You are my Mate

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Author's Point Of View:

When the horn blew out, a silluette of a man could be seen amongst the crowd of guards. He just jumped off of his horse. He had eyes of an eagle, there was a visible line of cut on his left eyes, sharp jawline, his hair almost reached his shoulder, sharp pointed nose. Though his skin was beautiful like the others, his had a face of devil. He had a black fur cloak on which reached his feet. He had all the powers a vampire could own. Just like Taehyung's. Naturally the two was rivals amongst one another.
If a fight break out between these two, it would be an epic fight. Nobody could pin point who will win. Local vampires feared them.

Right now, Lucifer is walking with all his guards beside and behind him while making eye contact with The King Of Aurelia. Who looked so intimidating, he had to say. A smirk made its way to his lips as he stared at his rival. Or..'soon to be friend'.

The princes expressions was the same. Stern. There was no emotion in their eyes as they looked at Lucifer's arrogant walk towards them. The princesses were also the same.

If silence could kill, many of the vampires wouldn't be alive right now. It was nerve-wrackingly silent. Only the footsteps of devil could be heard who was climbing the stairs still staring at Taehyung.

Finally the King reached up in the stairs and stood in front of Taehyung. Their staring contest seems forever. The two most intimidating men practically glaring at each other. The King Of Vante made the first move by extending a hand towards The King Of Aurelia for a handshake. Which the King returned while still glaring at his face. The air between them seemed to be sucked out. Even the guards were alert to tactle their Kings even something at that very moment breaks out between them. Yes, it was a that type of situation.

Although they knew even the hundreds of them isn't compatible with their Kings. Still, they hoped.

Before the situation could get any worse, One of the prince had to break them from their lifelong staring contest,

"It's a pleasure to meet with you, Lucifer."

It was Jin.

At last, that caught both of the King's attention, because both of them looked almost at once to Jin, who got startled at bit by that. He would be lying if their glaring face didn't intimidate him. But, he quickly regained his posture and said,

"I hope you had your journey safe and sound?"

Lucifer then smirked and finally retreated his hand from Taehyung. Then he turned fully to look at Jin who had a gentle smile on.

"Yes. I had enjoyed my ride here. Except from the glarings of your vampires." He chuckled darkly.

"But that's okay. Soon we will be forming friendships between us. Isn't it Taehyung?" He added while smirking at Taehyung.

Taehyung had his hands in a tight fists in his pockets. He was trying his best to not to snap at the devil in front of him. Lucifer basically invited himself in, he didn't wanted to. But he had to, in order to save his Kingdom and his human guests. Especially Rose. He gave his best fake smile and spoke for the first time in that day,

"Of course"

Lucifer nodded firmly in satisfaction.

The princes were eyeing him. Looking out for his every move.

"My greatest greetings to you Princes and Princesses. I'm sorry I didn't greet you properly at first."

Lucifer expressed while bowing his head a little. The princes and princesses did the same. Taehyung was intact.

A Vampire king |Kim Taehyung|(Wattys2019)Where stories live. Discover now