Part 22

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this chapter is dedicated to bunnyHopz2!
thank you for reading <3

  The Doctor's POV

We all step out of the TARDIS and into the cool air, taking a moment to admire the view before us.

"I don't think I could ever get bored of this, new worlds, new things to see." Yaz sighs, twirling around to take in the sight.
I smile to myself as I watch her, the looks on their faces, in their eyes - that never gets old.

"So! This is Tenzon! The last time I visited, the population was in the billions but the last twenty years it has dwindled down to around four thousand." I exclaim, mostly speaking to Yaz, River is distracted by something on a device - plus she knows all this already.

"From billions to thousands? In only twenty years? There must be something wrong..." Yaz sighs, furrowing her brow.

"You're right Yaz, we'll figure it out though." River answers, looking up from her gadget and around at our surroundings.

"Beautiful place... Let's hope it stays that way." She sighs. I nod in agreement, and we trudge down a worn path.

The last time I was here, the square was a bustling, happy centre to a beautiful city, but as we enter the large plaza there are only a small handful of people shuffling around the outskirts, weirdly distant from each other...
Yaz, River and I all share confused glances as we survey our surroundings.
A young woman carrying some heavy-looking bags slows down as she trudges past us, staring at us with an odd sense of pity, I take a step forward.

"Hello! We received a call asking for some help, anything we can do?" I exclaim, the woman takes an almost fearful step back away from me as I approach, I frown.

"Everything okay?" I ask - The woman screws her eyes up and shakes her head.

"No-NO!!" She screams, Yaz flinches ever so slightly from beside me.

"I um- yes, sorry, everything is fine." She gasps, her eyes wide like she shocked herself too.

"Well, that doesn't sound fine to me" River smiles warmly, taking a cautious step toward the scared looking woman.

Yaz's POV

I watch River take a step and can't help but feel a crushing anxiety, the feeling of uselessness I keep ending up with every time we go on a new adventure, feeling like I can't keep up with River or The Doctor, I keep needing to be rescued.

"Scared?"  The Doctor's voice asks snidely from my left - I look over quickly, she's watching River attempt to reason with the fearful woman, like nothing had happened
"What?" I ask quietly, she glances over, taking a while to move her eyes off River as her head turns, she smiles confusedly.

"What's up?" She asks, I shake my head, frowning.

"Never mind..." I shrug, supposing I must be hearing things.

River has managed to calm the girl, and get close enough to comfort her - I decide my training could come in useful here.

"Hi, my name's Yaz, this is River and The Doctor," I say, gesturing to the others.

"What's your name?" I ask carefully.

She looks only twenty at least - or, whatever the Tenzon equivalent of
'at least twenty' is. She doesn't look hurt - scared definitely, but not hurt.

"My name is Tara...*" She stammers, almost too quietly to be heard.

"Tara, can you tell me what's going on here?" I ask carefully, she shakes her head.

"You'll... you'll think I'm mad..." Tara sighs.

"Try me, I can guarantee it won't come close to my top ten maddest things I've heard this week" I laugh, glancing at The Doctor briefly, she purses her lips.
I tip my head to the side slightly, waiting for her to manage a new sentence.

"W-hat!? No that's not true you're not... you're... shut up!" She gasps, shaking her head furiously.

Before I can even begin to speak she lunges at me, pushing my shoulders hard.
I trip back and fall into River's (possibly unwilling) arms. She helps me stand and as I look up I see The Doctor approaching Tara rapidly.

"Doctor, stop!" I shout, sprinting to the two women and pushing myself between them.

"Something's not right, I wasn't speaking, remember? So what was she hearing?"
I say frantically - it's not like the Doctor to fly off the handle like that.

Her eyes flicker, like she's coming back from wherever her head went to for a moment.
Tara is shaking, clutching her hands to her chest.

"I'm so sorry-" She gasps.

"Don't be, no harm done! She's just overprotective." I smile, gesturing to The Doctor who nods in agreement. Tara takes a shaky breath and bends down to collect the bags that she dropped to the ground in her panic.

"Here, let me help" I say, leaning over to assist her.

We straighten upright and Tara takes a deep breath and tries to compose herself.

"Is there someone in charge here? Or someone that knows more about whatever's going on?" River asks, The Doctor and I share a quick look, we don't exactly have good experiences with leaders of alien planets...

Tara nods hesitantly and points down a quiet side street
We thank her and promise to get to the bottom of whatever is going on here, and we follow her directions.

*soz ik that's the most basic female alien name but I was strugglin for ideas lmao

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