Part 11

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Yaz's POV
I stand behind Ria complete helpless as I watch her press a button on the strange device, I have no idea what the thing is going to do, what if it hurts her? Crap! A small light blue ball shoots out of the end and hits The Doctor square in the chest.
"No!" I shout, running forward, grabbing Ria by the shoulders and pulling her away, she tries to use the weapon on me and I knock it out of her hands, I never thought my police training would be used in a situation like this! Ria punches me in the gut and I gasp, trying to retrieve the air back into my lungs. I grab the handcuffs out of her pocket and clasp them around her wrists, she turns around and glares at me and I smile sarcastically. I grab her and shove her into a corner.
"Sit. Stay." I order, she huffs and curls her knees to her chest. I turn around and rush to the Doctor.
"Doctor! Are you okay!?" I gasp, she's still standing upright, her eyes are still moving and blinking but she won't move, I don't understand what's happening... Her eyes soften, trying to communicate that shes okay.
"What did you do!?" I ask Ria angrily.
"What you've never heard of a freeze tagger?" She scoffs I spread my hands and shake my head in frustration.
"Her muscles have frozen, tensed. She'll be perfectly fine she just can't move or talk" Ria tells me. I try to stifle a sob and turn back to look at the Doctor again.
"You're gonna be okay, I'll look after you" I tell her, stroking her cheek.
"Where's Jeb?" I ask quickly, Ria smirks.
"Taking care of the boys" she says, I look behind be at the Doctor, her eyes widen and she sighs heavily.
"He's not gonna hurt them right?" I ask, she shrugs.
"Not unless they try something"
I sigh, that's pretty likely knowing those two. I turn back around to The Doctor, walking closer.
"I'm going to go make sure they're okay, I'm gonna leave you in here but don't worry I'm taking Ria. I'll be back soon okay?" I say, I realise she can't reply.
"Uhh blink twice if that's okay"
She blinks twice, I laugh a little and turn, before I leave I turn back around and run to her, pressing my lips firmly against hers. Ria makes a retching noise and I glare at her.
"Okay, I'll be back soon." I say, squeezing her stiff hand. I turn to Ria and grab her by the arm, lifting her off the ground and dragging her out of the door and down the hall.
"Where are the others?" I ask stiffly, she huffs and tries to tug her arm out of my grip, I pull back hard.
"Oi, I'm in charge here, tell me" I bark, she looks at me, wide eyed.
"Okay okay... Here up ahead" she groans pointing to a door a little ways down the hall. 
"Good, that wasn't so hard was it?" I ask, she huffs. We stop in front of the door and I look at Ria expectantly. She sighs and rolls her eyes, pressing her hand on the metal. The door slides open and it reveals Ryan and Graham, Ryan is sat on his bed with his head in his hands and Graham is lying on his bed staring at the ceiling.
"Yaz!" Ryan gasps jumping onto his feet, I smile and Graham stands up, starting to walk to me. He notices Ria standing next to me and steps back wearily.
"Why is she here?" He asks. I lift her arm to display her locked up wrists. He doesn't seem to trust it but I don't really blame him.
"Where's the Doc?" he asks, creasing his brow in concern. I bite my lip, the thought of her standing there all alone, probably scared and maybe in pain...

The Doctor's POV
I'm completely alone, I can't move or speak or anything at all. It's scary... I've never felt like this... My fingers start to warm up, I can move them! My arms start to loosen up and I can finally move. I sigh thankfully, shaking my hands and arms to help blood flow.
I grab my sonic from a bed and leave, running down the hall. I spot Yaz and the others leaving a room.
"Doctor!" Yaz gasps, running and embracing me tightly, It feels so good to hug her. She pulls away slowly and she gazes into my eyes. I want to kiss her so bad but I shouldn't. At least not in front of the others... I step back and turn to the others.
"Hey you two, how'd you manage?" I ask.
"Not brilliant, it was pretty boring" Ryan sighs, I chuckle and unlock their cuffs with my sonic.
"So how were you two?" Graham asks, he's holding Ria by the elbow. Yaz - Who is standing behind Graham and Ryan - Widens her eyes and stifles a giggle.
"Oh uh- Yaz just had a nap, did you know she snores heavily?" I say, she stops giggling and glares at me, Ryan points and laughs mockingly.
"What!? I don't!!" She protests, shoving Ryan jokingly.
"Okay not really" I laugh. Ria crosses her arms, honestly i forgot she was there really...
The mood instantly changes and I shift on my feet awkwardly.
"What do we do with her?" Yaz asks from behind me, shooting Ria a dirty look.
"Come with me" I say turning on my heel, striding down the hall with the others not far behind, Ria reluctantly being dragged in tow. I walk back into mine and Yaz's room.
"Hand over everything in your pockets" I demand, Ria looks at me, her face stone cold.
"Not a chance" She tells me stiffly. I look over at Yaz.
"Yaz, you were taught how to pat someone down during your time training right?" I ask, she nods and i gesture to Ria.
"Put your arms out. Now." Yaz tells her. She sighs and does as she's told, Yaz puts a hand either side of Ria's torso and pats lightly down her legs and back up to her arms.
"Jealous?" Ryan whispers, leaning close. I look at him in shock and he laughs.
"She's clear." Yaz says, I try to recompose myself and smile.
"Okay, we need a way to keep her in here, she can open the doors with her hand and she can still do that with the cuffs so we're gonna have to keep her away... any ideas?" I ask, wandering around the small room, looking at possibilities. Ria clears her throat.
"I'm still here you know" She says grumpily, I roll my eyes.
"Well obviously, the problem is I don't know how to keep you here" I say exasperatedly, Graham chuckles. 

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