I am the King

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Finally, I have what I've always wanted. Rule over Asgard. Yes, everyone including my spoilt Brother think me to be dead, but that's half the fun! That means I can have endless "memorials", statues and plays about me without anyone thinking I am selfish, or planning some sort treason upon me. For I am now, Odin, Allfather- Protector of the Nine Realms. (Apparently)

This has been the best week of my rule. Thor has gone- he's probably fighting a big monster somewhere. While I am free to do what I want. Odin has gone, Thor has gone-And I can lay down, watch an excellent play about my (second)"death" and eat an endless supply of grapes while a peasant watches the Bifrost (instead of Hiemdall, because he can see through me) in case my Brother ruins the party.

Play Loki: I sorry about that time I turned you into a frog.

Play Thor: It was a wonderful joke.

Haha. True.

Loki/Odin: It was indeed hilarious.

Play Thor: I will tell father what you did here today.

Loki/Odin: I didn't do it for him.

Play Loki: I didn't do it for him.

This day couldn't get any better. -Actually,  it does! -I finally get that drink. *Thor catches my eye*

Loki/Odin: Oh, shit.

I didn't mean to say that out loud!

Loki/Odin: My son, Thor has returned! Greetings, my boy.

Thor: Interesting play. What's it called? -Also, I like the statue. A lot better looking when he was alive, though. A little less weaselly, less greasy maybe.

Oi, Rude! Where is that peasant who was supposed to warn me, anyway?!

Thor: *Holding up a disgusting artefact* Do you know what this is?

Oh. Where did he get that?!

Loki/Odin: Ooh, the skull of Surtur. A most formidable weapon. (Pause)

He can't stay here. He's ruining everything.

Loki/Odin: Is it Midgard for you, then?

Thor: Nope.

Brilliant. This gets better.

Thor: I keep having dreams every night about Asgard falling into ruin. The nine realms being destroyed.

Loki/Odin: That's just a silly-

Thor: Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise-All while you; Odin, protector of those Nine Realms, lays in your bath robe, eating grapes. And watching theatre.

Well...What do I say to that?!

Loki/Odin: Well, the board meetings and... security council meetings-

Shit. This really isn't going well.

Thor: Are you really gonna make me do it?

Loki/Odin: Do what?

*Thor throws his hammer and positions me in front of it* Thor...What are you doing?!

Thor: You know that Mjolnir will return to my hand without fail. Nothing will stop it. Not even your face. *I feel his palm pointing to the hammer from behind me*

Loki/Odin: You've gone quite mad! Y-You'll be executed for this!

Thor: Then I'll see you on the other side. Brother.

He knew it was me all along! Of course he did. Stupid disguise-I can never trick him as good as I used to...I need to get out of the way!

Loki/Odin: Alright, I yield! *I turn back as Thor pushes me out of the way*

At least I know I'm slightly convincing by the shocked expression on everyone's faces as I raise my hands innocently...Ah, the peasant.

Skurge: *Hobbling through the crowd* Behold! Thor, Odin's son-

Loki: *Holding up my finger* -No, no. -You had one job. Just the one. (To Thor) You just couldn't stay away, could you? Everything was fine, without you. Asgard was prospering...you've ruined everything. Ask them.

Thor: Where is Odin?

*I don't say anything, so Thor pushes Mjolnir against my chest*

Loki: Ow. Ow! Ok, alright! I know exactly where he is.

I suppose I have to take us there...Midgard.

Loki: RagnarokWhere stories live. Discover now