part 21

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Okay sorry for doing this again but it's important this time!! We hit ten-fucking-thousand (pardon my french) views on this fic!! thank you all so so much, your kind words have meant a lot to me and knowing my track record it's impressive I haven't gotten bored of writing this yet!! that being said, I might not be super active as we're going through some trouble at home right now, I'll keep you all roughly updated, and in the mean time I'll try to write as much as I can. I truly love y'all so much, thank you.

also this chapter is dedicated to Indiaa3738, thank you for supporting me !!

The Doctor's POV

I somehow managed to get myself to fall asleep with Yaz last night, once I clear the constant chatter from my head the tiredness kicks in, heavy and making my head feel muggy, my mind finally catching up with just how exhausted I was running on no-one-knows how little sleep...

The TARDIS clunks, jolting hard and rolling me out of Yaz's bed and onto the hard cold floor. It takes me half a second to kick into action - this is why I don't sleep.
I jump up and run top speed down to the control room.
"Yaz!? River? Guys!?" I yell, just before I skid round the corner.
Once I come fully into the large room my eyes immediately land on River, leaning against the panel like absolutely nothing is wrong. I clunk down the steps quickly to see Yaz also lounging nonchalantly on a sofa, cup of steaming coffee in hand.
"What-- the hell...?" I stammer, spinning around to survey the completely normal looking environment.

"I thought I told you not to leave the breaks on" River chuckles, twisting a dial on a panel.
Yaz glances over, looking me up and down and attempting to suppress a smirk.
I spread my hands in confusion and look down at myself, my suspenders are dangling strangely at my hips and only one of my socks survived the abrupt sprint through the TARDIS, i look like a hot mess.

I look back up at Yaz, and she doesn't seem to be gazing at me judgementally anymore, she's smiling ever so slightly.
"Lookin good, maybe run a brush through that hair" River notes, dragging her fingers through my scruffy hair gently as she walks past me, on her way to a beeping sound on the other side of the unit.
I swat her away as Yaz stands up, kissing me quickly before she follows River to view whatever is showing up on the screen. Her breath smells faintly of coffee and mint, reminding me I should probably brush my teeth - after I find out what's beeping.

"So why were you stealing my TARDIS?" I ask, plodding over and standing between River and Yaz, my hands on my hips.
"Is it technically stealing if we're married?" River queries, looking down at me ever so slightly from her tiny bit of height she has on me.
"Are we still even technically married?" I ask before I can stop myself - the second it comes out of my mouth the room tenses up slightly, Yaz's eyes widen in my peripheral as they flash from my face to River's.
River barely reacts, her cheeky smile fades into a faint, sad sort of grimace.
She blinks, shaking her head lightly as if trying to tip my words back out of her ears like water after a swim.
I glance over at Yaz who's lips are pursed, I can practically hear her trying to figure out who she feels worse for out of the three of us, I don't know but it's definitely not me.

River clears her throat and looks back at the small screen, she takes a quiet shaky breath in through her nose, and out of her mouth.
"Well, I decided we'd go on a little trip -
to take our minds off things..." She says, almost the same as before but with a hint of ice laced in her voice. I silently make a note to myself never to speak again.
"So, we're on the way to the planet Tenzon." River tells us, faking cheery.
"Why Tenzon?" I ask carefully, River shrugs.
"I got a call" She says, I'm not sure I'm in the position to question her so I nod.

Yaz's POV

It's odd seeing The Doctor this quiet, eerie even. It's hard to figure out how to navigate this conversation...
"Where's Ryan, and Graham?" The Doctor asks - that's a safe question, I suppose.
"Family stuff again, it's just us three" I say, it wasn't meant to but it came out irritated, River shifts her jaw as she leans over the control panel - I don't know how the TARDIS works but I know for a fact she's starting at a blank spot on the unit, looking anywhere but at the person she married and that person's girlfriend.
I feel bad for her, like I stole The Doctor without realising. It's odd to me that The Doctor never mentioned River, I would imagine ones wife is an important thing to bring up, given our relationship.

I puff air out through my lips "So, what kind of call are we responding to?" I ask, twisting some loose hair around my finger.
"Not sure, it was odd... here I think I saved the recording - listen for yourself." She says, pulling out a device that looks like a memory stick, I assume it's probably something more high-tech than that.
She plugs it into a socket and a hologram screen pops up in front of us, displaying an audio file waiting to be un-paused.
River presses the button and the screen flickers briefly, and then the audio plays.

"-shut up...- Hello?? Can anyone hear me?? I live on planet Tenzon, in the fourth Starbulous* and something is wrong...
-shut up you're lying...-
Please come quickly"

The audio clip finishes with a crackling sound, leaving us in silence again...
"Yeah, seems like they need help." The Doctor says, a puzzled expression creasing her face.

* bruh I'm just making stuff up,, what the hell is Starbulous???

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