His Another Side

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Author's Point Of View:

Once the king reached the warehouse, he was breathing very hard like an animal in rage. He felt like he can't control the anger. It can blaze even more any time soon. His knuckles was white due to clenching it so hard.

The sight of Rose being in pain, mouth covered in blood and lying helplessly at the table only made him furious even more. But...He doesn't want to show his animalistic side to her, because it will only terrify her further. So he calmly and due to anger, lowly asked the three vampires to let her go. But when he saw that they weren't moving or anything, he asked once again to let her go. At this point he was shaking. He didn't know how long he can hold his animal side.

But when he looked at Rose, he saw the fear in her eyes. That very sight of him made her fear, then how she will react when she will witness his other side? He softened. A little bit. A little because , that time his anger was overpowering him.

The three vampires were afraid. But didn't wanted to show it. It will only hurt their ego of course.

But then what the vampires have said to the king next,.....he lost it again. This time he was sure that he wouldn't even hesitate to kill anyone who will try to stop him from killing them.

Rose' Point Of View:

He was looking so deadly. If looks could kill, these vampires wouldn't even alive right now. He spared a glance at me, I shivered. He looked so scary. And right after I thought that, the vampires started to speak,

"W-we are not afraid of you mister." One of them said purposely said the 'mister' so loud.

"Yeah. You are weak actually. You and your this shitty kingdom doesn't even kill humans when they are the source of food. Good thing we went to Vante and the king let us fed humans. And yes we are the one who told everything to him that this kingdom has a pure blood. So why not take her as well. Like your grandmother. Heh"

'oh no'

'they are making it worse'

I looked over the king and he was like triggered...

"Easy folks. Let me say something to him first" other one said and smirked at me. Then looked at the king.

"This human right here doesn't mean anything to you so why don't you share her with us? She isn't even a relative of you or your family. Gaining power isn't bad right? It will be a win and win thing. What to do you say king?" Another one said. I got afraid.. I got goosebumps all over my back and a tear slipped unknowingly.

before I could picture anything The king had his hand on the vampire's throat against the wall nearby. My eyes widened at the sudden event. The wall behind him literally broke by the hard impact.

"If you have the guts, say that again mister. Getting my beloved Grandma in between this situation....only made it worst. Pray for your life beast" his voice was painfully low. The vampire couldn't say anything because he was basically going out of life from being choked by the king.

The other two was just staring at them eyes widened. They were trembling.

"Re-re-lease m-me!"

"Oh you wish?" His eyes turned crimson red now.

"Do-don't do-- Aaf" the vampire was cut off because the king was pressing his sharp nails into the vampire's throat and..... crashed his bones just by his fingers around his face.

A Vampire king |Kim Taehyung|(Wattys2019)Where stories live. Discover now