Part 19

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Hey lovelies! I'd just like to apologize for not updating recently, my health hasn't been good recently (mental, which has taken a physical toll) I'm doing better now, so I hope things get back on track!!
Today's chapter is dedicated to Chqrliexo!
(also to clarify, these aren't ordered, I appreciate you all equally!)

The Doctor's POV
I stand stock-still, anticipation fluttering in my gut as my eyes stay fixed on the shimmering figure materialising before me.
Almost as suddenly as the shimmering began it stopped, leaving a very confused looking River Song in it's place.
She looks around, her brows furrowed. Finally she lays eyes on Yaz and I.
"Who are you? Why am I- Here... again...?" She trails off, her mouth hanging open.
She looks back at me for answers, but I have none, only a fond smile for the woman I've missed all this time.

River steps off the teleportation pad and closer to me.
"Do I know you?" She asks, looking me up and down.
How do I answer that?
"We'll I'd hope so, you married me!" I grin.
River's eyes widen, finally recognising me.
"Well, I have to say the last body wasn't so much my type but this one... I can get behind." She winks, brushing my hair behind my ear, she leans close.
"Hello sweetie" She whispers softly.
Yaz shuffles awkwardly beside me and River glances at her for the first time.
"Oh! Is this your companion?" She asks, smiling kindly.
"Yaz Kahn, I'm... yeah, you could say companion." Yaz says, forcing a smile.

"Yaz is more than that, she's my girlfriend." I say, River smiles warmly at Yaz.
"You could do a lot worse. You've done better though" She chuckles.
"I'm joking, it's lovely to meet you Yaz" She says, extending a hand to shake Yaz's.
Yaz laughs in relief and shakes River's hand.
"Oh, it's not just Yaz! You haven't met the boys yet!" I gasp, River's eyes widen.
"Wow you're getting adventurous! I'm not sure there'll be room for us all" She laughs, clearing her throat.
"Oh no! No no... eugh... No they're just friends" I gasp, River cackles at my discomfort, squeezing my shoulder.
"It's good to be back Doctor, I missed you." She says earnestly, we share a brief fond smile before following after Yaz who is trying to locate the boys via our communication wrist bands.

Yaz's POV
I decide it's best to give them some space, I mean, I guess they are married... But what does that mean for us? For me? Is she going to leave me now...? Oh god I hope not...
I tap my wrist band and the sound of Graham whistling a tune to himself tunes in.
"Hey guys, hurry back to the TARDIS, you aren't gonna believe this" I say, mustering my best normal voice.
I take a shuddering breath and shake my head. The Doctor introduced me as her girlfriend - to her wife... this is weird.
Graham and Ryan finally turn a corner after what feels like ages of somewhat awkward small talk between me, my girlfriend, and my girlfriend's wife.
"Woah, who's this?" Ryan asks, swaggering up to River.
"This is River Song, she's my wife" The Doctor says, completely straight-faced. River and I bite back giggles as the boys' faces contort into confusion.
"Its a long story." River shakes her head, extending her hand to Graham and Ryan.
They shake her hand warmly, glancing at me worriedly. I smile as if nothing is new.

We all load into the TARDIS and River looks around, gasping quietly.
"This model is gorgeous Doctor...!" She mutters, brushing her fingertips against the control panel. She flicks a few levers and presses a button or two and me, Ryan and Graham flinch.
"I wouldn't touch anything if I were you-" I begin, trailing off as The Doctor barely bats an eyelid.
"Oh don't worry, River knows her way around the TARDIS" The Doctor shrugs. I bite my lip, shame tingling in my fingertips.
I can't help but feel inadequate around River, I'm not normally the jealous type but seeing them bounce jokes and laughter back and forth while I stand behind them dumbly - well it doesn't feel good...

Ryan taps me on the shoulder and I turn, grateful for an excuse to look away.
"You alright Yaz? This is well weird..." Ryan asks, I purse my lips.
"Well it's definitely confusing, I'm gonna talk to The Doctor later... Don't worry, I'll be fine." I answer, hoping he sees through my half-hearted attempt at lying.
Unfortunately he's not that stupid.
"Yaz, I've known you since nursery, I know something's up." He sighs, I shiver slightly, avoiding his gaze.
"Okay, I won't lie, I'm not fine - but I will be after I talk to The Doctor... Don't worry Ryan." I sigh, smiling honestly.
"Okay Yaz... I'm here to talk okay?" He answers, I nod.
I turn somewhat unwillingly back to River and The Doctor and their effortless banter, I shuffle my feet awkwardly, waiting for a pause in their conversation that never seems to come...
"I'm gonna go to bed, Doctor." I jump in.
The two seem to startle as if they forgot I was there, River smiles somewhat awkwardly.
"Oh, okay Yaz... it's still quite early..." The Doctor says furrowing her brow.

I shake my head, faking cheery.
"I just wanna catch up on some reading" I smile, The Doctor's eyes narrow ever so slightly but nevertheless she kisses my forehead and everyone bids me goodnight.
I sigh shakily as soon as my back is turned from the others and head to my room.
I plop onto my bed, dropping my head into my hands... If River stays... Well I can't expect the Doctor to chose me, can I?
I flop onto my back, staring up at the dark ceiling.
It never occurred to me that I could lose her, our relationship felt so... safe... Now I'm not sure... Why didn't she ever mention she had a wife? This sucks. I can feel my heart shattering and I'm not sure I can put the pieces back together...

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