Part 5

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Yaz's POV
Oh my god we're kissing, we're finally kissing, I can't believe it. Her lips are so soft and warm, i've wanted this since I first met her.  We pull apart slowly, my hand still against her neck.

"Wow" I whisper, she smiles and stands up, offering her hand out to me, I take it and stand up. She puts her hands on my waist and looks into my eyes
"I'm so glad I found you in time" She whispers touching her forehead against mine with her hands either side of my face. I smile and kiss her again.
"I knew you would. You always do." I say, she beams and strokes my cheek.
A piercing scream makes us jump, she whips around and sighs
"Not always. Come on." She says breathlessly, grabbing my hand and running down the corridors. I try to keep up as much as I can with her, thankfully I'm used to it.
We round a corner to see the boys desperately trying to contain the vampire, she thrashes wildly and screams. Her true colours of insanity are clearly running true.
"Little help here Doc?" Graham groans, trying to hold her still.

"Oh, yeah right sorry" She says running forward, I do the same and we grab a leg each, she struggles and kicks ferociously, her foot collides with my eye and I yell in pain, dropping her leg and clutch my eye, falling back onto the floor.
"Yaz!" The Doctor exclaims, also dropping Ana's leg and rushing to my side.
"I'm- fine. the boys need help- i'll be ok" I groan, tapping her hand reassuringly, I'm really not ok, i want her to wrap her arms around me and kiss my bruised cheek better but the boys really need help restraining that psychopath. I stand back up but feel lightheaded, I stumble back against the wall and slide down onto the floor, she kicked me hard Jesus.
"Are you sure you're okay Yaz? You don't look too good" Ryan asks, struggling to speak as he tries to hold Ana-Marie. I nod my head, breathing heavily trying to get rid of the dizziness buzzing in my head. I look up at The Doctor, she's so strong, so brave. I wish I was like that...
Suddenly she yells in pain, Ana-Maria has sunk her teeth into The Doctor's left wrist.
"NO!" I scream, my head hums like a swarm of wasps are trapped inside but I stand up and rush to her side.
"Doctor! Oh my God" I gasp, thick red blood begins to trail down her arm, I help her away and unbutton my plaid shirt, it's cold down here and this white tank top isn't exactly the warmest thing but oh well. I wrap it around her wrist and arm, tying it tightly.
The Doctor's POV
I try to control the young woman who is doing anything to get away from my grip, Ryan looses his grip and I quickly grab her arm in place of him. Wrong move. She looks at me viciously and bites down on my upper arm, breaking skin. Vampire bites are different to human ones, they have a type of venom on the teeth that courses through your veins burning them until every cell is dead and all that's left is your body and a need for blood. Thankfully it won't do all that to me but it doesn't mean the pain of being burned isn't still there. I yell in pain and hear Yaz scream somewhere behind me. Then she grabs me and pulls be away, sitting me against a wall, she shouldn't be doing this she's hurt too.
"Doctor! Oh my God!" She sobs, I look down to see blood pouring out of my arm, Yaz begins unbuttoning her shirt and I look away instantly, noticing she has a top underneath I look back at my arm where her shirt is being tied tightly.
"Yaz i- OW!" I yell in pain.
"Sorry" she tells me pursing her lips
"I don't need this, I'll - agh- be okay" I reassure her through groans of pain. She raises an eyebrow at me and i huff in annoyance.
"Okay not fine but I've been worse, sword fights with a missing limb, skipping stones while being electrocuted-OUCH-all that stuff" I tell her nonchalantly.
"Long story" I reply in response to the confused look on her face.
"Are you going to be turned into a vampire...?"  Yaz asks worriedly, i chuckle and put a hand against her cheek soothingly.
"That's impossible, my blood literally doesn't allow it." I tell her.
"Is she okay?" Graham asks, still trying to tame the extremely pissed vampire.
"Yes I'm fine! You lot overreact too much" I say cheerily, standing up. Yaz catches my arm before I can walk further and pulls me back to her.
"Doctor I don't think you should be helping them anymore, you'll hurt your hand more" she tells me sternly, I groan loudly and roll my eyes.
"But I hate not doing stuff! I have to be doing something! Always something! Other wise my mind goes all wobbly, can't concentrate unless I'm doing something!" I tell her, expressing my words with my hands.
"Help us figure out a plan then" she tells me, grabbing a leg of the ferocious girl.
Think, think! Come on you idiot think!

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