and you have known for a while now.

"Who tells your story?"

"Who tells your story?"

"Who tells your story?"

"Your story?"

It's a broken record everyone who wants to be remembered know.


If nothing else, he has done the most out of everybody in this moment, he truly did his best.

"I put myself back into the narrative!"

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