Part 13

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The Doctor's POV
Ryan seems just as agitated as I, concern spread across his face as he searches the crowds for Yaz or Graham, I'm not sure who to be more worried for, I mean Yaz can stick up for herself but she's pretty tiny, if she gets hurt in the crowds like me she might not get as lucky as I did. God the anxiety is making me feel sick. There's got to be something I can do. I stand slowly, groaning as my bruised shoulder aches. Ryan glances at me worriedly.
"You're not gonna run off again are you?" He asks, I shake my head.
"No. YAZ!? GRAHAM!?" I yell at the top of my lungs, causing several passers by to startle and even curse me out in another language. I ignore them and continue shouting their names.

Yaz's POV
I sit with my back to the wall, the room is solid concrete with no windows or doors other than the one we entered with that locked behind them. There's nothing for me to use. I'm trapped. The loud chatter from the parade would drown out any shouts for help. It's completely useless... I groan and clunk my head against the wall behind me. Hours pass as I pace the small dark room, trying to pass the time, or at least distracted myself from the dread slowly building in the pit of my stomach. I want the Doctor. I want to know why I'm here. I want to know where I am. Suddenly the door unlocks and opens slowly. Jeb stands in the door way, glaring angrily. I gasp and back against the wall quickly.
"Quite impressive. That Doctor lass is a smart one. But I suppose I don't have to tell you that." He growls.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"You're going to serve as... Collateral." He tells me sternly, I take another step away from him.
"What? How?" I ask worriedly, he laughs in a way that twists my stomach.
"Come here." He orders. I step closed unwillingly and he grabs my arm.
"Follow me and don't make a sound" he tells me. I know not to, my training said to follow orders if there is any threat. I have to keep myself safe.
He drags me out of the room and around the outskirts of the courtyard. I try to keep my eye out for the Doctor but no luck. As Jeb drags me along I notice Graham standing against a pilar, he has a slight nosebleed but seems fine.  He notices me and his eyes light for up a moment, only to be replaced by worry. My eyes dart from Jeb to Graham, 'get away'. He shakes his head and I nod gently. Reluctantly he glances around and sinks into the crowd. Okay, Grahams safe. We continue on up to a staircase, it's less busy than the courtyard but there are still people standing around chatting.
Another staircase, up up up.
Finally we enter a large room over looking the crowds, panels and buttons surround us.
"What is this place?" I question.
"Give me your hands" he tells me, I do so reluctantly and he clicks another pair of handcuffs around me.
"You didn't answer my question" I say, he glares at me and I hush up.
"Sit. Stay." He orders. I do so and he nods contentedly.

The Doctor's POV
I continue calling out relentlessly, no response.
"You're looking for Yaz?" A man asks, I look at him distrustfully.
"Yes... Do you know where she is?" I ask hopefully, he nods and I glance over at Ryan, he gives me a look sort of like 'bad idea' but I ignore him and step down from the marble block. I follow the guy up a load of stairs, must be like five or six flights?
Finally we get to a large room, we enter and my eyes fall on Yaz, slumped against a wall, her hands cuffed. Her bored expression is quickly replaced by joy when she sees me, I smile widely and rush to hug her but the man grabs my arm and pulls me back into place. I frown and look around at our surroundings, something isn't right. Jeb comes into view in a door way.
"Oh really? You again?" I groan, he clearly doesn't have a sense of humour. I stand up straight, time to get serious.
"Why are we here?" I ask, crossing my arms. Jeb puts and arm on Yaz's shoulder and she flinches slightly, my blood boils but I keep my cool, exhaling quietly to let out my rage.
"I just thought you'd need a little... Incentive." He tells me, I lift my chin as I clench my teeth in fury.
"Is this pushing your buttons a bit?" He asks, shaking Yaz by the shoulder a little. I have to stay cool, he wants me to react. I look into Yaz's eyes, she doesn't look scared, just sad.
"No Jeb, I'm perfectly fine. What dya' mean 'Incentive'?" I ask, his mouth twists into a smile.
"Well I need you to do something, but I'm not too sure you'd do it without a little... Push." He explains. I shake my head a little.
"I'm not doing anything. Let her go." I say, he laughs a little.
"Woah, I don't want a big argument, I'm not gonna hurt her because you're gonna do as you're told okay?" He tells me, fear starts to creep into Yaz's eyes.
"What do you want?" I ask, I have to save her.
"I need a Time Lord's mind for this experiment, that's all" he says, I furrow my eyebrows.
"Okay...? What's the experiment?" I ask, he chuckles to himself.
"Well you see, I'm working on interspace teleportation, it's a difficult art to master - as you know, that's why I need you. Your brilliant mind.

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