Part 10

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Yaz's POV
Her lips are addictive, the way she kisses me is intoxicating. It's like I crave to kiss her again every time we pull away. I make sure to savour this one as much as I can, as long as I can.
My hands are locked together at the wrists so I grab the collar of her coat and pull it closer against my body.
"Someones-going to- come back-" She gasps through my desperate kisses, I know she's right but I don't want it to end. I groan and kiss her once more before pulling away and stepping back. She smiles cheekily at me and I giggle, handing her the sonic.
She points it at my cuffs and they click and fall away onto the floor with a soft clunk. I smile and rub my wrists where the metal dug in and pinched my skin. She flips the sonic onto her own shackles and with a soft whirr they too unlock and drop onto the ground. She spins around to the door and points the sonic at that, it makes it's usual noise followed by a high pitched squeal.
"Really? This you can't manage?" She gasps in annoyance, I sigh and sit on a bed.
"What now?" I ask, The Doctor shrugs.
"We wait" she tells me. I groan and flop backward onto the bed. The Doctor starts pacing the room, I listen to her softly walk across the marble floor, the sound slowly helping me to sleep.
Suddenly I'm being shaken awake by a pair of small hands, I open my eyes and look up to see the Doctor kneeling over me right over my face.
"Woah!" I gasp sitting up, knocking our foreheads together hard, she falls back to the end of the bed groaning, clutching her head.
"Ouch! Yaz why'd you do that!?" She gasps rubbing the now slightly red spot where our heads collided.
"I didn't do it on purpose! You scared me! I'm not exactly used to making up with someone's face inches from mine" I tell her, she looks at me for a moment, her eyes twinkling naughtily, her expression makes me crack up, laughing so hard I have to clutch my side from a stitch, she laughs just as hard as I, at this point I'm not even sure what's funny, we just have uncontrollable urge to laugh. That's the best feeling and it's even better with the person I love most in the universe.

The Doctor's POV
Laughter and joy is filling me and pouring out, I suddenly remember why I had to wake up Yaz.
"Oh! Yaz! Come with me" I gasp, she looks at me in confusion and I grab her hand pulling her to the middle of the room.
"What? Why what's happening?" She asks confusedly, I point to the floor and she looks at me like I'm crazy.
"Oh right I should explain, listen!" I say hurriedly, kneeling down and pressing my ear against the marble, she narrows her eyes but does the same as I.
"Do you hear that?" I whisper, she shakes her head.
"Listen" I hush, a soft humming can be heard.
"Oh I hear it! What is that?" She exclaims, I shrug.
"Dunno, but I think it's worth finding out" I tell her smiling
I stand upright and my coat flicks around me, I pick up a pair of the handcuffs and look them over, flipping them in my hands. I quickly press my tongue against the metal and lick it, I feel Yaz's eyes widen in shock behind me.
"What are you doing!?" She asks.
"I can't tell what type of metal this is so I'm testing it." I tell her, she shrugs.
"Sure sounds about right" she replies chuckling softly, I smile to myself.
The metal isn't what I expected, earthy tasting, like dirt or grass - weird. Just then the door slides open and I jump away from Ria who seems just as surprised as I.
"What!? How did you- your hands they're-" she stutters
"Oh yeah, remember the thing about not liking cages? Not a fan of handcuffs either" I tell her shrugging, she knits her brows and picks up the discarded metal and pockets it sighing.
"I need your device, the sonic is that what you call it?" She says, I glare at her and she purses her lips.
"Come on there's no use fighting it" she says stepping closer with her hand out. I cross my arms keeping the sonic close against my chest.
She takes out a device of he own, square shaped like a taser, I've seen one of those before... it's called a freeze tagger, it basically zaps you with enough energy to freeze up your muscles so you can't move.
"Hand it over or you'll find out what my device can do" she tells me pointing it near my face.
"Bad move, I don't tend to do well with people when they threaten me" I reply stepping away from her.
My eyes flash from the device in Ria's hand to Yaz stand behind her, she catches my eye and I gesture to the open door behind Ria, trying to get the message across that she should leave but she doesn't move.
"Hey! Really trying to help here, threatening her is not a good idea!" Yaz calls, Ria doesn't flinch.
"I'm going to warn you one more time, give me the sonic." She says stepping closer again, her tagger inches from my face. I clench my jaw and lean away from her, I glance back at Yaz and I notice the panic and concern in her eyes.
"Last chance" Ria hisses, I can't give it to her, it's our only chance of getting out of here. I close my eyes, readying myself to be shocked. A soft buzzing noise starts in front of my face and I open my eyes just before a feeling hits me I've never felt, something coursing through my body, stiffening my arms and legs, my jaw clamps shut.

I apologize for lack of uploads, I sort of broke wattpad and my chapters for mixed up so the order would go 10, 8, 6, 17 and so on, I finally fixed it and hopefully things will be back to normal! Thanks for all the love <3

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