part 3

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The Doctor's POV

We walk closer to the wooden door, the others look at me questioningly.
"Now what Doc?" Graham asks.
I step closer and knock hard, my knuckles sting from the effort I had to put in for it to be loud enough. I shake my hand sucking my teeth, groaning. Yaz laughs softly and I roll my eyes at her. The door makes a loud crack and slowly swings open, we all step back in fear and surprise.
"I'm not sure how I feel about this anymore" Ryan says worriedly, Yaz steps forward.
"What, you scared kid?" She teases, Ryan crosses his arms and shrugs.
"Fine if you aren't then ladies first" He tells her grumpily, Yaz cocks and eyebrow and steps forward.

"I don't know why you're so s-" her sentence is cut off by a piercing scream, I jump forward and grab her by the shoulders, pulling her away from the entrance way where a tall dark figure stands, apparently after stepping out of the shadows.
Ryan steps in front of us protectively and Graham readies his fists.
I notice I'm holding Yaz in a close embrace and let go quickly.
"Are you okay?" I ask brushing her cheek. She nods and I smile.
"Who are you?" Graham asks the figure, it steps out into the light revealing a pale shallow male face with sunken in cheeks, black hair and long thin legs and arms.
"My name is Adrian, why are you here?" He says blankly, I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Well you're pleasant" I say, Ryan stifles a laugh and I elbow him.
"I'm not here for pleasantries, what are you here for?" He asks.
"We were just in the neighbourhood, thought we'd drop by" I tell him cheerily.
"What is this place?" Yaz asks leaning closer to try and get a look through the gap in the open door, Adrian shifts abruptly to block Yaz's view and I instinctively grab her arm and pull her back to safety. 
"This is the home of the lady Ana-Maria, who most certainly does not like visitors." He tells us, I huff out air and roll my eyes.
"Neither do I." He says threateningly
I step back and pull Yaz with me gently, I grab Ryan's arm and Graham follows us.
"I've got a bad feeling about this we should leave" I say hurridley. 
I turn back to say goodbye but Adrian moves away quickly to be replaced by a thin woman, as pale as Adrian, with jet black hair.
"Come in" She says, we look from one person to the other and I step closer again.
"Who are you?" I ask wearily.
"I am Lady Ana-Maria of Brasov. Come in, i don't have all day" She tells us. Adrian steps out of the doorway and gestures for us to enter, I look from Graham to Yaz to Ryan and then 'Ana-Maria' her face is cold and irritated. I knit my eyebrows together in concern, Graham purses his lips and pats my arm, walking closer wearily. Ryan follows him and I catch Yaz's arm before she can too.
"Be careful, stay close. I don't trust this." I tell her, she smiles reassuringly and squeezes my hand. We walk together through the massive doors and into an even larger courtyard.  Adrian follows Ana-Maria sheepishly, we look around the large stone wall enclosed space, a few servants dot the massive space, feeding horses or sweeping the cold stone floor. I look around uncomfortably and notice I'm falling behind the others and I rush to catch up, Ryan notices and pulls me into a side hug while we walk.
"You alright Doctor?" He asks rubbing my arm reassuringly, I nod pursing my lips in a smile. 
Another door swings open, this time opening into the castle.
"Why are we here?" Yaz asks looking around the massive foyer. Lady Ana turns around, her long black dress swirls around with her.
"The bigger question, my dear is why are you here?" She asks.
"We aren't from here-" I start
"Clearly" She cuts in, I notice Yaz glaring in the corner of my eye.
"And we needed a place to get warm, we didn't realise this was anything special" I say, she clearly didn't take kindly to that. She cocks an eyebrow at me at Adrian stops in his tracks.
"How dare you!" He exclaims, she throws an arm in front of the advancing butler.
"Patience Adrian." She tells him, he stops and retreats.
"I apologize on behalf of my butler, he can be protective" She says calmly, too calmly.
"Well, thanks for the grand tour, I think we've outstayed our visit so we'll just show ourselves out" I say stepping away from the tall woman, while my eyes are trained on Maria I back into a person, I gasp and jump back to see Adrian standing behind me.
"I- but you were just there" I stammer pointing beside Maria, this is getting worse by the second. 
"Well you can't leave now, it is too dark out, travellers have a tendancy to get lost in these parts..." She says, licking her lips slightly, Yaz glances over at me in concern.
"Really, we're fine, its just a short walk anyhow" Graham tells her.
"You're testing my patience dear" She warns, I step in front of the others who seem to be growing more scared by the minute.
"And you mine, we're leaving." I say angrily, she scoffs and steps closer, i move back with my arms spread out beside me, I feel Yaz's hand on my waist.
"Doctor stop you're gonna get yourself killed" She whispers.
"You aren't going anywhere" She hisses, just then a large pair of hands grab my shoulders and pull me back, I hear Yaz scream and whip my head around to see the others being dragged away by hooded men.
"NO! STOP! YASMIN!" I yell, struggling against the strength of whoever is holding me.

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