Part 18

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A.N hey guys!! I decided I wanted to start giving y'all some love back, so from now on I'm gonna start dedicating chapters to you guys!! This first one is dedicated to BenHutchings1 ! He has been so supportive and kind so I thought I'd shout him out :)
If you'd like a part dedicated to you just support me and my writing!! I notice every single person who votes and comments on my fanfics, but this is a way to really show how much I appreciate it :))
Sorry for blabbering loads, I'll let you get on with reading, please enjoy!

Yaz's POV

I walk through the corridors of the library, all that occupies my mind is The Doctor. What, or who is River? Why was The Doctor so upset when we landed?
I turn a corner onto a balcony and my breath is snatched from my lungs.
I'm met with the most beautiful view, overlooking what looks to be a city, completely deserted. Piles of books scatter the floor and bannister around the balcony, as I step closer to admire the view a small, blue book catches my eye.
The shape reminds me of the TARDIS, I frown, picking it up slowly.
I trace my fingers against the cover, it doesn't look like a book, the pages are too creased and slightly browned, more like a diary. I flip the pages open and begin reading.

The first page is a list of rules...


#1 the doctor lies.

. . .

#7 never run when you're scared.

. . .

#27 never knowingly be serious

. . .

#408 time is not the boss of you.


The Doctor? Who wrote this? As I flick through the pages curiously there are several sketches of men, one with a sharp jawline and spiked hair, one with fluffy brown hair, a fez and bowtie, and an older man with grey curly hair and sad eyes.
The words 'My Doctor and his faces' are written beside each drawing. As well as that there are diary entries detailing outings with The Doctor... But this doesn't make sense... I sigh, shoving the diary into my pocket.

The Doctor's POV
I dash down the halls to the awful place where she uttered her last words, reactivating the gravity lift and taking it all the way down. I turn a corner and I'm back in the room River Song took her last breath.
"Why am I here!?" I shout, looking around the room desperately.
Suddenly, a thought pops into my head, it's stupid and might not even be possible, but it's worth a try.
My fingers brush against the socket I plugged my sonic into to transfer her data so long ago... Maybe, just maybe this could work.
I click my sonic into place and take a breath before pressing the button. It whirrs softly and makes a clunking sort of sound.

A small orange spark of electricity crackles out of my sonic, zapping my fingers. I yelp, jumping back in surprise.
I shake it off and take a step back, waiting...
"Damnit" I mutter under my breath, shoving my hands in my pockets.
"I tried, River... I just don't know what we're doing here..." I sigh, finally accepting defeat in the same cold, dark room I did, long ago when I let her give up her life...

"River..." A voice says from the shadows beside me. I look up from my shoes to the approaching figure.
"Yaz..." I sigh, reaching my arms out to her as her face comes into view.
"That name, again... Who is she?" Yaz asks quietly, stock still waiting for my response.
"She was... An old friend, gone now, though." I answer.
She doesn't seem to entirely believe me, but her head nods.
"Come on, I can't stand to stay in this room another minute." I mumble, taking her hand as we exit the dimly lit concrete room.
The halls of the Library would've been beautiful under different circumstances, but all I feel is disappointment.

As we walk in silence things between us feel unfamiliar, wrong almost.
"Are you okay?" Yaz asks, breaking the crushing absence of sound.
I take a steady breath, considering her question carefully.
"I will be, this place just brings back bad memories..." I say, Yaz purses her lips.
"Of River?" She asks, I nod glumly.
"She meant a lot to you, huh?" She asks, I hesitate.
Before I can answer I spot something out of the corner of my eye.

Yaz's POV
The Doctor doesn't respond. Instead, she stares off at some gadgets in the corner of the room.
"Oh! Yes of course!" The Doctor gasps, skipping on the spot slightly.
She dashes to something somewhat resembling a cash point and plugs her sonic into a socket.
"I don't follow-" I say, furrowing my brow confusedly.
"River Song was saved..." The Doctor mutters under her breath. I decide (like I do most of the time) that it's better to let her get on with it and hope she explains later.
She taps and types some things into the screen, seemingly random strings of numbers and symbols. There's something about the way she works that hypnotizes me.
She pulls a lever and takes a step back, staring expectantly at the machine.
"What is that thing?" I ask, The Doctor doesn't move her eyes away.
"It's a teleport... Hopefully this will work..." She says, combing her fingers through her short blonde hair. I shuffle my feet, unsure of what to say...
Suddenly the air starts to shimmer, becoming distorted. I step back in surprise but The Doctor doesn't move, her eyes only open wider, expectant and excited.

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