Part 14

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Yaz's POV
"I've been building a piece of technology but I need your mind to finish it." Jeb tells the Doctor, his grip on my shoulder strong and tight.
The Doctor is growing more and more stressed out and it's obvious.
"What does the technology do exactly?" The Doctor asks, walking slowly around the room, surveying the various wires, buttons and screens.
"I'll just tell you as it is, no use skirting around it. My plan is to use my device to mass teleport everyone in this colony into an anti-void." Jeb explains. I look from him to The Doctor in shock, she seems just as taken aback. She stumbles over her words for a moment before pulling herself back together.
"I- I'm not going to do that" she says, Jeb chuckles and pulls me up by the arm into a standing position.
"That's where she comes in" He says gesturing at me. The Doctor groans and rolls her head back frustratedly.
"Oh Jebodiah, hostages never go to plan, we both know I'm never going to do it just like you're never going to kill Yaz, you don't even have a weapon."
Jeb's expression quickly turns thunderous, his reveal didn't procure the desired effect and now he's angry. He grips my upper arm harder and drags me across to one of the full body windows overlooking the crowd. He swings the window open and thrusts me toward the edge. A soft scream escapes my lips as I look down at the crowds so far below me. A fall like this would kill me before I even hit the floor. The Doctor instantly darts forward, one hand outstretched.
"Okay! Okay just- just calm down alright? Let's all just relax." She gasps, Jeb's eyes are wild and unpredictable.
"Don't do it Doctor! Innocent people will die!" I call, my eyes are filling with tears but the blurry shape of the Doctor seems to become more and more distressed, her originally strong and steady posture has loosened, her shoulders are sagging and her hands that previously were balled up into fists are hanging at her sides.
"Yaz- I can't lose you" she whispers, I shake my head and blink tears from my eyes.
"I'm not lost if we both know where I'm going." I tell her. She purses her lips, choking back tears.
"She's not going to do it. You may as well let go now." I tell him, the Doctor shakes her head.
"What do you say Doctor?" Jeb asks.
She looks right into my eyes, even when death is a few hundred miles below me, I feel calm and relaxed - I trust her.
"I can't kill those people. But I can't let you kill her." The Doctor tells him. He loosens his grip on my arm, I let out a strangled sort of scream and he tightens his grip again, adrenaline is tingling in my fingers and toes.
"You have five seconds before i let go of this girl and she crashes to the ground so far below us, such a shame it would be, such a young life lost" Jeb tells us.
"better one young life than hundreds" I snap, he glares at me and I stare up indignantly.
"One" Jeb begins, the Doctor gasps.
"Doctor, it's ok" I call
"I love you Yasmin Khan!"
Jeb's grip on my arm loosens entirely and instantly my body is plummeting towards the parade below. So this is how I die, without telling the woman I love how I feel...

The Doctor's POV
"I love you Yasmin Khan!" I shout
"I-" she begins, only to be cut short by Jeb uttering the last word she'll ever hear. Suddenly Ryan tackles Jeb from behind. This is my chance. I run to the TARDIS, the doors swing open as if they know and I start her up, switching on the cloaking device. The doors remain open and it snaps from the strange room to falling along side Yaz, I run to the doors, using the rail to keep me inside the ship.
"YAZ!" I shout, reaching my hand out to grab her hand. I miss, just brushing her fingers lightly. Another try and this time I hook my foot around a rail and lean further, I glance down and notice the floor, and people on it are growing uncomfortably close. I reach as far and hard as I can and manage to grab Yaz's hand tightly. I use all my strength to pull us into the TARDIS.
We land on the grated floors hard, I stand up immediately and push a button on the control panel, we've stopped falling and are suspended in the air, invisible to everyone below. I run to Yaz who is still stomach down on the floor, gasping for air desperately. I kneel beside her and lift her up slightly, leaning against my body. I sigh in relief and brush her hair away from her wind-whipped face. She says nothing, but I can't blame her for it, her mouth and throat will be dry and her lungs are still working out the air she inhaled and swallowed so quickly.
"I- I love you too." She whispers hoarsley, her voice is quiet and rough, I'm just glad to hear it at all though. Especially saying the greatest phrase in the entire universe. I kiss her gently and quickly so she can keep her breath. She beams up at me and kisses me again, long and hard. She pulls herself up with my shoulders and sits on my lap, one leg either side, still kneeling on the grated floor.
"Oh!" I gasp pulling away quickly, Yaz looks at me worriedly.
"What? Are you okay!?" She asks, her voice still a little gravelly.
"I left Jeb and Ryan!" I tell her, standing up and flinging open the TARDIS doors.


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